Prince Philip Embarrasses Queen Elizabeth By Insulting Female Volunteers: Time For The Duke of Edinburgh To Retire?

Prince Philip has embarrassed Queen Elizabeth once again, this time by insulting female volunteer staff at the Chadwell Health Community Centre in London. A prince is supposed to be charming, charismatic and oh-so-Disney. Whether he’s an animated hunk, a suave French con-artist and/or all of the above, a prince has to be the quintessential ‘man of our dreams’. Or so we’re led to believe. Unfortunately, most princes are demanding, self-entitled divas with too much money in their back pocket.

Case in point: Prince Philip.

The 5000-year-old geriatric stayed true to his good old misogynistic self while touring the Chadwell Health Community Centre in London on Thursday, July 16. The proverbial turd hit the fan when The Duke of Edinburgh, aka the Queen Elizabeth’s husband, asked one of the female volunteers, “Who do you sponge off?” Otherwise known as, “Man made you money. Who gives you money? Man does!” The female volunteer, afraid of being singled out as a raging feminist, told Sky News that Prince Philip ‘was just teasing’. “It’s similar to what I call my husband – the wallet,” she said.

Get out of here! I call my wallet ‘the wallet’! Great minds think alike, am I right?

A royal aide, aka a nervous PR person, alleges that they were talking about sponge cake, because sponge cake is such an important health issue. Did you know that sponge cake kills more people per year than penguins? Google it.

Prince Philip also asked the female volunteers about their gossiping habits, because, you know, women. The volunteer told Sky, “It’s a familiar question, a lot of people say what the Duke said but we do a lot of work.” Right.

He wanted to know whether a group of volunteers stood around and gossiped all day. Would he have asked the same question if it were a group of male volunteers? I highly doubt it.

This incident follows last week’s debacle during which Philip told an overly-meticulous photog to “[hurry up and] take the fucking picture [already].” Another example that indicates that the Greek prince might be just to old to rock and roll.

Is the Duke of Edinburgh losing the proverbial plot? Is his misogynistic side worsening with age? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Oh and please hide the glass slippers… We can’t have Jurassic Philip wandering around Woolworths with a glass slipper in his mouth.

Renier Palland:
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