Teen Mom OG Recap 5/25/15: Season 5 Finale “Let’s Face It”

Tonight on MTV their series Teen Mom OG continues with an all new Monday May 25, season 5 finale called “Let’s Face It” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, In the Season 5 finale, Matt’s intentions are questioned by Amber’s family; Catelynn leaves Nova under April’s care.

On the last episode, Tyler pressuresdCate to lose her pregnancy weight; Amber and Matt lost it in Vegas; Maci worried about Bentley’s safety; and Debra wanted to go into business with Farrah. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the MTV synopsis, “in the Season 5  finale, Matt’s intentions are questioned by Amber’s family; Catelynn leaves Nova under April’s care; Maci and Taylor find their dream home; and Farrah pressures Simon for an engagement.”

It sounds like Teen Mom is going to be an awesome new show. Don’t forget to check CDL for our live recap of Teen Mom premiere at 8PM ET!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#TeenMomOG begins with Catelynn and Tyler planning a trip to LA to appear on an episode of The Doctors to talk about adoption. They debate taking Nova along or not and who can take care of her. Tyler says he wants her to stick to breast feeding but says it’s her decision. At Amber’s house, the head out to dinner with Krystal and her boys and Amber wishes Leah was with her. Robert, Gary’s brother comes over to ask about a tabloid report on Matt, Amber’s boyfriend.

Robert is shocked that he’s 43 and says Amber must be wanting a grown up after Gary. Robert reads off info about convictions for bad checks and DUI. Gary says she jumped into a relationship with him and Robert agrees it seems sketchy. Gary says he’s just worried about an impact on Leah. Krystal asks Matt about the publicity and he says a neighbor was taking photos while he was scraping ice off the car. He says he’s going back into HR and Amber says he just had an interview.

Amber says she’s picking Leah up after school and says she and Matt are going to stay in a hotel after they drop her off. Matt says they need some privacy. Amber says she wishes she saw Leah more and says it’s school and Gary not letting her have her on school nights. Krystal asks why and Amber says she feels like Gary doesn’t respect her and is bullying her. Amber says she really misses Leah. Taylor tells Maci they need to buy a house soon because of the pregnancy clock.

Maci says he’s expecting her to do all this. She says she needs a backyard big enough to play ball. She says they need at least three bedrooms and then he says he wants a basement or bonus room for a man cave and that’s it. She says that’s just more space to clean and he asks her to get him another beer. She says since she can’t drink it, she won’t get it. Farrah is opening a present Simon sent. It’s a giatn teddy bear. He also sent candy. Sophia is glad he’s coming tomorrow.

His visit will be the first time to meet Sophia. She’s out with Paolo for dinner and they talk about Simon. Farrah says she’s had bad luck with guys and is worried about Simon and Sophia getting along. She says he told her they have to date for two years before they can talk about getting married but Farrah says she thinks a year is enough. She and Sophia get ready to go to the airport. Sophia tries to load her dogs into their kennels and Farrah yells at her.

Farrah is busy getting ready and bullying her kid. They head out. Farrah tells her to be on her best behavior. She makes faces at passing cars. Catelynn deals with a major diaper blow out while Tyler gags. He’s grossed out. Catelynn calls her mom to ask if she can watch Nova while they go to LA. She worries about trusting her mom and we see a flashback of her mom chain smoking in the car while Catelynn was pregnant the first time. We see her cursing at Catelynn over the adoption.

She says once her mom got sober, their relationship approved. Catelynn talks about how crazy their lives were at 16 compared to 23. She says she hopes Carly gets to come to the reunion show so she can meet her mom finally. Catelynn talks about her unhappy childhood and how she lived in trailers and never even had a house. Farrah touches up her makeup when they get close and Sophia asks if Simon can sit in the back with her. She tells Farrah she’ll kick her booty. If she doesn’t let him sit with her.

They pull up and Farrah tells her to sit back and behave. They pull up and he gets into the car and high fives her. He asks if she likes the bear. Sophia tells them to stop holding hands and then sasses Simon. Sophia acts out and pulls on his shirt and then his seat belt. Then Sophia asks if Farrah is serious that she wants to get married. Farrah is appalled. Taylor and Maci are out house shopping without luck. They head to see one more and Maci falls in love with it.

It has a room to make into a man cave and big rooms. The realtor says it’s $159k listing price. Maci tells Taylor she likes it and says Bentley will love it too. He says they should put an offer in. Maci says she wants to be moved in before she has the baby. Maci says they can make an offer. Amber gets a text from Gary that confuses her. Gary talks to Kristina his GF and Heather the producer. He says he texted Amber to pick up Leah since she was sick for school.

He says he called her to see if she wanted to pick her up and take Leah to the doctor and keep her overnight. Amber says he just wants her to take her to the doctor so she’ll have to pay. He says Amber hasn’t been paying her child support and he pays for everything anyway. Leah goes up to lie down and then Gary reads off a text from Amber where she’s cursing at him and calling him names. Gary thanks Kristina for taking care of her.

Heather goes to Amber’s. She says she’s done because of the jabs because he said she could only keep her overnight because Leah isn’t going to school tomorrow. Amber rants to Matt about how sick she is of living this way.

Farrah talks about Sophia being hyper in the car with Simon and hopes he can handle it. They get to the house and she gives him a tour of the house but Sophia closes her door before they come in. Next they go to hang out with her dad Michael. They all go to dinner. Sophia insists on sitting by Simon. Sophia says she likes Simon more than her mom. Michael asks how it’s going with Sophia then says Austin is the fastest growing city around. Simon lives in San Diego and says it’s congested there.

Michael toasts to their happiness. Catelynn and Tyler delivers Nova to her mom so they can leave for their trip. She asks about the reunion show then they head out to leave for LA. They touch down in California and talk about how much they miss Nova. They call Cate’s mom to check in on Nova. She says she’s already gone through four diapers. Catelynn says she’s nervous about leaving Nova but it’s nice to have her mom’s support.

She says her mom is totally different now. They talk about what time they have to leave to get to the show. They toast to a full night of sleep. Amber tells Matt she doesn’t have the energy to argue with Gary anymore. Gary walks Leah out to the car and Matt asks Leah how she’s feeling. Gary hands over her medicine and they leave. Amber says she wants to start taking her to school in the mornings but Leah says her dad doesn’t want her to.

Leah says she thinks she’s going to throw up. Leah starts crying. Matt and Amber take her to their hotel trip. Why didn’t they cancel and take the sick child home? That’s slack parenting. Amber pulls Lah out of the car and she’s still crying. No one likes to travel when they’re sick. Leah perks up a little bit when she sees the hot tub and roses. Amber says their fanta-suite turned into a family suite. Leah bounces and throws the rose petals around. Matt says she made a serious recovery.

Maci tells Taylor the baby has started blinking. The realtor calls with a counter offer. Maci says they’ll take the offer and Taylor says they have a house. Sky comes to see Ryan after work. Ryan says Bentley is playing ball and it just started up. He says it’s all about baseball. Sky asks about Shelby then asks if Maci is married. Ryan says she’s in a serious relationship with Taylor who is a great dude. He says he hopes they work out because he has to deal with her forever because of Bentley.

Keelie and Robbie meet Taylor and Maci for dinner. Taylor tells them they bought a house and Maci says they’re just waiting on the loan. Leah says the man cave will also be a guest bedroom since it’s a really big room. Keelie asks when’s the wedding and Maci says not to ask her. She says she’s talking to Taylor who blushes and says it’s next on the list. He says they’re past the point of no return. In LA, Cate and Tyler head to the set of The Doctors.

They go onstage and Dr Stork introduce them talking about 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom. They talk about giving Carly up for adoption. Tyler says they don’t use the phrase “give up” but like to say place for adoption. Tyler says they talk to her and see her and says an open adoption is very different. IT seems to go well. They talk about Teresa and Carly coming to the reunion and they hope she can meet Nova and Cate’s mom. Sophia puts earrings on Simon and Farrah snaps photos.

Farrah has some gifts for Simon – a new pair of shoes. Sophia starts slapping Simon hard on the arm and Farrah has to pull her away. When he walks off, Sophia hangs on to her ankles. He drags her through the house. They head over to Jeanne’s to stop Sophia off with her neighbor so she and Simon can hang out alone. Farrah asks him what he thinks of her dad and he says he liked him. She asks if he’s dated someone with a kid and if he thinks it’s a bit much. He says he likes Sophia and she’s awesome.

He texts and drives and Farrah offers to help then asks him why he’s being so quiet. He pulls up her dress and she says not to show everyone her undies but he says the cameras can’t see. Maci and Taylor are packing to move into their new house. Taylor isn’t there – he’s gone to pick out an engagement ring. He says this is a surprise so he’s winging it. Taylor heads to see his friends at the barbershop and says he feels like he needs a second job after looking at rings.

His friends asks if he’s sure he wants to do this. Taylor says he moved halfway across the country for her. He admits he’s nervous and says Jerid and Ryan have both been married. Those two have since broken up and they joke about their rings being at pawn shops now. Amber decides not to take Leah to the doctor since she’s feeling better and takes her to Gary’s house instead. They drop her off and then Gary talks to Heather and he’s upset because she didn’t take her to the doctor then called him stupid.

Gary says he just wanted to keep Leah after the way Amber treated her because he doesn’t want to punish Leah for what Amber does. Heather asks if he and Amber can sit down and talk but he says Amber always overtalks him. He says Amber needs to take a parenting class because she has no clue. He says it would be so much easier if Amber was gone. He shouldn’t be saying all this in front of Leah, but he may have a point.

Simon and Farrah take Sophia a walk and Farrah wants to know how serious he is about their future. They sit outside and watch Sophia play. She tells him she’s glad Sophia likes him or she wouldn’t be able to date him. She asks him to DTR and he says he doesn’t understand the question. Farrah says she won’t wait two year to get engaged and says that’s for ugly girls. He says nothing and ignores her attempts to get him to commit to committing.

Cate gets a call from Teresa and takes it outside. She comes back in and tells Tyler that Teresa is coming for the reunion but she’s not bringing Carly. Teresa says it was stressful trying to figure out how to travel with the kids and says she thinks it would be nice them being there mom to mom. They’re both upset about not seeing Carly. Tyler says it will be the first time that Teresa will see Catelynn’s mom since the birth. Cate says that probably makes Teresa nervous.

Simon packs to fly back to San Diego. Farrah says she thinks he’s not as serious about their relationship as he is. Sophia pulls on him and he tells her to stop and behave. They get ready to drive to the airport. They get into the car and Sophia wants Simon to sit with her. So Farrah says if Heather the producer drives they can both sit in the back with her. Simon snaps at Sophia for messing with his phone. Farrah asks if he thinks she’s pressuring him.

Sophia says she thinks he’s tricking her. Farrah gets really pushy with making him cuddle Sophia. He doesn’t like it then Farrah smacks his arm hard. Farrah gets pushy forcing him to kiss Sophia goodbye then he rushes away from the car after one quick kiss to Farrah. Farrah drives she and Sophia back home alone in the car and looks very sad. Farrah tells Heather she thinks Simon is lying and faking with her. She says he totally dismissed her when she called. She says the BS is overwhelming.

It’s moving day at Maci and Tyler’s new house and she jokes that she’s going into labor over this. Keelie and Robbie are there helping. They exhaust themselves getting it all done. The next day, Maci wants to paint the nursery and they talk about doing it gray. He says just a year ago he was in Texas now they have a house and a child on the way. Maci says things are getting serious and he says he wants to get engaged when he can surprise her. She agrees and then he pulls out soda.

She thought he was pulling out a ring box and he says to stay tuned. She laughs. Amber goes to see Bubby and her mom at her brother’s hotel. He asks if she’ll have Leah today and she says there are issues. Her mom says she needs to go to court. Amber says she refuses to keep apologizing for her past. Bubby says Gary will say one thing then do the other. Amber says she’s going to file for joint custody. Matt heads off with her brother’s wife and kids so Amber can talk to her brother alone.

Bubby says they never get family time anymore and says she’s been distant. Bubby says their relationship was quick but Amber says she’s happy. He says he’s her older brother and can ask questions. He says they just don’t know anything about Matt. She cuts him off then he says she’s over talking him and won’t listen. She says she just hears him bashing Matt and says he’s not mooching, has a job and is paying bills. Then she admits he hasn’t gotten paid yet but just got a job.

Amber says if she found out he was lying about something big in his life, he would be out. She says she has told Matt that. Farrah goes to the airport to pick up her mom Debra. Farrah says she’s running late and isn’t happy that her mom is there when she’s worried about her relationship with Simon. Farrah tries to call her BF and gets voice mail. She says she’s ready to take this to crazy level. Farrah tells her mom she envisioned her and Simon doing business together.

She says his temperament is very selfish and single. Debra says that’s not how dads operate. Debra says if he withdraws it worries her. Farrah says he gets quiet and pushes away. Debra says if he loves her, he’ll talk to her. Catelynn and Tyler head back to pick up Nova. They race to the door of April’s house. April says it was fun but she thinks Nova missed them. Tyler says it was nice to sleep and thanks her. April says she was surprised they didn’t call more.

Catelynn tells her that Teresa is coming to the reunion show but she’s not bringing Carly. April hangs her head and is sad. Catelynn says Teresa is still figuring out how to explain Nova to Carly. Tyler says it will be good for April and Teresa to reconnect now that Teresa can see that she’s sober and doing well. April goes outside to smoke and Cate says she’s sorry she won’t get to see Carly at the reunion. April says that Catelynn and Tyler taught her a lot about adoption.

Catelynn says that’s why they go and speak about it now. April says now she always corrects people if they say give up for adoption instead of placed. April says she’s sorry and Cate says she forgives her. April says she’s glad she has her and her granddaughter. They hug and cry. Maci and Taylor are settled into their new house and cradle her baby bump. We see Amber playing with Leah. We see Farrah getting voice mail again then playing tennis with Debra and Sophia. We see Catelynn smooching Nova.



Stormy Elizabeth:
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