Prince George Looks For Prince William: Mixes Up China Cabinet and China Country – Kate Middleton Homonym Story

Most kids that are Prince George’s age are used to seeing their father every night. However, Prince George is the son of Prince William and Kate Middleton, and unfortunately for him, his father is constantly departing their home to go on national and international tours.

However, that’s apparently lead to some hilarious and adorable incidents happening at home. For example, luxury travel agent Claudia Gordon met Kate Middleton at the 105th birthday celebration of the Goring Hotel recently, and she relayed one such incident in very specific detail. She explained [via the Daily Beast], “I asked her if Prince George was excited about the new prince or princess that was coming and she said yes and that he is a toddler and is talking and walking. Then she told me that his daddy, Prince William, was visiting China. After hearing this he went to the china cabinet, opened it and proclaimed ‘daddy is not here.’ She said they would work on his geography.”

D’awwwww. Is anyone else’s heart melting? I mean, Prince George isn’t even two years old yet, so obviously he won’t understand the concept of countries and international travel. To him, his father’s not there and his father’s not in the china cabinet, so where is he?

Granted, it must also be strange that Prince William is so often missing from his daily routines, especially when Kate and his nanny are almost always there. I wish we’d get more stories about THAT, not how cute he is when he mixes up china cabinets with the country.

What do you guys think about Prince George confusing the two, and do you think he misses his daddy when he’s not there? Or do you think he’s kept so busy that he doesn’t even care? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Siyana Riley:
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