The Affair Recap 10/25/15: Season 2 Episode 4 “4”

The Affair Recap 10/25/15: Season 2 Episode 4 "4"The Affair Recap 10/25/15: Season 2 Episode 4 "4"

Tonight on Showtime, The Affair continues with an all new Sunday October 25, season 2 episode 4 called, “4” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Helen (Maura Tierney) makes an innocent mistake that leads to outrageous consequences.

On the last episode, Noah’s undying love for Alison lead to serious consequences. Meanwhile, Alison discovered a surprising truth about how to sustain a marriage. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the Showtime synopsis, “Helen makes an innocent mistake that leads to outrageous consequences. Meanwhile, a court order leads to a dire setback for Noah and Alison.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be an action packed one, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Showtimes’ The Affair Season 2 Episode 4— tonight at 10PM EST!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Helen Solloway was pretty much a side character last season. She was cheated on, she was lied to, but she never got her chance to express her feelings. Therefore the audience never saw what was going on in her life and or how it must have felt for her to have said life come toppling down. Yet on tonight’s episode of “The Affair”, we learn a little more about this scorn wife and it seems she’s been letting everything fall the by the wayside since Noah left.

There is such a thing as smoking the odd joint here or there. Though Helen is using her little habit to avoid her reality. For example, she smoked a blunt in public right before her first mediation session with Noah and afterwards she happily accepted a “gift” from Max. The same Max by the way that was actively supporting her through her divorce yet was still meeting up with her ex behind her back because, hey, he’s Noah’s friend too.

The latter being a topic that Helen never once brought up.

Therefore Helen clearly has some issues of her own. She may see Noah as Peter Pan but Helen was ostrich. She likes avoid the obvious and/or the messy. Which is also why she didn’t question how her mother was able to spend so much time helping her with kids. And how it never crossed her mind to demand where was her dad in all of this.

In all honesty the older man had been living with his former student for quite a few months until her mother admitted the truth. So finding out her parents had separated should not have come out of left field. If anything the truth had been staring at her for months.

And, well, finding out later that Max gave Noah money must have been too much for Helen.

She went on a binge. She started drinking during the day and showed up at work drunk. Although that didn’t seem like anything new to her employee who must have lived through of Helen’s rants from before.

And nevermind the hallucinations that Helen had been experiencing from whatever else she was on. That is if it had been drugs instead of a mental breakdown. What matters is that Helen’s life was eventually one big blur.

She went from her binge to doing her hair. Then she got a call from her younger kids. Apparently she had forgotten to pick them up from camp so she raced to go do so and she had her kids in the car when she crashed into another vehicle. And as with any car accident, police showed up and it was clear to them that Helen had been under the influences.

So she ended up getting arrested and surprisingly she turned to Noah afterwards. She called him to get the kids and what happens next is something they disagree on.

Helen believes she was under control when she accused Noah of destroying their lives and Noah seems to think it was a laughing drunk. But what matters is that she called and he showed up. And following what could have been an argument was Noah taking control of the kids.

He took them to his sister’s because funnily enough his life wasn’t in a good place either. After their first court session for their divorce, Noah was told the judge didn’t approve of his relationship with Allison and so Noah felt it was in his best interest to live separately from Allison. And she thought he was asking too much. She felt joint custody wasn’t worth it and she asked him if weekends and the occasional wouldn’t be enough.

But after that thing with Helen, Noah told family that he had better odds at getting full custody. So his sister had to tell him to get his head out of the clouds. He couldn’t rip his family apart one second and then take the kids away from their mother in the next.

So Noah ended up leaving his sister’s place and going to a motel. Only taking care of three kids by himself prove to be very difficult. His eldest son had another stomach upset and was refusing to go to the hospital. And that meant Noah had to stay awake all night to keep watch.

And sure Noah painted himself as the devoted father but not even he could deny that he later reached out to Allison because he needed someone to talk to. About his sister, about his dad who he seems to have problems with, and about the kids. So in a way his sister was right. He couldn’t do it alone.

He just wasn’t made that way.

And despite Helen’s problems, odds are she wasn’t as out of control as Noah saw her. He probably had full custody on the brain from back then so he saw her worst off than she was. Which is something that Helen doesn’t deserve.

He left her and so he’s not the complete white knight he thinks he is.


Kristine Francis:
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