Nicole Kidman’s husband Keith Urban is working very long days with the newly-single Jennifer Lopez, and it has her worried that her already-shaky marriage could wind up in divorce! While The National Enquirer had reported that Nicole was considering moving to Los Angeles so that she could be closer to hubby Keith Urban while he is filming American Idol. The country singer will be spending long hours with hot-Latina Jennifer Lopez and Nicole is not too happy about it, especially because Jennifer is single this season of the show. Last season, when she and Keith worked together, Jennifer was still with now ex-boyfriend Casper Smart.
The National Enquirer had it right when they say Nicole Kidman is very worried about Jennifer Lopez stealing her husband and causing a divorce. Nicole knows that Jennifer has hooked up with many of the men she’s worked with. She is also worried that Keith will be attracted to more than Jennifer’s sexy body and gorgeous face—she believes Keith will actually be most attracted to the fact that she’s an artist. He appreciates her music talent and has mentioned that fact to wife Nicole. Nicole is and actress, er, was an actress, while Jennifer was and still is a triple threat…having found success in singing, dancing, and acting. She’s even produced a couple television shows, and she’s got the American Idol gig. It is really hard not to adore Jennifer because she’s really sweet with her friends, and she definitely considers Keith a friend. Jennifer is a natural flirt, even with those she’s not interested in. It’s just something in her nature.
Nicole, on the other hand, is far more reserved. Right now Nicole is feeling extremely vulnerable after the tragic and sudden loss of her father. She has been really depressed and having a great deal of anxiety, so the fact that her husband is spending more time with Jennifer Lopez than with her, has Nicole Kidman feeling quite crazy.
While Keith Urban doesn’t seem to be Jennifer’s type, you just never know. And with Jennifer Lopez’s reputation with men, Nicole has every right to feel a little bit threatened. What do you think CDLers? Should Nicole be worried?
Photo Credit: FameFlynet