Supernatural Season 10 Finale Recap – Darkness Falls: “Brother’s Keeper”

Supernatural continues tonight on the CW with an all new Wednesday May 20, season 18 finale called “Brother’s Keeper,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, season 10 ends with Dean making a shocking decision regarding the Mark of Cain that may change not only his life but Sam’s too. Meanwhile, Crowley and Rowena face off, and Castiel gets caught in the middle.

On the last episode, when it came to the Stynes, Dean (Jensen Ackles) decided to take matters into his own hands. Sam (Jared Padalecki) tried to come to terms with his decision. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the CW synopsis, “Dean (Jensen Ackles) makes a shocking decision regarding the Mark of Cain that would change not only his life, but Sam’s (Jared Padaleck) too. Meanwhile, Crowley (Mark Sheppard) and Rowena (guest star Ruth Connell) face off and Castiel (Misha Collins) gets caught in the middle.”

Tonight’s season 10 finale looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CW’s Supernatural at 9:00 PM EST!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#Supernatural begins with a laptop open to the file for Dean from Charlie. Cass comes to find Sam making bullets. He tells him the Lojack on the Impala was disabled and Dean won’t return his calls. Sam says they need Rowena to hold up her end of the deal. Cass is worried about consequences if Rowan removes the Mark. Cass says they need to find Dean and Sam says he wants to save his brother, not kill him. He says they don’t know if there will be any consequences for sure.

Sam says they need to save Dean. The man in question wakes sweaty and looking bad on the floor of a cheap hotel room. He sees 12 messages from Sam on his phone and drinks a warm beer from the night before. He says he’s good then repeats himself. Dean stands over a dead body – Rose McKinley. He’s playing FBI. The local Sheriff tells him that her family is God-fearing. Dean says she’s dressed like a slut then apologizes to the Sheriff.

Then he tells the Sheriff good luck solving the case with his eyes shut. Then Rudy shows up and Dean isn’t happy to see him. Dean tells him to take a walk away from this one but Rudy says he called him. Dean says he begged him and is playing dress up and is going to get himself killed. The Sheriff comes over and says Rose wasn’t alone – her friend Crystal was with her and is now missing. He says he’s heading to the parents. Rudy tells Dean he doesn’t care what crawled up his ass.

He tells Dean – regards to your brother and walks off. Sam and Cass go see Rowena. Sam has a gun on her. He says he has five hollow tips filled with witch killing brew. She says how exciting for him. He tells her to do the spell now and she asks – or what. She says he’s bluffing and they both know it. She says no one can do the spell except for her. She goes back to sipping her tea. Rowena says they’re all upset about poor Dean. She says they can negotiate.

Sam asks what she wants and she says she wanted her son dead but he screwed that up. She says she wants her freedom and the codex. Cass tells Sam it’s a mistake. Dean looks at a photo of Rose and Crystal and chats with Rose’s mother. He asks about new friends, new boyfriends. Her dad Joe says Rose was shy. Dean looks around at photos. Dean says Rose knew her killer and he was trying to have sex with her. Her mom says there were no relations and the dad gets really mad.

He says his daughter was not a slut and Dean says he can smell the deceit and shame in this house. He says Joe knows who did this. Joe punches Dean several times then Dean pulls his gun. Joe says he doesn’t know then starts crying. Dean leaves and then pulls his gun on a kid following him. The guy says there are some guys in a cabin by Cross Creek. It’s Rose’s brother. He says he brought Rose and Crystal to the cabin.

Rowena works on the spell. She says they need the actual apple from the garden of Eden. Then something made by man, forbidden by God. Cass says the golden calf. Next is something worse. Rowena says it’s impossible. She says loosely translated, she has to kill something she loves. She says she would kill something she loved but doesn’t love anything. Cass asks about Crowley and she says kill him sure, but she doesn’t love him.

Cass touches her head and says everyone loves something. Cass says a Polish boy named Oscar. Rowena is stunned and says he was a peasant boy whose family helped her 300 years ago. Rudy calls Sam and says he found Dean working a vampire case in Nebraska. He says he’s not playing well with others. Sam says to text him the details and he agrees. Cass asks what’s up. He tells Sam to take Dean’s hair and asks him to make the spell happen no matter what it takes.

A guy comes out of a cabin and washes blood off his hands. Dean is there and the guy drops fang and Dean chops is head off. He finds Rudy being held by another vamp. Dean tells Rudy to man up and walk away. Dean says he doesn’t have the guts. Dean lunges and the guy stabs Rudy. Then Dean puts the vamp down. She asks what he did and he cuts Crystal loose and says he rescued her and she’s welcome. He walks out while she’s still crying at his harsh approach. Later, Dean is at his hotel room washing his hands and sees an image of Cass all bloody in the mirror.

He scrubs his hands even more then sees dead bloody Rudy. He scrubs some more. Then he bashes the mirror and trashes the hotel room in a fit of rage. Sam goes to the cabin crime scene were Crystal babbles about a guy just letting him die. The Sheriff asks what’s going on and says one of them came in hot and got his partner killed then went samurai on the others. Sam is horrified. Cass is out at crossroads and summons Crowley. He asks why he didn’t just call and Cass says he’s not in his contact list.

He asks Crowley for help with Dean and Crowley reminds him that Sam just tried to kill him. Cass threatens him and Crowley says to destroy him or just do it his way. Cass backs down. Crowley tells him to beg. Cass calls him King and asks him to kindly help him get these three ingredients. He says the fruit is a quince not an apple. He says he’s got the first two. Then he says something Rowena loves. Cass says he would have thought it was him but Crowley says he lived it. Crowley says he’s in.

Sam goes looking for Dean and sees baby parked at the hotel. He forces his way into the hotel room when Dean doesn’t answer. He sees the trashed room and then spots car keys and a note. It reads – she’s all yours. Dean is at a bar and he draws a pentagram then cuts his hand to summon something. The lights burst as the place shakes with power. Dean wraps his hand and Death is there. One of the four Horseman. He made queso for the guy with chips. He asks Death to kill him.

Death says the dip is good but he’s been burned by the Winchesters again. Dean says not this time. He shows him the Mark of Cain on his arm. He says he tried to beat it on his own and can’t. He says he has no moves left but Death. He says he never thought he’d see the day. He says Dean Winchester tipped his king. He says he can’t kill him. He says that Mark is the first curse but he can’t die. Death says before light, there was a destructive darkness beaten back by God and the angels.

He says God locked away the darkness and that Mark served as both lock and key. He trusted it to Lucifer but it corrupted Lucifer who became jealous of man. God banished Lucifer to hell who passed the Mark to Cain who passed it to Dean. Death says Dean is the finger in the dike and can only remove it if he will share it with another to keep the darkness bound away. Dean says he can’t do that. Death says he can relocated him to someplace far away, not of this earth, where he won’t be a danger.

Sam calls Dean and says he saw Rudy but knows that wasn’t him. Dean says it felt like him and says he’s done. He tells Sam to grab a pen. Crowley shows up at a diner and knocks out everyone there. He tells the young guy waiter about a horrible witch who abandoned her son then fell on the mercy of a Polish family. He says she was taken by their eight year old son and grew to love him. He asks how he knows this and Crowley says a hamster told him.

He says the witch thanked the boy by curing him and then giving him immortal life. Crowley asks Oscar if that lying whore mother of his gave him immortality. The guy gulps. Sam shows up to the bar and finds Dean waiting with Death. Sam tells Dean to stop thinking about what he’s thinking about. He says there is another way. Dean says he knows he can’t die. He says Sam’s death is the way out. Sam is horrified to hear that Death is going to send him to space.
– –

Death says the Mark can’t be removed without bringing horrible evil and Dean can’t die. Death says they would still have Sam to deal with who will never rest until he sets Sam free of the Mark. Death says the Mark can’t be removed or the darkness will be set free. He then reminds Sam of the time he set free. Dean says he can live with this Mark as long as he knows no one else will be hurt. Dean says to stop thinking about himself and Death says it’s for the greater good and it makes all the sense in the world.

Crowley shows up to meet Cass and Rowena. He asks if Cass is sad because his mother showed him her naughties again. Crowley hands over the calf shard and the quince. Crowley says he wondered what he had done to deserve his mother and he built his kingdom on that pain. He then says she showed up in his dungeon and they communed. He says he found out she’s not incapable of love just of loving him. She tells him to save it for the stage. Rowena says she has never loved anything ever.

Crowley snaps his fingers and Oscar is there – still in his apron. Rowena looks pained. Crowley says – you were saying. Dean reminds Sam that he was ready to die for the greater good to close the gates of hell. Dean says he was wrong to pull Sam back and says the world would be better without them in it. Dean says evil tracks them and nukes everything near them – family and friends. Sam says they’re not evil even if they’re far from perfect. Dean says he let Rudy die and asks how is that not evil.

Dean says he knows who he is then asks who Sam is when he drove that man to sell his soul or pushed Charlie until she died. Dean says removing the Mark with no thought to the consequences is evil. Sam says he summoned death to stop himself from doing more harm then summoned Sam to protect him. He says that Dean is a good man, searching for another way. Dean says there is no other way and says he’s sorry. Sam punches Dean in the face and Dean says – good. He tells Sam to fight and punches him in the face.

Cass asks Rowena if she loves that man. Rowena tells Crowley that it’s a new low for him and Crowley says it’s only cruel if she actually goes through with it then asks who’s the cruel one now. Dean and Sam brawl beating on each other. Dean gets the best of his little brother and Sam finally says it’s enough. Sam tells him that he will never get him to say that the real Dean is anything but good. Sam says he knows that Dean must be stopped at any cost, though. He tells them to do it. Death walks over with his scythe and Dean takes it.

Death tells him – please, do me the honor. Dean tells Sam to close his eyes. Sam kneels on the floor and cries. He hands him photos of their family and says keep them to remind him what it was to be good once he comes back from this. Death tells Dean he has to proceed but it’s a stain on their memory. He tells Dean to do it or he will. Sam nods with tears in his eyes. Dean says – forgive me. Dean swings the scythe and puts it in Death instead. The man crumbles into ashes. Sam is shocked.

Rowena hugs Oscar and glares at Crowley. He calls her Auntie Rowena. She says no on will hurt anyone then stabs him in the neck and captures his blood in a bowl. She does the spell. Dean helps Sam get up and Dean says he’s fantastic and he just killed Death. Rowena chants and throws the last component into the spell. She’s thrown back. Dean and Sam hear something strange.

A supernatural lightning comes through the roof of the bar, hits Dean on the arm and the Mark is burned off. Dean is stunned. Crowley and Cass get to their feet and find that Rowena is free. She holds Cass and Crowley off with magic and tells her son that he’s never seen what a real witch can do with real magic. She says it’s the last thing he’ll see and does a spell on Cass who then comes at Crowley.
Crowley tells him no but he comes at him anyway.

Rowena takes the codex and walks out. Sam says this is fine but Dean disagrees. They walk out of the bar and supernatural lightning flares all around and touches the ground. Sam asks what Death called this and Dean says the Darkness. Just then a bunch of darkness shoots up out of holes in the ground. It’s like huge tendrils of dark black smoke. It all comes together and forms a giant black hissing cloud. Dean says to get in the car and they do and drive away but the tire gets caught.

The darkness comes pouring toward them like a tsunami of evil. They’re stuck. It keeps coming. It rolls right over them and baby. That’s it – end of the season! What a cliffhanger!



Stormy Elizabeth:
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