Nikki Ferrell Reveals Reason Behind Juan Pablo Galavis Split: He Was A Douche!

Nikki Ferrell Reveals Reason Behind Juan Pablo Galavis Split: He Was A Douche!

Nikki Ferrell was stuck with one of the worst Bachelors in the history of Bachelor history, Juan Pablo Galavis, so one can’t blame her for dumping him or breaking up with his useless butt. However, although we all assumed that Nikki Ferrell broke up with Juan Pablo because he was a douche, Nikki stayed silent on the subject and hasn’t said anything – until now.

Nikki was interviewed by Chris Harrison during the special Bachelor premiere event, and she was asked about the reasons behind her breakup with Juan Pablo Galavis. Nikki was fairly diplomatic throughout the whole interview, answering, “There was awhile where I did feel like he was totally in love with me. Was it too late? Probably. I think at that point I had come to the conclusion that we were different people and we were never going to be on the same page. At the end of the day, we gave it a go, but we’re two different people.”

TLDR; Nikki Ferrell is a famewhore and Juan Pablo Galavis is a douche. That’s what ‘different’ means in the world of reality television, and even though Nikki desperately wanted that fame and fortune, she also didn’t want to be stuck staying married to such a douche. I mean, yes, you have to be some level of douchey to become the ‘Bachelor’, but at the same time, his off-screen behavior needs to be semi-decent for these women to fake affection for him, right?

There were rumors after Nikki Ferrell’s breakup with Juan Pablo that the two were only together for PR purposes, and their subsequent appearance on Couple’s Therapy definitely supports that. However, their fake relationship probably took a toll on both of them, and this is the nicest way for Nikki to put it without admitting the truth. Plus, she’s probably under contract not to say anything negative about the Bachelor or Juan Pablo – not for a while, at least.

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