The Bachelor Spoilers: Who Won Chris Soules’ 2015 Final Rose – Reality Steve Misinformed, Makes Season 19 Winner Error?

The Bachelor Spoilers: Who Won Chris Soules' 2015 Final Rose - Reality Steve Misinformed, Makes Season 19 Winner Error?The Bachelor Spoilers: Who Won Chris Soules' 2015 Final Rose - Reality Steve Misinformed, Makes Season 19 Winner Error?

The Bachelor 2015 spoilers explain how who won supposedly and was leaked as the winner of Season 19 and Chris Soules’ fiancee could have been a big mistake! Season 19 Bachelor spoilers were leaked weeks before Chris Soules’s premiere in January 2015 – and the Internet already knows which girl he chooses as a winner, thanks to the infamous blogger and spoiler guru Reality Steve. Reality Steve has been extensively spoiling every season of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette for years right down to which girl get eliminated which week, who makes a drunken fool of themselves on what episode, and of course the winner. But, the blogger has come under fire this season and his followers have been lashing out on him on social media and accusing him of “not knowing anything about Chirs Soules’s” season because his spoiler are so vague and lacking the usual detailed episode-by-episode spoilers he has been known to provide.

Regardless of how much Reality Steve does or doesn’t know about Season 19 of The Bachelor, the blogger leaked the 2015 winner weeks ago – and claims that Chris Soules is currently engaged to Whitney Bischoff. Although Reality Steve is usually dead on when it comes to the season’s winner, as long as you don’t count Desiree Hartsock’s season, Bachelor Nation is doubting the spoiler guru’s supposed winner Whitney Bischoff.

This week Episode 3 of Season 19 aired on ABC, and Chris Soules’s 1-on-1 date with possible winner Whitney has Bachelor fans buzzing on the internet. Chris and Whitney were getting to know each other and noticed a wedding being held nearby, they spontaneously decided to crash the event and pose as an engaged couple that were friends of the bride and groom – Whitney Bischoff spend the majority of the night gushing over her “fiancé” Chris Soules to strangers and flashing her “engagement ring” to them.

Now, if it was any other girl that Chris told 100 strangers he was engaged to – we wouldn’t even bat an eye. But, it seems pretty ironic that the girl he happened to announce his faux engagement to is the same girl that Reality Steve swears is the winner and Chris is engaged to now. Who is to say that Reality Steve’s “sources” aren’t just people at the wedding the Chris and Whitney crashed who honestly believe the couple are engaged?

What do you think Bachelor fans? Is it possible that the person who informed Reality Steve that Chris Soules and Whitney Bischoff are engaged was mistaken and saw them at the wedding pretending to be engaged? Is this why Whitney Bischoff is being called the bachelorette who won The Bachelor 2015. Let us know what you think in the comments below and don’t forget to check CDL tomorrow for more The Bachelor 2015 spoilers and news.


Amanda Austin:
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