Sonia Satra Talks Guiding Light, One Life To Live and her New Fitness Program Moticise

Sonia Satra Talks Guiding Light, One Life To Live and her New Fitness Program MoticiseSonia Satra Talks Guiding Light, One Life To Live and her New Fitness Program Moticise

You may remember Sonia Satra as a soap opera fan favorite on both Guiding Light and One Life to Live. Since leaving the world of daytime televisions, Sonia has followed her passion and has become an award-winning motivational speaker, life coach, triathlete, marathoner, and founder of the NYC-based Women’s Empowerment Adventures. If that wasn’t inspiring enough, Sonia is also the founder of Moticise. Moticise is an innovative new fitness program that combines aerobic exercise with mindset tools, like visioning, affirmations, and goal-setting, to help you tone your body, focus your mind, and create the life you’ve always wanted.

Given Sonia’s busy schedule, we were pretty excited to have the chance to find out more about Moticise and her many other ventures including the most important…her family! Check out our exciting interview with Sonia and read what she’s shared with CDL and her fans.

1. Sonia’s fans wondered what she been doing since Guiding Light.

Sonia tells us, “Since I left Guiding Light, I’ve gotten married, had 2 kids, started a life coaching practice and a women’s empowerment adventure program. Recently, I’ve begun my new journey with Moticise….motivational exercise. Additionally, I’ve continued to act on TV with parts in Redrum, Men who Built America and upcoming American Genius. I also got pulled back to the stage for Vanities with Heather and Nichole Tom. It’s been busy since I left the Soaps and filled with a lot of fun!”

2. Another fan asked Sonia how she compares the way soaps are written today to when Guiding Light and One Life To Live was on the air.

Sonia shared, “I believe they’re faster paced and storylines don’t last quite as long. The topics have also continued to evolve around current day issues.”

3. Fans wondered which role she’d take over if she was back on daytime tv.

Sonia responded, “My preference would be to create a new role – it’s always hard to fill someone else’s shoes. I love the saying, “Be a first rate version of yourself, instead of a second rate version of someone else.” I think that’s true with characters too. However, if I “had” to choose I would want to play Felicia on General Hospital. I have almost been cast in that role several times but for various reasons it didn’t work out. I think it would still be fun for that to go full circle.”

And now…some questions from CDL!

4. CDL: Tell us about Moticise and how you came to develop it.

Sonia Satra: Moticise is motivational exercise. It integrates mindset tools like visualization, affirmation and goal setting into a cardio-based workout. The idea came to me while I was running on a treadmill at the gym one early morning watching depressing local news and I thought, “There has to be a more inspiring way to do this.” I thought it would be cool to exercise and look at my vision board but that would be a little weird and awkward to carry around. Then I took it a step further and imagined what it would be like to be guided through a powerful vision of my desired future while exercising and Moticise was born. I was so inspired I even came up with the name that day. After researching I discovered that when you exercise proteins are released in your brain that create new neural pathways. And it’s an optimal time to focus and create. Moticise harnesses that power so you can create the life of your dreams…and get fit too!

5. CDL: How does Moticise differ from other mind/body practices?

Sonia Satra: Moticise is less about focusing on the moment and more about tapping your inner strength to visualize and create the life that you really want. Beyond centering you, it gives you a format in which to develop actionable steps to take achieve a specific goal. Also, Mindset Reset, the first DVD is a cardio interval exercise program so you get a great workout while rewiring your brain for success!

6. CDL: What brought you into the field of life coaching?

Sonia Satra: When my daughter was born, I had an overwhelming feeling of gratitude. I had just been given this amazing gift and felt like I needed to give back in some way. I always love seeing people fulfill their dreams and knew that I wanted to devote more of my life to helping them achieve those dreams. I’ve always been pulled to life coaching, as it’s been a powerful resource for myself over the years. I also saw it as a concrete way to incorporate a lot of the mind-body skills that I had been learning and was already using throughout my life.

7. CDL: What do you miss most about GL and OLTL?

Sonia Satra: I miss the cast and crew. I was lucky to work with so many wonderful and talented people. Also, you spend so much time together and live through all sorts of life events like marriages, divorces, births, graduations, etc….you really do start to feel like a family. Honestly, I miss the fans too – I have always said, soap fans are the most loyal fans there are!!

8. CDL: Do you still watch any soap operas? If so, which ones?

Sonia Satra: I watch a little bit of all of them. I still have friends on all the shows so I like to see what crazy things their characters are up to.

9. CDL: Tell us what you do in your free time.

Sonia Satra: I love spending time with my family and friends. I’m also still an adventurer at heart – I love to travel and try new things – next on my list is snowboarding this winter (I love to ski but promised my kids I would take the plunge and learn snowboarding with them.) and paddle boarding this summer – it looks so “Robinson Crusoe” – I want that experience.:-)

10. CDL: What three words best describe you?

Sonia Satra: Empathetic. Passionate. Caring.

11. CDL: Best advice for busy moms that feel they have no time.

Sonia Satra: Be patient and forgiving of yourself. I always debate the statement; “You can have everything, just not at the same time.” I believe, “You can have everything just not as quickly as you may want it.” J Also, when you feel overwhelmed, stop and ask yourself, “What do I love about each part of my life?” What do I love about my children? My relationship? My job? My friends? My family? Really take that in – when you are tired it’s easy to forget all the great things you already have – this helps give you perspective and energy… or information…if you don’t love what you have, perhaps it needs to be changed.

12. CDL: Who would benefit most by Moticise?

Sonia Satra: Anyone who wants to be fit and get a mindset reset so they can live the life they really want!

13. CDL: Where can we attend a speaking engagement of yours?

Sonia Satra: I recently was at the NBC4 Health Expo in Washington DC. I’ll be at Athleta Upper West Side February 7th. We’ll be hosting a Moticise Networking event February 24th – check out the website for more information. There are a lot of other opportunities in progress that we’re excited to announce soon, so stay tuned!

14. CDL: What is the favorite part of your day, and the most challenging?

Sonia Satra: The morning is my favorite part of the day as it is bright, new and full of possibility. The morning is also my most challenging as I am deeply attached to my snooze button.

15. CDL: Where can we find out more about Moticise? You’re based on NY…any chance of expanding?

Sonia Satra: You can come to for all the information on Moticise or check us out on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Pintrest. The DVD and Digital download are available both on the site and on Amazon. I definitely would love to expand and I’m looking to host classes and events across the country. In fact, if you know of any companies or gyms that would benefit from Moticise, feel free to reach out and let me know!

Be sure to check out Moticise and follow Sonia Satra on social media to stay current on all the new wonderful adventures she shares!


Caryn Doti Chavez:
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