The Biggest Loser Recap – Amazing Makeover Transformations: Season 16 Episode 15 “Makeover Week”

Tonight on NBC The Biggest Loser which features over weight contestants competing to lose weight to win money returns with an all new Thursday January 8, season 16 episode 15 called “Makeover Week” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode the contestants get makeovers from fashion guru Tim Gunn and hairstylist Ken Paves, and then they’re reunited with loved ones on a rooftop overlooking the Los Angeles skyline. Included: a performance by Gavin DeGraw.

On the last episode, the Kauai adventure continued for the remaining five contestants, who tackled their fears head on this week. Dolvett encouraged one player to push past his fear and join him rapelling down a waterfall, while Jessie took another on a rope-swinging adventure in the jungle. Then it was time for a fun, Hawaiian-style challenge, a Lacrosse-inspired obstacle course with coconuts that rewarded the winner with a one-pound advantage on the scale. Meanwhile, at Comeback Canyon, two players also had to face their fears in a balancing challenge 25 feet up in the air before a weigh-in sends one player home for good. Then the contestants left Kauai and headed back to the ranch, where a red line at the weigh-in determined which player was eliminated. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the NBC synopsis, “the contestant have made it to the fan-favorite makeover week in an exciting episode that also brings game-changing surprises. Fashion expert Tim Gunn and celebrity hairstylist Ken Paves return to create more inspirational transformations, working their makeover magic on the final four ranch contestants as well as the two eliminated players at Comeback Canyon. After the ranch contestants get incredible new looks, they are reunited with their loved ones on a downtown rooftop overlooking Los Angeles. It’s a magical night that also features a surprise live performance from popular singer/songwriter Gavin DeGraw, performing his hit solo, “Fire.” Meanwhile, the made-over Comeback Canyon contestants are treated to emotional reunions with their loved ones separately, 15 weeks after leaving home. And the stakes have never been higher at Comeback Canyon, because this week’s weigh-in winner will be joining trainer Bob Harper in his long-awaited, surprise return to the ranch, bringing his Comeback Canyon champ to join the competition. And that’s not the only surprise awaiting the contestants at this week’s weigh-in.”

The Biggest Loser season 16 episode 15 airs at 8PM on NBC and we will be live blogging it with all the up-to-the-minute details. So make sure to come back to this spot and spend the evening with us! Make sure to refresh often to get the most current details and updates!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

On #BiggestLoser, it’s makeover week and the final countdown at Comeback Canyon. Rob is excited that he’s made it to makeover week and Lori is so excited about getting a new look. Ali tells them all to get some beauty sleep in advance of their big makeovers. Bob greets Woody and tells him to get out of the limo at Comeback Canyon. He tells him it’s not over and Woody is stunned to hear about Comeback Canyon. He says he has to compete and will get one more weigh in to try and stick around. Bob takes him outside and sees Scott. He says Scott looks amazing and Bob says it’s a big week at Comeback Canyon because it’s the final one and will be headed back to the ranch at the end of the week.

Scott says he wasn’t happy that Woody voted him off the ranch and is excited at the chance to send him packing but Woody also is ready for the challenge and says he wants it more than Scott does. We’ll see. Tim Gunn greets the contestants and Sonya is excited to see him there. He greets them and says Kohl’s is providing the new look for their makeovers plus a brand new wardrobe when they go home. Tim says Kohl’s is more than just great clothes, they want to promote a healthy lifestyle. He tells them they’re going to look and feel fantastic. He says they are headed to Ken Paves, the hottest Hollywood hair stylist. (Love his hair work)

Tim says they are all going to be part of an Us Weekly photo shoot and Lori is stunned. She says she loves the magazine and can’t believe it. Tim says he’s excited to put them into real clothes and says they haven’t reconciled their new size and shape yet. Sonya says she keeps wondering how she’s going to look in these outfits. Tim says he can’t wait for them to see how fabulous they are. Sonya comes out in a gorgeous green dress and she can’t believe how great she looks and that she’s in a dress. Sonya says she’s always wanted to date and fall in love, but hated the way she looked. She says standing there in the dress, the possibilities seemed possible.

Lori comes out in a beautiful pink number and he asks what she’s thinking. She says it’s been a long time and is all teared up. She says for the first time in a long time, she put on clothes that didn’t look awful and made her feel beautiful. Tim says it’s like another Olympic medal. Over at Ken Paves salon, it’s haircut time. Lori is thrilled and says she wants to feel like a hot mom. Ken greets them all. It’s his sixth season with the Biggest Loser and says it’s important to him to help them celebrate their big moment. He says their new glory days start today. They get colored, clipped and primped. Rob says he’s never had conditioner in his hair. Sonya says Dolvett was the first man to say she was beautiful.

Sonya says she never thought she was worth a fancy haircut. Lori is thrilled and Sonya jokes about the Saran Wrap they’ve got in her hair. It’s reveal time for the makeovers. Lori says she came there as a broken person that didn’t like herself. She says she’s proud of herself for the fight she’s given in this journey. Sonya says she’s in uncharted waters and feels good about herself for the first time. Rob says he’s been scared he’ll spend his life alone and not find anyone but has found himself.

Lori says she needed to go through this emotional process to fall in love with herself. Lori is first up and Jessie grabs her up in a big hug and tells her she’s beautiful. Ali hugs her too and Tim says she’s perfect and is rocking it. She says Jessie’s been trying to get her to let go and she did. Jessie says he loves to see her smiling. Tim then tells Lori that he wants her to see her photo shoot pics. She goes to check out the photos and sees her before and isn’t happy to see it.

Then she sees her after and says all she sees is confidence in how she looks now. Then there’s her husband and son. They are stunned. Her husband says OMG and gives her a big hug. She picks up her son and says she misses him. Her son Shawn says he’s never seen her look so pretty. Her husband says she looks so different. Next up is Toma. He says there’s so much more he wants to do. He’s clean shaven and sexy!

Ari hugs him and can’t believe it. Tim tells him he’s spectacular and loves him clean shaven. Jen hugs him and says the weight off and beard gone is like a whole new Toma. She says he looks healthy and strong. He says when he lost his dad, he felt like part of his life was missing and says it was hard to see a future without him but now believes in himself more. Toma heads over to see his photos. The before is him so big and the after is him looking so sleek.

Toma says he doesn’t recognize the US Weekly photo as him. Then his mom and sister are there hugging him. His sister Marija asks how he feels and he says it feels amazing. She says she’s so proud of what he’s done. Rob is next and Dolvett gives him a big hug. Tim asks what he thinks and he says he can’t believe it. Rob checks out his photos and then there’s his brother Matt who is totally shocked at how thin Rob is now.

Next up is Sonya. Jen tells her she’s splendid and says she’s speechless. Sonya says she’s never felt like this in her life and says she wanted to take off the physical weight but didn’t know how it would change her on the inside. Sonya can’t believe how it looks to compare her 283 pound photo and says it embarrassed her. Then she sees her new photo and says she looks good. She says the before photo will never define her again. The door opens and her BFF is there and her jaw drops when she sees Sonya.

Jeni says she can’t believe it and she says she feels like it’s not even her. She’s so excited for Sonya who can’t believe she’s there. Ali pops champagne for all of them and Tim says he’s so proud to be there with them for makeover week. Ali brings out Gavin DeGraw who performs for them. He says he loves watching the show and seeing them all reach their potential. Rob says he’s happy he took the chance to be on the show.

Woody and Scott also get their makeovers. Bob says he wanted Comeback Canyon to also have a makeover week and says they got the royal treatment from Tim Gunn and Ken Paves. Woody and Scott are looking great and Bob says it’s a huge milestone for the guys. Scott is first and Bob tells him he looks amazing. Scott says he wouldn’t have imagined he could look like this at 124 pounds lighter. He says he found himself at Biggest Loser.

Bob brings out Scott’s family. His kids hug him crying. His wife is stunned and even Bob is getting misty eyed. Zach, his son, says his dad looks so slim and he can’t believe it. Scott says it was so hard to keep going and wants his kids to know it’s okay to struggle and let people know you need help. He tells his wife he loves her and Wendy can’t believe she can put her arms around him now. She thanks Bob and gives him a big hug too. She says Biggest Loser saved his life.

Woody comes out looking sharp and Bob says he’s got all that swag. They hug and Woody says he’s come so far from week one when he was ready to give up. Woody says he never looked in the mirror before and says the mirror is his best friend now. Bob says his wife is looking down on him proudly. Woody agrees. Then Bob brings out his kids. He hugs his son and daughter and they can’t believe it. They are all just bawling.

She says her dad is all they have now since they lost their mom the way they did. Woody says he was lazy and made excuses and now they have a new daddy. Leana says she sees her dad the way he used to be and says he’s confident and smiling like he used to be. Jen is working with the contestants and tells them now is the time to push themselves. Lori is pushing herself harder than ever. She says she wants to make it to the very end.

Bob pushes Woody and Scott and says today decides who will be the Comeback Canyon player that heads back to the ranch. Scott and Woody get into some verbal sparring. Woody says he’s in his head and Scott says he’s doing being silent and taking it. They talk some smack at each other and Bob says that shit was real. It’s weigh in time at Comeback Canyon. Bob says it’s the last weigh in and says he’s taking one of them back to the ranch with them and says it’s been a competitive week.

Woody is first. He started at 398 pounds. Last week, he was down to 291. Now, he weighs in at 285. He lost six pounds and Woody says he thinks it could keep him safe. He lost 2.06% of his weight. Scott gets on the scale next. He started at 366 pounds. He has to lose five or more pounds. Last week he was at 242. They now flip to the weigh in over at the ranch. Ali says they should be proud they all made it to makeover week.

They have to make it over the yellow line to stay in. The two above the yellow line will vote to decide which of the two below the yellow line will go home. Rob is up first. He started at 483. He was at 332 last week and this week is down to 330. He lost two pounds. Rob isn’t happy and says he doesn’t know how it happened. Dolvett says they lost time this week due to the makeover distractions. He lost just .6%. Next up is Toma. He was 217 last week and is down just one pound to 216 this week. That’s .46%.

Next up is Sonya. She started at 283, was 178 last week and is now at 175. She lost three pounds which is 1.69%. Toma is definitely below the yellow line and facing elimination. Last is Lori. She began at 301, last week was 227 and this week weighs 226. She lost one pound also. Rob is thrilled to be safe. That puts Lori below the yellow line. She says she doesn’t want to go home. She’s at .44%. SO Lori and Toma are both facing elimination.

Then there’s a message from Tim Gunn on the screen. He says he promised a week full of surprises. He says there’s one more and says there is no yellow line this week. They erase the yellow line and Tim says no one is going home this week. Jessie thanks Tim and so does Lori. That means they all will make it week 16. Then the doors open and they all turn to see Bob standing there. They are all stunned and wonder what this means.



Stormy Elizabeth:
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