Switched at Birth Recap 2/24/15: Season 4 Episode 8 “Art Like Love Is Dedication”

Switched At Birth returns to ABC Family tonight with an all new Tuesday February 24, season 4 episode 8 called “Art Like Love Is Dedication,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Bay [Vanessa Marano] aspires to resume her art career, but she’s unsure about how to proceed.

On the last episode, as a severe storm warning forced everyone to hunker down indoors, Kathryn’s mom Bonnie (guest star Meredith Baxter, “Family Ties”) came for a visit, bringing her friend Lucille (guest star Joanna Cassidy, “Six Feet Under”), and delivered some unexpected news to Kathryn. Bay found that Emmett was avoiding any discussion of what triggered the UMKC investigation. Meanwhile, Daphne went to see Regina at the coffee house where several shocks awaited her, including one that will put her freedom at risk. Did you watch last week’s episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the ABC Family synopsis, “Bay aspires to resume her art career, but she’s unsure about how to proceed. Meanwhile, Regina invites Eric and his son to be her houseguests; Mingo wants to spend time with Daphne; and Kathryn volunteers to help Travis with his English.”

Tune in to ABC Family at 8PM EST to watch “Art Like Love Is Dedication,” we’ll also be recapping it all live for you right here. In the meantime head to our comments section and tell us your thoughts on season four so far and enjoy a sneak peek of tonight’s episode below.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

After the last couple of weeks, all Bay wants to do is put the whole incident behind her. And in the meantime she was simply going to concentrate on her probation. But then something happened that changed all of that.

One day while she was picking up garbage, like the court demanded she’d do, her supervisor started to choke. And thanks to Daphne, Bay luckily enough knew the Heimlich Maneuver. So she was able to her supervisor or if you want to be correct then you could say she saved his life.

And, well, that tends to leave people thankful. Because later that very same day, Bay was asked to report in and apparently her supervisor had recommended she get early release from both her community work and her probation. Hence, when even Bay’s probation worker was willing to throw in her own recommendation for the same, Bay was told she was now free.

Yet being told she was free to travel wherever she wants didn’t hold the same appeal as it would have it happened a few months ago.

Bay and Emmett haven’t spoken since they fought last week. And now the only thing Bay has to occupy her time is her art. The very same art she’s been neglecting since she lost a showcase because of her probation.

So, in her position, Bay ended up doing something a little out there. She returned to her old court ordered clean-up crew just so she could talk to her “sometimes” friend, Tess.

Meanwhile, Daphne is also choosing to act outside of the box. There’s this guy she likes in her dorm rooms and he’s kind of been hot and cold on her. So instead of waiting for him to make up his mind – Daphne has decided to take the initiative this time.

She’s pursuing him!

And you know what? Regina might be doing the same thing because after she heard Eric and his son needed a place to stay – she offered up her home for the next couple of days. Which, at first, was fine. Until eventually it wasn’t.

It seems Eric has communication issues and Regina, for one, definitely doesn’t know how to handle it.

She tried telling Eric that if he occasionally brought up his ex-wife to Will then maybe the little boy wouldn’t be so confrontational with his father. And he told her quite bluntly that his wife wasn’t up for discussion. Then he and his son moved out the next morning when Regina was still sleeping. So sadly pursuing something more with Eric is not possible at the moment.

Although, Daphne (while funnier) didn’t end on a good night either. Because after she spent a night with her crush – he then went about pretending as if they were still mere acquaintances. And it’s sort of hard being acquaintances with someone after they took to you to the campus clinic when the condom fell off, but not on the ground.

Hence, the Vasquez women both had relationship issues. However they felt strong enough to demand what they expect from their partner or walk away if they were never going to get the respect they wanted. And the Kennishs had to deal with a corrupt coach.

Travis was supposed to write a paper for his English class yet he didn’t feel like he could do it on his own. So he went to Kathryn for help and when he found out she wasn’t going to let him get off the hook too easily – his baseball coach then helped him find someone he could pay to write his paper.

So John confronted Coach Walsh about it and the other man believed it best to turn himself in before John could do it for him. And now John is the interim head coach at the school and this way he can make sure Travis is doing the work himself.

As for Bay, she found a job that doesn’t pay but involves creating artwork for a living. So the first project she took on was to make a mural dedicated to Tess and her chronically ill baby son. Bay called “Everyday Heroes” because that’s who Tess was to her and surprisingly it’s already starting to make head waves!



Kristine Francis:
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