Teen Mom OG Recap 6/8/15: Season 5 Finale Special “Check-Up With Dr. Drew – Part Two”

Tonight on MTV their series Teen Mom OG continues with an all new Monday June 8, season 5 finale special called “Check-Up With Dr. Drew – Part Two” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, part 2 of 2. Dr. Drew talks with the cast members.

On the last episode, part 1 of 2. Dr. Drew talked with the cast members. Maci discussed her decision to pull Bentley off the show; and Amber and Matt discussed their age difference. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the MTV synopsis, “in the finale conclusion. Dr. Drew talks with the cast members about their experiences on the show.”

It sounds like Teen Mom is going to be an awesome new show. Don’t forget to check CDL for our live recap of Teen Mom premiere at 8PM ET!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#TeenMomOG is back with Dr Drew for the second part of the reunion show. We start with Catelynn and he says less than 2% of moms choose adoption. He says they just welcomed Nova and then shows clips. We see them talking about getting pregnant and wedding blues. Then they find out it’s a girl and Tyler is disappointed. They talk about Brandon and Teresa not wanting them to post photos of Carly.

We see them getting to see Carly then Tyler talking about how he needs to finish his degree. We see Cate struggling with her weight and having pregnancy diabetes then her post-delivery weight loss concerns. Her wedding dress doesn’t fit and she says she has to lose four dress sizes. We see them struggling to get Nova to nurse and then hanging with her mom and things being really good.

Cate says it’s been a long road and she says the breast feeding was super tough. Dr Drew says it’s a good thing for bonding and nutrition and she says they nursed for nine weeks and then she rejected it and now she’s a formula baby. He asks about support from the other girls and she says she texts the other girls for advice on nursing. He asks her about Carly and she says it’s not too tough.

She says it’s never a goodbye but a see you later. Dr Drew asks what’s the toughest. She says bringing Nova home and says you think about what they missed with Carly. She says seeing everything makes them think about everything they missed with her and says for the first three days her hormones were raging and she was just crying looking at Nova. She says Tyler did a lot of research about birth moms.

She says it’s super hard for a lot of birth moms but says she knows the adoption was the right thing. Dr Drew says Carly got so much from that decision. Cate says she wouldn’t want anything else for Carly. Teresa is there and says they think back to when they first brought Carly home and they thought how hard it must have been on Catelynn to go home and she had the baby instead.

Teresa says they did that with their adopted son too and says it’s hard to think about the moms that give them up and says you just love the sacrifice the birth mother and father made. Teresa says she and Cate have talked about what it will look like when Nova gets older. Cate says once they had the big talk, things got easier. She says they learned that both couples had fears and it opened their eyes.

Teresa says Cate knows this now that it’s about what’s best for the child and to allow Carly to have her privacy. She says she’s in school now and it’s not fair to Carly to decide for her how public this should be. Dr Drew asks about Carly and Nova’s future relationship. Teresa says Nova will always be special to their family and says she wants to meet her. They call out Tyler who has Nova.

Teresa stands and Tyler hugs her and asks how she’s doing. Teresa says to hand her over and calls her princess. She kisses her and then looks at her and Cate pulls off her headband and says Carly would love that outfit. Teresa says it’s such a surreal experience and says six years ago she walked out here with Carly in her arms and now Tyler walks out with Nova.

Teresa is overcome. Dr Drew thanks Teresa for coming on the show to talk. Dr Drew says to check out ItsYourSexLife.com for info on birth control and more. Next it’s just Cate and Tyler and he says being a dad is awesome. He says the sleep thing is a big deal but says it’s amazing and says they just stare at her for a half hour straight in silence. Dr Drew asks about him wanting a boy.

Tyler says he doesn’t even need a son now – he’s got Nova. He asks about school and Tyler says it’s good. He says he’s working on a degree in social work. Cate says she’s not in school at the moment but says she’s staying home with Nova as long as she can. Drew asks about the diabetes and Tyler trying to work with her on her health during her pregnancy.

Cate says she thought it was about the weight not health. She says now she has a mom mind and does chores while Nova sleeps and doesn’t think about going to the gym. She says she told him to say that he should send her to the gym and clean up but Tyler says if he told her to go to the gym it would be bad. Drew asks about him posting the photos of Carly and if it was acting out.

Tyler says he thought he had the right to do it. Drew asks about Farrah and says Tyler had strong words. He says he thinks it’s bullsh*t that she was back on. He asks where Farrah’s moral compass is. Drew says lots of teen moms have to do different things to support themselves but Tyler says most don’t do porn. Tyler says is a girl who does that happy and Drew says they’re not.

Tyler says he doesn’t think it empowers women but is an easy paycheck. He says he thinks she was looking for quick money and some fame on social media. Dr Drew says if this show didn’t show how hard this process is, he doesn’t think it would have had such an impact on teen pregnancy. Tyler says they have a responsibility to be a platform. Dr Drew says he agrees that Farrah isn’t happy but won’t admit it.

He asks if they’re planning more kids and Cate says not now and he asks about her birth control and she says she’s got Paragard that’s good for 10 years. Next up, Dr Drew has Farrah on the couch. He says her return made things crazy. We see a look back at her this season from her talking to the producer about how she was coming back then Debra talking to her about moving back to Austin.

Then we see her talking about Simon and then him coming to visit. Then we see Maci quitting and Farrah calling her a fake piece of sh*t. Simon gets annoyed with Sophia who’s acting out then Farrah pushing him for a commitment. We see her mom asking her for face lift money and then Farrah telling her neighbor that her mom is using her. Farrah tells her dad no one is supportive of her.

Farrah says she’s better now and says doing the season has helped her family to talk things out and being around each other. She says there was growth that needed to happen. Dr Drew says she’s living with her tough choices then asks if she regrets them. Farrah says she doesn’t need to be regretful and has done work on herself in therapy. He asks about trauma and what that meant.

Farrah plays dumb and he says on one of her shows Dr Jenn talked about horrible trauma but Farrah says she won’t talk about that. She says it caused problems and made her vulnerable in certain areas. He asks if she would want Sophia in the business and she says no. Farrah says she can’t act like none of it exists and says many women are in gentleman’s clubs and she’s shown her daughter the worst and best.

She says she doesn’t want Sophia to have emotional problems and good relationships with men. Dr Drew asks her about Simon and says he felt sad that Simon didn’t get her. She says he understands more now. He asks if she gave him a deadline. Farrah says she doesn’t want to talk about it and mess up what she has but says she’s not rushing things. She says he’s with Sophia.

Drew asks why he’s not coming on camera. She says maybe he chose not to. She says Sophia is doing great and she’s loved at school by her teachers. He asks about her traveling so much. She says she has a nanny to help and her dad helps sometimes around his work. Dr Drew asks why she calls her dad Micahel. She says her half-sister calls him that. She says her dad has pissed her off and Drew laughs.

Farrah says that’s all the explanation she has. Dr Drew brings her mom Debra out next. Debra comes out with a megaphone chanting – Go Team Farrah. Dr Drew says she looks well and then says they started the season without Farrah. Debra says it was wrong and says she wants to set the record straight. Debra says it’s interesting how Maci can attack Farrah and says it’s rude. She says they’re a family.

Debra says the girls need to support each other and Drew agrees. She says what was hurtful was Tyler talking about how desperate he thinks Farrah is and looking for a quick buck. Debra says plenty of single moms dance in clubs and watch this show. She says instead of being judging and derogatory, they should help those girls. She says Farrah has been through death, hardship and loss.

Dr Drew asks Debra about how she felt when Farrah went that way for work. Debra says a greedy money hungry person took advantage of Farrah and says people are so ignorant and take a traumatic event that happened to Farrah then spun it around to make it like she’s a porn star. Debra says Farrah was lied to and manipulated. Debra says Farrah made something good out of it to support her child.

Dr Drew asks about the sex tape. Debra says her daughter is not a porn star. Drew asks how they protect Sophia from this in 10 years. Farrah says they would have already talked about it and talked about what she’s gone through. Farrah says the internet can do what it wants. Drew asks the hardest thing about being Farrah’s mom. Farrah tells her not to cry.

Debra says Farrah doesn’t think she loves her but she does but it gets hard when she snaps at her. She says she talks to Farrah from the heart. Michael listens and he’s got tears in his eyes too. Farrah says this is important to continue therapy because she’s not always emotionally connected. Farrah says she made wrong choices and attracted the wrong people because of her emotional choices.

Drew asks if Debra has concerns about Simon. Debra says yes and says just what he said. She says she and Farrah talked about it. He asks about the best part. She says Farrah has a big heart and is exciting to be around. Debra says she’s resilient. Michael is out next. Drew has never spoken to him before. Michael is also in a #TeamFarrah shirt. Dr Drew asks why Farrah calls him Michael.

He says his stepdaughter called him Michael and it never bothered him. He says she does call him dad now and he knows where her heart it. Michael says he and Farrah have matured a lot in the last two years but have had rough times. Drew asks about Farrah being harsh with them and says it’s tough to watch the way she talks to them. Drew says it’s painful.

Michael says he had a lot of confrontations with Derek before he passed away and says that marked Farrah. He says he was physically there when Farrah was growing up but there was emotional abandonment and says being on Teen Mom was hard. Drew asks why they got divorced and Debra speaks up and says Michael cheated. Michael says they had a toxic relationship.

He says he doesn’t like to see Farrah hurt. Michael says some of his questions are tough. He says Farrah has put up barricades to protect herself. He says the public was hard on Farrah and them. He says his daughter has been hurt mentally and physically. Farrah admits they don’t talk about it enough. Michael says Farrah and the family were taken advantage of.

Farrah says she’s glad her dad is more involved with her now. Michael says the biggest challenge is not the video, her toys or anything but says those are a challenge. He says the tough thing is seeing Farrah’s pain. Drew asks what’s the best thing about being her dad. He says Farrah loves him and has given him the best granddaughter in the world. He says she texted him from LA that she really loves him.

He says he texted back if that was really hear. Farrah laughs. He says he thinks Simon is a good thing. He says he saw Farrah’s happiness with Derek and sees her happy again now. He says they were all together in Austin and he saw her happy on Simon’s arm. Debra says it’s healing. Michael says he likes her happy and not on edge. Dr Drew says he sees Farrah more clearly now and says her story can be useful to other women. Farrah says she hopes so.

Dr Drew has all four of the moms there – Farrah, Cate, Amber and Maci. He says there’s a lot going on and he wanted to get them together and work through some of the tension that’s built this season. Drew asks Cate about Farrah. She says Farrah was retweeted something saying Cate shouldn’t be on the show because she gave up her baby. Cate says Farrah is just the way she is and can be really mean.

Amber says she’s not in this sh*t and says not to throw her in it. Amber says she and Farrah have talked out their sh*t. Drew says Farrah has felt outside. He asks Maci how they can do that. Maci says she wants a relationship with Farrah and then turns to Farrah. Maci says it was more about her and MTV, not her and Farrah. She says she knows why her feelings might have been hurt.

Maci says she never meant to hurt her feelings and didn’t want her to feel judged by her ever. She says it was about MTV and she was mad at them and it may have come across at her. Farrah says she gets that and doesn’t want her to be part of it because of assumptions when she signed the agreement. Maci says they should all have a relationship and Cate says they started together.

Dr Drew says it’s all about their choices. Amber says they all have different stories and Maci says they can all feel alone and she will have their backs because they know exactly what they’ve been through. Amber says being pregnant on TV and growing up on camera. Drew says this could erupt again and Amber says it could be another season. Dr Drew thanks them all. The rest of the cast comes out – Gary, Tyler, Nova, Sophia, Leah. Cate’s mom and all of them.



Stormy Elizabeth:
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