Tonight on CBS NCIS returns with an all new Tuesday November 10, season 13 episode 8 called, “Saviors” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, insurgents in Sudan attack a group of volunteer doctors and murder some.
On the last episode, Ducky revealed his participation in a secret society devoted to solving cold cases when NCIS investigated the murder of a retired lieutenant who was also a member of the secret group. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.
On tonight’s episode as per the CBS synopsis, “insurgents in Sudan attack a group of volunteer doctors and murder some, while kidnapping others. DiNozzo and McGee visit the crime scene, where DiNozzo is reunited with his ex-girlfriend, whose husband is among those who were attacked.”
Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CBS’s NCIS at 8:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are for the season 13 episode 8.
Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!
NCIS Special Agent Stan Burley called in to headquarters on tonight’s episode of “NCIS” in need of favor. Apparently a friend his, Navy Lieutenant Elizabeth Cortland, was working overseas using her Navy doctor experience to help those in need when the hospital she was in was attacked by insurgents.
It seems the hospital had been in Togu, Sudan which was known as an unstable region. Yet the IDG which stands for International Doctors’ Group hadn’t wanted to leave the people in that area without care. So despite the risks the doctors travelled there with full knowledge of what they were walking into in order to assist the many.
And unfortunately the man that was the leading the group was Dr. David Woods. At the start of their day, no one at NCIS had known who he was but afterwards Dr. Woods became known as only one thing. He was Jeanne Benoit’s husband.
Jeanne had been the one to get away with DiNozzo and till that very day he refused to talk about her or their relationship with others. But it was obvious to everyone that DiNozzo truly cared for her and so they understand if her husband’s case turned out to be a problem. After all David ended up being the man she married while she was perfectly willing to walk away from DiNozzo.
However DiNozzo refused to shy away. His boss wasn’t doing too well and so Gibbs needed him to step. Especially after he collapsed at work right in front of Dr. Taft.
Dr. Taft had known someone that was with the doctors’ group and so he had stopped by to ask after her. Only Joni Ryan along with David Woods were reported as missing. So that came as a personal blow to Taft. He had worked with Joni over the years and she had even been assigned with him to Gibbs’s surgery. But she was missing and after hearing about their connection – Gibbs collapsed.
So Taft finally took Director Vance aside and told him about all of those checkups that Gibbs had been missing and that it turn made Vance bench Gibbs. At least until his old friend got the all-clear from his doctor. And that was never going to happen as long as Taft felt Gibbs’s stress levels was manifesting into physical symptoms.
Therefore Taft wanted Gibbs in touch with his feelings and psyche. And Gibbs being Gibbs was putting up a fight.
Meanwhile DiNozzo, McGee, and Jeanne had flown to South Sudan. Sudan had apparently gained its independence not that long ago but since then various tribes have been doing their best to kill each other at every interval. So when the cavalry arrived, they couldn’t seem to get much help from the nearby villagers.
Those who knew about the attack on the hospital were just not talking. And one young woman put everything in perspective. She said that the doctors and the people that come claiming to help – all eventually leave. But she and many like herself have to stay and face the consequence. So to be quite frank they didn’t want to risk their lives for a couple of doctors.
But sadly that wasn’t the only place that the NCIS weren’t getting any love. Gibbs was able to pull some strings back home but even that could only provide Navy SEAL assistance for twenty-four hours. So the situation in Togu was three NCIS agents and one doctor against a whole tribe.
Though Abby and Palmer did manage to identify which tribe that had attacked the hospital. They got a picture of a knife left behind at the scene and used the dialect etched into it. So that’s how they found out that Shilluk Ethnic Tribe had been behind the attack and kidnapping.
It seems the tribe’s ferocious leader, General Ajat Gadak might have been injured during an earlier skirmish of theirs therefore they kidnapped David and Joni in order to patch up their General.
And while the thing with the Gneral may have begun as a mere idea, the agents ended up finding an abandoned camp site that proved David had still be alive with the tribe. So Jeanne took that as a good sign and the guys backed her up. They knew as long as the tribe needed her husband’s expertise then the longer he got to live.
So all they had to do was track a large slow moving tribe then create a distraction big enough to allow them the necessary time to grab their doctors at the first chance they could. And in the end they were they did that but were allowed to away afterwards thanks to Gibbs. Gibbs had made another round of calls, once he found a way to evade Taft that is, and those calls brought in air support and so that even the playing field.
And luckily everyone got to go home.
But as for DiNozzo, he did something he never thought he would. In returning David to his wife, DiNozzo finally found a way to make it up to Jeanne for the way things had ended between them.