Teresa Giudice Divorce: Joe Giudice Cheating – Publicly Dating Other Women While RHONJ Star In Prison

Real Housewives of New Jersey star Teresa Giudice is only about half way through her 15 month prison sentence in Connecticut – and her husband Joe Giudice has already been caught cheating on her multiple times. No one would ever argue that Joe Giudice is a good husband, but since his wife headed off to federal prison – he has really taken his scummy behavior to a whole new level. Instead of staying at home with his four daughters who are undoubtedly missing their mother Teresa, he has taken advantage of her absence and seems to have had a steady stream of mistresses since she went away. Even worse, he isn’t even trying to hide his cheating this time!

Earlier this summer RHONJ star Joe Giudice was caught cheating on Teresa, and was openly dating a strip-club bartender named Samary Graulau. According to this week’s edition of National Enquirer, Joe was out on a double date in August with another mystery mistress. An eyewitness at the bar, “Daddy O” where Joe was drinking reported to National Enquirer, “He looked like he was having fun. It was him and a woman next to him and another man and woman across from them. My friends were like ‘He should be at home crying about Teresa or watching his daughters! But, Joe didn’t look like he was worried about anything at all, he was having a good time.”

Teresa Giudice has reportedly met with divorce lawyers, and plans to end her marriage as soon as she is a free woman. And, at this point who could blame her? It looks like as far as Joe is concerned their marriage is already over, or else he wouldn’t be publicly dating other women! Do you think Teresa might forgive Joe for cheating while she was away, or is there marriage as good as over? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Amanda Austin:
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