Scott Eastwood Begs Katharine McPhee To Ditch Boyfriend Elyes Gabel and Date Him – Stalking Until She Gives In?

Scott Eastwood is trying to steal Katharine McPhee from her boyfriend, Elyes Gabel. Katharine has been casually dating Gabel for a few months now – but Scott Eastwood calls her every day and begs her to go out on a date with him. Apparently, Katharine doesn’t think that Scott’s behavior is at all stalkerish – and she is actually considering it.

The May 18 edition of Star Magazine reveals that Scott and Katharine recently met while partying in Las Vegas – and Eastwood has been hounding her for a date ever since. Star explains, “The pair recently met while celebrating their birthdays at Omnia nightclub in Las Vegas, and the “Longest Ride” star has been chasing the 31 year old actress ever since!” Katharine McPhee has always been a hot commodity in Hollywood, but Scott is coming off a little desperate if you ask us.

A Hollywood insider dished to Star Magazine, “Scott was mesmerized by Katharine the second he laid eyes on her. After spending the entire night partying in Vegas, he worked up the courage to ask her for her number. Her phone has been ringing every other day ever since. He’s not shy about calling or texting her!”

So, does Katharine McPhee plan on going out with Scott Eastwood, or is she just stringing the actor along? Star’s sources seem to think that there is a good chance she could finally cave and go out on a casual dinner date with Scott – but we’re not buying it. Over the years Katharine has developed a bit of a reputation in Hollywood of being quite the flirt. Besides Scott there are probably a dozen other dudes blowing up her phone right now, and she most likely flirts with them just as much.

Do you think Katharine McPhee and Scott Eastwood would make a cute couple? Or is Katharine just being her naturally flirty self and giving Scott false-hopes? Let us know what you think in the comments below!


Image credit to FameFlynet

Amanda Austin:
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