Scott Disick and Kourtney Kardashian Back Together: Reconcile For The Kids – Cancel Break-Up?

Are Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick getting back together? After Scott’s epic booze bender, drug fueled cheating rampages, and skipping his own daughter Penelope’s birthday – we thought that Kourtney had officially kicked him to the curb. But, On July 23 Kourtney and Scott were spotted together, at the Beverly Hills hotel with their two older children Penelope and Mason. According to People Magazine, Kourtney temporarily buried the hatchet with her boozing baby-daddy so that he could see the kids – but we aren’t entirely buying it.

People Magazine’s inside sources dished, “Kourtney and Scott acted cordial. They were mostly focused on the kids. Scott looked very happy to see the kids. Kourtney seems to be making an effort so Scott can spend a lot of time with the kids.” People’s source went on to say that Scott is finally settling down and “coming back down to Earth,” and Kourtney has agreed to allow him to have supervised visits with the kids.

Here’s the thing, the fact that Kourtney is already answering her phone and meeting up with Scott is not a good sign. Anyone who has watched the couple fight over the years on Keeping Up With The Kardashians can tell you that this is how it always goes down. Scott screws up, Kourtney kicks him to the curb, Scott demands to see his kids, and then once he sees Kourtney he charms her in to taking him back. Every single time, it works without fail. The Kardashians really thought that Kourtney and Scott were over – but it looks like he is already in the process of weaseling his way back in to her life.

Of course, Kourtney is rumored to be pregnant with their fourth child – and if she does have another bun in the oven that could explain her willingness to try and work things out, regardless of what Scott Disick has done and who he has cheated with. No woman wants to be pregnant and raising three babies alone. Do you think that Scott and Kourtney are getting back together? Or will she stay strong? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

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