Taylor Swift and Abel Tesfaye: Petted Hair After Drinking Too Much?

Taylor Swift and Abel Tesfaye: Petted Hair After Drinking Too Much?Taylor Swift and Abel Tesfaye: Petted Hair After Drinking Too Much?

Did a night of serious drinking provoke some very strange behavior on Taylor Swift’s part? R&B singer Abel Tesfaye wondered if Swift had too much to drink the first time they met because she kept petting his hair. The two met up at British singer and songwriter Sam Smith’s 2015 Grammy after-party and Taylor raved about his music.

Dishing to Rolling Stone magazine, Tesfaye told about a 15-minute conversation he had with Swift at the over-the-top party. “She was like, ‘I’ve been listening to “The Morning” [from “House of Balloons”] for years – it’s one of my favorite songs ever!’ I mean she might have just Googled it. But she seemed genuine.”

Genuine or not – Abel divulged that he thought Taylor had overindulged a bit on the alcoholic beverages. The singer said that everyone at the after-party was hammered – including Katy Perry and Ed Sheeran.

And why did Abel Tesfaye think T-Swift might have been drunk, besides the fact that everyone else was? “The whole time [Taylor] was talking she was kind of, like, petting my hair? I think she was just drawn to it – she must have been a little gone off a few drinks.” Tesfaye’s hair does draw attention, it has been said that it has a personality all its own. Maybe Taylor, reinforced with a little liquid courage, decided she wanted a piece of that double mullet for herself.

You have to give credit to Tesfaye – he didn’t ask her to stop even though he thought the encounter was weird. This could get interesting! Taylor likes to write songs about her experiences in life, though she won’t admit that any of her song lyrics are about any one particular person.

Sometime in the future Taylor Swift may write a song about meeting Abel Tesfaye and the night she had too much to drink and petted his hair. Or she may write a song calling him a liar in order to maintain that America’s Little Sweetheart image.

What do you think? Did Taylor Swift really sit at a party and pet Abel Tesfaye’s hair for 15 minutes? Or is he off his rocker? Do you think the next major feud T-Swift will have is with Tesfaye?

Olivia Marie:
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