Nicki Minaj Caught Making Fun of The Disabled On Video after Halloween Party – Diva Denies Cruel Jest

Nicki Minaj is causing quite a stir after the “Anaconda” rapper was seen on video making fun of a disabled woman. Well it turns out the electric wheelchair was part of a costume and the woman isn’t actually disabled but Nicki is still taking a lot of heat for what she did and said on film.

Minaj was dressed up on Halloween as a fairy for a Las Vegas party that she hosted. In the video posted by Nicki herself, a wand waving Minaj commanded a disabled woman to stand up and walk. At least that’s what it looked like when Nicki exclaimed, “Now if only I could find Handi-Man,” referring to the 90’s “In Living Colour” character who happens to be a handicapped superhero played by Damon Wayans.

Then Nicki Minaj waived her magic wand and said, “Walk! I command you to walk,” before bursting into laughter. The internet didn’t think it was funny though and blasted Nicki for making fun of the disabled. Even gossip guru Perez Hilton hopped on board and took aim at Nicki Minaj for her insensitive Halloween video.

Nicki Minaj was ready though and she hit back at Perez Hilton for putting her on blast. Nicki tweeted, ““Lol. That’s NOT a disabled person and u know that. Are u that desperate for attention?” Then Minaj added the link of Perez Hilton’s tweet announcing that Nicki Minaj was making fun of the disabled.

It is true that the woman in the motorized scooter is not really disabled. Fans identified her as Sheika Daley, Nicki Minaj’s makeup artist. That almost makes the costume and the joke worse though, right?

In any case, that wasn’t Nicki Minaj’s only Halloween drama. The “Super Bass” rapper is also in hot water for comments she made about a controversial Bill Cosby Halloween costume.

Nicki reposted an Instagram photo of a viral Bill Cosby costume that has been dubbed #PillCosby. It is a two-person costume where one person is dressed as Bill Cosby while holding a bottle of prescription pills. The other person is dressed as a drink-holding, barely conscious woman.

In Nicki Minaj’s caption of the costume photo, the rapper wrote, “Our generation is so desensitized.” Many wondered what Nicki meant with her caption but she is certainly getting criticized as a “Bill Cosby sympathizer.”

Others bashed Minaj for sharing the photo because they thought it was tasteless and crude. Are we surprised that Nicki Minaj might do something tasteless and crude after the jokes she made about the disabled in a video the rapper shared herself?

Nicki Minaj by FameFlynet

Andie Howard:
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