Royal Baby Name Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana: Kate Middleton and Prince William Official Announcement

Kate Middleton and Prince William made their royal baby name choice and it’s Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. For all those people who bet money on the royal baby’s name being Charlotte, you just hit jackpot. The royal baby’s name has been officially announced, and it’s a combination of the three most popular names in the guessing pool, Charlotte, Elizabeth, and Diana.

The official name is Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana, with Charlotte being her ‘name’ and Elizabeth and Diana being tributes to the Queen and the baby’s grandmother, of course. There was no way that Prince William wouldn’t have included Diana in the name if Kate Middleton gave birth to a daughter, and of course, she did give birth to a baby daughter. Another little detail here – while some claim that Charlotte is a derivative of Charles and thus a tribute to Prince Charles we point out that Charlotte is Pippa Middleton’s middle name! This is no coincidence and shows that Kate Middleton and her meddling mother Carole Middleton are hard at work securing their place in British royalty.

Kensington Palace officials announced the name on Monday, which was two days after Kate Middleton gave birth to the new royal princess.

The official title for the baby princess will be ‘Her Royal Highness Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge’. She is currently fourth in line to the British throne, after Prince Charles, Prince William, and Prince George, pushing Prince Harry back to fifth in line [which I’m sure he doesn’t mind].

Of course, Queen Elizabeth is probably thrilled that the royals put her name before Princess Diana, and really, before anyone else’s. But see, Kate Middleton and Prince William know exactly how to get the approval of their royal family members, don’t they? They don’t care about the rest of the royals, but they definitely care what the Queen thinks – and rightly so.

What do you guys think about the royal princess’ name being Charlotte Elizabeth Diana? Are you guys surprised or is it exactly in line with what you expected? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Siyana Riley:
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