Revenge Recap – Victoria Lights a Fire Under Emily: Season 4 Episode 20 “Burn”

Tonight on ABC Revenge continues with an all new Sunday April 19, season 4 episode 20 called “Burn,” and we have your weekly recap and spoilers below. On this evening’s episode Victoria [Madeleine Stowe] gets proactive about her safety in the wake of being attacked. Meanwhile, Emily [Emily VanCamp] must accept what her own goal truly is.

On the last episode, Emily faced a promising future as Amanda Clarke until Victoria uncovered devastating new secrets from her past. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the ABC synopsis, “after Victoria is attacked, she takes matters into her own hands, while Emily is forced to come to terms with what she really wants.”

Tonight’s episode airs at 10 PM EST on ABC and is bound to be full of all the typical twists and turns that we have come to expect from REVENGE. We’ll be recapping it right here for you but in the meantime feel free to hit up the comments now and tell us your thoughts on season 4 and come back to CDL for more Revenge Season 4 spoilers!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#Revenge begins in NYC with Victoria reading headlines about what a monster she is. Margaux says she’s trying to balance it but it’s not working out well. Louise shows up and Margaux is shocked and tells her not to let Louise in her life. Margaux reminds her she tried to kill her and Louise says her family was drugging her at the time. Louise says you face a scandal by facing it, not hiding. Victoria says she need them both to get through this and they make a tentative peace.

Victoria tells Louise that Margaux doesn’t understand what it means to be the target of ugly headlines like they do. Victoria asks Louise to take her to lunch and they head out. Jack has Amanda’s headstone replaced with one with Emily’s name. Amanda is there to support him while he does this. She’s brought flowers and says she heard he was doing it and wanted to pay her respects. Jack is glad she’s there and says she’s the only real family that Emily had. She heard Stevie’s also changing Carl’s birth certificate.

They agree this is all complicated but Jack says its a chance for them all to live honestly now. She says it’s almost over and says Victoria still has the evidence on her but is likely planning something. Jack says she and Nolan will figure something out and she tells him once the evidence is back in their hands, she’s done for good. Jack thanks her for coming then walks away. At the Asaf Ganot show, Nolan snaps photos of the styles.

He’s there with Tony who’s in shock that he’s taken him shopping at a runway show. Nolan says if he wants to raise money in the Hamptons, he needs to dress better. Tony doesn’t like it then Nolan says he’ll buy the suit for himself and Tony can borrow it. Tony asks if he and Amanda have made up and Nolan says not really. He says they haven’t had a meaningful chat and Tony says it’s all fixable. Nolan says Amanda isn’t a sharing type of person. Tony takes his hand in comfort.

Louise tells Victoria they should stop by Tiffany’s on the way to lunch and then Victoria is upset to see the car isn’t there and Louise goes to find it and leaves Victoria alone in the parking deck. She flinches at every noise she hears and then is mugged and her purse searched and she’s kicked in the stomach. Louise runs to help her and Victoria says it was Emily/Amanda. Louise pets her to comfort her. Hmmm. Did Louise set that up?

The doctor comes to check on her and Louise asks why she didn’t tell him what really happened. Victoria says she could have been mistaken that it was Amanda and Louise says it’s the only thing that made sense and asks if she got away with the evidence. She tells Victoria that the police will believe her if she uses the information. Victoria cries and says Amanda took everything from and her and won’t stop until she’s dead. She says Margaux was right and she should stay hidden.

She asks Louise to go and she does. Nolan is surprised to see Amanda at the house and he says Victoria hasn’t plugged the drive in yet or he would have been notified. She says she’s sorry to intrude and he says maybe they should fight this out. She says this is her nightmare and he says he knows and is terrified that it all will come undone because of him. He says she has been the best part of his life and he held onto it because it’s his infinity box. He says he hate that he failed her.

She says they’re a team and he won’t lose her. She tells him it’s a nice suit and goes. He’s hopeful. Stevie goes to see David because he didn’t show up for their appointment. He makes apologies and she says she’s trying to straighten out Emily’s identity. David wants her to drop it and she says he’s acting like an ass. Louise gets a message to come see Margaux and she asks what will it take to make Louise go away but she says she can’t be bought off.

Margaux says she wants Louise out of Victoria’s life now and then Louise tells her that Victoria was attacked and she says it was Amanda trying to steal back the drive. Margaux calls for her car and says she’s going to the FBI then tells Louise to stay out of her way. Louise smiles. Ben comes to see Amanda and says he put his career on the line for her and really likes her. She says she doesn’t want to put him in a position to lie and says she needs time to put this all behind her.

Ben agrees then Amanda gets a call from Nolan. He says he intercepted a phone call between Margaux and Victoria about them turning the evidence over to the FBI. They meet to talk about how they can get the drive. Nolan says if the Feds get their hands on it, it’s over. He hands her a graphite scanner and shows her how it can work to detect a thumb drive. She tells him to keep his plans with Tony and says she will handle this.

David meets Stevie with the papers she wants and apologizes for being a jerk. She offers to listen to what’s up with him and he sits. He says when he cut his hand on the boat, they ran his blood at the hospital and he found out he has lymphoma. He says it will require aggressive treatment and he starts chemo tonight then admits he hasn’t told Amanda since he just got the news today and says that’s why he missed their appointment.

Margaux rants to the FBI agent about Amanda/Emily while Victoria listens. The fire alarm sounds and Margaux says it’s just Emily. Victoria hands the agent the drive and says to not let go of it. They head out the emergency stairs while firefighters go up. The agent checks his pocket and realizes the drive is gone. Victoria rants about Amanda plotting against her and she sounds like a crazy person. Sure enough, Amanda was one of the firefighters and snagged the drive.

Amanda tells her dad that she got the evidence back and it’s done. She says for the first time, she has no more battles to fight. David can’t slow her roll by telling her about the cancer so he just says he loves her. Louise shows up at Nolan and Tony’s charity event and interrupts them talking to Tony’s boss. He asks what she wants and she tells him to talk privately. She slops a tray of drinks onto Tony’s new suit then calls Tony a home wrecker and says Nolan is his sugar daddy. Tony’s boss looks angry.

Nolan walks Louise away and says Tony is an innocent and calls her a lost cause. Louise tells him that Amanda attacked Victoria today in the parking garage and says they’re kicking Victoria why she’s down. Nolan says Louise picked the wrong side and says he ran an app and reset her phone to factory settings while she was trying to record a confession. She’s pissed off to be caught out. Stevie comes to see Jack and Carl and shows him the paperwork to change the birth certificate and he thanks her.

Stevie offers to stick around and says she’s missed a lot of time with he and Carl and won’t be around forever. He asks what she’s talking about and she asks him what’s next in his life. He says he knows what he wants. Victoria tells Margaux she’ll be fine and hugs her then goes to see the guy she had buy her chair from Amanda. She hands him an envelope of cash and tells Renner they won’t see each other again. She says she’s going to do what Amanda didn’t have the courage to do – end this.

Nolan chats up Jack at the bar and says Tony left with his angry boss so that’s over and calls for his bartender. Jack says he asked him to grab his last paycheck and Nolan asks why and reminds him he set up a daycare for him. Jack says he’s not just quitting but is leaving for LA tonight. Jack says he told Amanda how he felt but she made it clear she’s not into him. Nolan insists she loves him and Jack says she’ll never stop and says this life is all she’s known.

Nolan begs him to give Amanda another chance but Jack says no and asks Nolan to never tell him again that Amanda loves him. He hugs Nolan and says he’ll call him when he gets to LA. Stevie comes to see Jack and says she wanted to see him before she left and asks how it went with Amanda. He says he couldn’t tell her. He says she was too happy and he couldn’t ruin it. Jack wonders if his whole life has been a set up to this sick joke but Stevie encourages him to fight it.

She gives him a number to a really good oncologist and also hands him her phone number and says he won’t go through this alone. Nolan shows up in a panic to tell Amanda that Jack is leaving town for good tonight. She says Jack suffered so much because of her but he says Jack loves her and opened his heart to her. He asks Amanda if she knows what she really wants and says she’s the only obstacle but she says she doesn’t deserve him. Ben is there and asks if he’s what she deserves.

Amanda says it’s complicated and he asks if she wants this to work or not. She responds with silence and he says she was just hiding with him instead of living and he knew it but didn’t want to face reality. Nolan tells her Jack’s flight leaves in 20 minutes and she needs to decide now. Jack gets a call from Amanda just as he’s about to get on the plane. He turns his phone off without answering and gets on the plane with his mom and Carl.

Tony shows up to see Nolan and he says he’s sorry. Tony says the important thing is they raised money for the kids and says he’s not mad at Nolan but says Louise is a lunatic. Tony comes over and kisses Nolan who says he’s never met anyone like him. Louise tells Margaux she can’t get hold of Victoria and is worried. Margaux says she left her with Victoria who was with her bodyguard. Louise says she tried to get Nolan to admit they were behind the attack.

But Margaux says they’ll be waiting when Amanda and Nolan make a mistake. They agree to put aside their difference to help Victoria but wonder where she is. Victoria has her chair she loves and she goes and turns on the gas in the fireplace at Amanda’s house. Amanda runs to try and intercept Jack’s plane but it’s taking off. She sees headlights and a car pulls up. It’s Mason and she tells him they had a deal. He says he’s been waiting patiently when he worked on his book about her.

He says she announced his story but she says she had no choice. Mason says everything has changed except her and says while she hid behind her revenge, everyone evolved – Jack, Nolan, David. He asks if she thought she would get her happily ever after when she ruined so many lives? He says she has only enemies. He says he knows her secret – she can’t exist without revenge and says that’s her addiction. Victoria sits in her chair and breathes in the gas. She has a lighter in her hand.

Mason tells Amanda she’ll crash and burn. Victoria lights the fire and the entire mansion explodes in a ball of fire. OMG – she killed herself to make it look like Amanda offed her! It’s Victoria’s master plan since her hold world has imploded and she has no one left to care about.



Stormy Elizabeth:
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