Prince Michael Admits Michael Jackson Not His Biological Father – Doesn’t Care

Prince Michael Admits Michael Jackson Not His Biological Father - Doesn't CarePrince Michael Admits Michael Jackson Not His Biological Father - Doesn't Care

Prince Michael Jackson admits it’s possible Michael Jackson may not be his biological father. But he doesn’t care if the rumors that have plagued him for years are true. For some reason someone on Twitter decided to stir the pot, attacking Prince Michael and taunt him about his paternity.

The 18-year old son of the late King of Pop handled the cyber-bullying maturely. “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb” I was raised by my dad with my brother and my sister,” Prince Michael replied. This statement on Twitter is the closest Prince Michael has ever come to admitting that he may not carry Michael Jackson’s DNA.

A troll on Twitter who goes by the handle AdamKrone6 started the attack on Prince Michael with the tweet, “@princemjjjaxon Everyone knows you are a Rowe-Klein NOT A Jackson!! Yall should stop trying to put on a FAKE front and get real.” And not only did the Twitter toll attack Michael Jackson, Jr. he – or she – went after Paris Jackson too! “@PariRamone Everyone knows you are a Rowe-Lester NOT a Jackson!! Yall should stop trying to put on a FAKE front and get real!!” Since Paris Jackson’s Twitter account is only open to confirmed followers there is no way to see how she responded.

It appears the Twitter account set up by AdamKrone6 was created on October 4 and that’s when the attacks on Paris and Prince Michael began. The Rowe-Klein the tweet refers to is Prince Michael’s biological mother Debbie Rowe and his rumored biological father – the late Michael Jackson’s dermatologist Dr. Arnold W. Klein. The good doctor did nothing to dispel the rumors – instead he fanned the flames of the controversy in 2013 when he posted a photo of Michael, Jr. alongside an old picture of himself.

Paris Jackson has been in a fragile state lately and has the Jackson family worried she may attempt suicide again. Recent reports say that Paris is close to a mental breakdown – and hasn’t seen her biological mother Debbie Rowe in over a year. A Jackson family insider says revealed that the aspiring young singer appears to be in an extremely fragile state. “She grabs hold of [Chester Castellaw’s] face and sings, ‘This is my baby, if you flirt with him, touch him, talk to him, think about him, or even look at him, I will slit your throat.’

Even if Paris didn’t have a history of a battle with mental illness this would be absolutely frightening. This latest attack on Twitter can’t be good for Paris’s mental health but at least she has her older, wiser and stronger brother Prince Michael to support her if she ends up in an even more fragile mental state.


Olivia Marie:
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