Robin Wright Vanity Fair Magazine Cover Story: Politely Disses Sean Pean, Insinuates He Was Awful (PHOTO)

Robin Wright and Sean Penn have not stayed on good terms since their divorce, which makes sense. They never had a particularly happy marriage, and it always seemed like Robin was either scared of Sean or just too tired to deal with a potential divorce. However, she did end up [finally] filing for divorce a few years ago, and she’s clearly never been happier.

Her career is thriving, her personal life is making waves [maybe not good waves, but I digress], and she covers the latest issue of Vanity Fair Magazine to promote the third season of House of Cards.

The interview is a fascinating read, especially because Robin Wright is usually incredibly private about her love life but does talk about it quite openly in this VF piece. However, most of what she says could be construed as subtle shade towards Sean Penn. Throughout all the questions, she always slides in a sneaky reference to how much ‘happier’ she is now, or how much more ‘laughter’ takes place in her life now. In other words, Robin Wright is making it a point to diss Sean Penn, albeit in a sneaky and under-the-radar manner.

When asked about her relationship with the much-younger Ben Foster, Robin first says, “I’ve never been happier in my life than I am today. Perhaps it’s not ladylike [to say], but I’ve never laughed more, read more, or come more than with Ben.” Again, with the whole ‘never been happier’ bit – she’s basically admitting that she’s significantly happier with Ben than she ever was with Sean.

She also adds, “I believe we [she and Sean Penn] were together not only to have our beautiful children but to learn how to love … for the next time around, the right way. And then, what I’m looking for in people now is kindness.”

At the end of the day, she was still very polite, albeit in a rather passive aggressive manner. There’s not much Sean Penn could say in retaliation that wouldn’t make him look like a raging asshole, but then again, when has Sean Penn ever cared about political correctness or coming off as a raging asshole?

What do you guys think Robin Wright’s Vanity Fair interview and her sly disses towards Sean Penn? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Image credit to FameFlynet

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