Tonight on CBS their Emmy Award-winning series Survivor 2015 Worlds Apart airs with an all new Wednesday March 11 season 30 episode 3 called, “Crazy Is as Crazy Does,” and we have your weekly recap below! Tonight, another castaway is voted out of the game.
On the last episode, White Collar castaways stripped down and embraced their free-spirited no-collar tendencies; Blue Collar players disagreed about heavy-lifting at camp; and one person struggled to adapt to her new tribe mates. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.
On tonight’s episode as per the CBS synopsis, “a division of labor causes cracks in the hard-working Blue Collar tribe. Also, one castaway’s strategy during the immunity challenge completely backfires”
Tonight’s season 30 episode 3 looks like it’s going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CBS’s Survivor 2015 Worlds Apart episode at 8:00 PM EDT! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about season 30.
Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!
On #Survivor, it’s just after the Tribal Council on night six. The no collars talk about what happened. Joe says he can’t trust Will now for flipping on Vince. Will tells the others that he didn’t know who to trust. Nina asks them to not make her feel like an outsider until they vote her out. She thought they were going to vote out Jenn but then Will turned. She says she knows they’re voting her out first. Jenn tells her not to quit before it’s over. Jenn says Nina is playing the deaf card again and thinks she’s using it as an excuse.
Over at white collar, Shirin is watching howler monkeys having sex and she hoots at them. She runs back to the camp and says she saw start to finish monkey sex. Carolyn thinks she’s being crazy and doesn’t know what to think. She says Shirin is too weird to work in corporate America. Tyler says she’s as annoying and loud as a howler monkey in camp. He thinks she’s putting an x on her back with her antics. Next day, over at blue collar, they’re sipping water and talking about food. Then they argue about who’s sleeping too much.
Dan says he has a hard time keeping his mouth shut but is trying to learn from his mistakes. Dan makes a crack about Rodney’s mother being a whore trying to be funny but it just makes Rodney bad. He says if it was back home, he would jump down his throat. Kelly says the guys are being emotional. Rodney tells Dan to watch his mouth. She says a cop, you head to a bar fight slowly to let them work it out. She thinks Rodney is being a drama queen. Rodney says Dan crossed a line and is in trouble with him now over this behavior.
Over at no collar, it’s a beautiful day and they talk about trying to surf. Hali and Jenn are using driftwood to try and ride the waves. Hali says it’s her number three passion in life. Joe is trying to catch a lizard. He says with Vince gone there’s less paranoia. He says it’s a beautiful day and everything is golden. He’s trying to keep everyone fed and helping camaraderie. He chats with Nina and tries to make her feel included by showing her some friendship. His mom was a deaf interpreter and says he’s been around the deaf a lot and gets it.
Nina says before she lost her hearing, she did sales and was white collar before but isn’t now. She says these people are still more free spirited. They try to get her to eat some of the lizard. Nina says she sees that she needs to change or will get sent home. Over at white collar, several people are out looking for the idol which Carolyn already has. She is relaxing by the fire. Shirin asks if they want to call a truce on idol searching until they get another clue. Joaquin says he doesn’t trust her and points out that she’s been looking for it the most.
He thinks she’s the most annoying person he’s ever met. Joaquin is feeling like he’s on the outs. He shows Tyler the immunity idol clue to help him look for it. Tyler knows that Carolyn has the idol but he plays along with Joaquin. Tyler says Shirin is being weird with the always talking, watching monkey sex and going half nude around camp. He says she’s on the list to vote off if they lose the next challenge Over at blue collar, Mike is chopping wood and talking about how important hard work is and says he always does what needs to be done.
He thinks the rest of the tribe is being lazy. He says they are failing on work ethic and thinks Rodney is the worst. He tells Rodney to come help carry wood and Rodney says he’s not his dad. Lindsey thinks he’s been annoying since everyone was working that morning. Rodney pushes back and says they’ll do it when they want to and not when Mike says. He says they don’t need to be working all day long. He asks Mike if he’s team captain and says to relax. Rodney says he’s light headed from lack of food and just wants to wait until he’s steadier.
Dale talks to Rodney about Mike and vents about Mike being a hick. Rodney says he’s got to lie low and focus on the #3cs. Rodney comes back to camp and throws the firewood into the fire angrily. Lindsey tells Mike that he doesn’t say thanks for anything and that everyone is working. He’s got #Psalm121 on his back and she says he thinks that makes him better. She says she does a lot of work including the fire and asks if his God came down and made it with his beard. Mike is offended that she mentioned religion. Mike says to send him home if they don’t like him speaking up. Lindsey says she’s ready to give him his wish.
It’s time for the #ImmunityChallenge. The other tribes are surprised to see that Vince was sent home off no collar. Jeff introduces the challenge after taking back the idols. They have to carry a large bucket to a water tower, but it has holes in it. They dump what’s left into a barrel. Once they fill the barrel, it raises the flag and wins immunity and reward. The first tribe to finish gets two chairs, blankets, tarp, cushions and a tarp. The second place tribe wins just the tarp. Third place gets a trip to #TribalCouncil. Blue collar sits out Lindsey for the challenge.
The challenge starts. No collar is moving more slowly but then dumps half the water on the ground as they pour. No collar keeps sending Nina ahead and doesn’t use her to help plug. Jeff says it’s not working and shouts at them. Blue and white collar are pulling ahead. Blue collar is on their third pour and white collar is close behind. Will is worn out over on red collar and they’re still not using Nina. White collar pulls ahead put doesn’t have enough water. Blue collar also doesn’t have quite enough. They are neck and neck and racing.
Blue collar is first back with their bucket and then heads back. No collar finally uses Nina. Dan runs ahead to the blue collar bin to help pour carefully. White collar is close on their heels. Blue collar raises their flag and takes first. White collar takes second. No collar will be back to Tribal again tonight. Jeff hands over the rewards. Jeff asks Joe why they didn’t use Nina. Joe says he thought they were using her best to plug the holes at the end of the obstacle. Will says the challenge kicked his ass and it really did. The guy is exhausted.
Over at no collar on day eight, Joe tells the group he’s sorry for coming up with a bad strategy. Nina says she thought he was thinking she couldn’t do it. Joe says it was a bad call on his part. Nina say she should have listened to her gut and insisted on helping. Will says they blew it by trying to make Nina a non-factor but it blew up in their faces. Will tries to cheer up Joe then talks to the others about voting Nina out. When Nina asks Will about the vote, he says he doesn’t know. Nina goes to the others and says that they should vote out Will.
Jenn admits that this is the second challenge in a row that Will has sucked at. She thinks Nina is a wet blanket. Hali says Nina is frail but Will is struggling even more plus Will didn’t vote like they discussed at the last Tribal Council. They haven’t decided yet on Will versus Nina. They head over to #TribalCouncil. Jeff brings up the challenge and says he didn’t understand why they didn’t use Nina. Joe says five people going through the ladder would be hard and he thought she would stumble and fall.
Nina says they have no faith that she can do anything. Jeff points out that today’s challenge had nothing to do with hearing. Will says she’s always on about being deaf while they are trying. Joe says he knows a lot of deaf people and would be the last to judge her. Then Jeff asks Will about him sucking wind in today’s challenge. Will tries to blame a bad strategy. Nina says they would be crazy to keep Will since he’s struggling. She says she’s physically strong. Jenn says she’s concerned about her emotional issues. Jeff wonders if Nina is on the wrong tribe.
Hali says Nina doesn’t have that go with the flow thing. Nina says she was mostly in white collar before she lost her hearing. Hali says in real life she may not have to eat a lizard or be no collar. Hali says if she wants to say and fit in she needs to be no collar. Hali says she doesn’t want to change her as a human being but wants her to fit in and play with them better. Nina says she hears them and can try to do what they’re asking. It’s time for the vote. Will voted for Nina. Nina voted for Will. No other votes are shown.
Jeff comes back and calls for any hidden immunity idols then reads the votes. The votes are: Nina, Will, Will, Nina, Nina. That’s enough to send Nina home. Jeff snuffs her torch and sends her on her way. Jeff says losing today’s challenge means they’re down another and don’t have a tarp to protect them against the rain. Nina rants after being voted off and says maybe being out there brought out a different side of her that maybe wasn’t well suited to being there.