The Blacklist Recap – Germans and Jellyfish: Season 2 Episode 17 “The Longevity Initiative”

Tonight on NBC their criminal drama, The Blacklist starring James Spader continues with an all new Thursday March 26, season 2 episode 17 called, “The Longevity Initiative” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, the team pursues a scientist who abducts disabled patients for immortality experiments. Meanwhile, Tom [Ryan Eggold] returns to Washington, D.C., but must race to evade new enemies.

On the last episode, as evidence mounted against Liz (Megan Boone) in the case of the murdered DC Harbormaster, a federal judge made it clear to her that she would face severe criminal charges. Reddington (James Spader) and Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) jumped into high gear to exonerate Liz but the only solution was to find the recently vanished Tom Keen – wherever he may be operating in world. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the NBC’s synopsis, “the task force tracks a scientist who abducts disabled patients to conduct experiments on immortality. Now back in Washington, DC, Tom (Ryan Eggold) scrambles to save himself from new enemies.”

Tonight’s episode of The Blacklist is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it. So pop some popcorn, grab a snuggle buddy, and definitely tune into this amazing series! Hit the comments and let us know if you are excited about this new season.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#Blacklist starts in New York City. Lloyd complains to Powell that it’s the third one this month and says he’s just supposed to find them. Lloyd says someone is going to catch them if these experiments continue to go bad. Powell threatens Lloyd. A van is stopped by a policeman. Lloyd is driving. He asks what he’s hauling and he says produce.

He asks if he knows this route is a drug smuggling route to Ontario and asks to look in the back. He asks him to remove the sheet and the cop is stunned. They struggle and Lloyd gets the gun and kills the cop. He hops in the cop’s car and speeds off as another cop pulls up in an SUV. We see at least one body in the back of the van.

Charlene wakes to find Harold out of bed and sees he left his cane. He says he walked a few painful steps without it and says the treatment is working. She says the tumor is shrinking like the doctor said. Tom calls Elizabeth and says he’s in trouble. He says Red burned him and some Germans are after him. He ends the call as he gets in the car with Bud who just found him.

Red comes in and offers her a bottle of wine. He says the grape vines she and Sam harvested. It’s a bottle of wine she made with Sam as a child. He wishes her happy birthday. Red says she’s all Sam dreamed of and more and says it’s probably undrinkable so he bought her a really good bottle of red from 1931. Red asks what she knows about the Longevity Initiative.

He says it’s a private company funded by Roger Hobbs to help rich people live forever. Red says he passed on investing and says Roger is smarter than the average bear and is now just as deadly. He tells her about the killed trooper and she says there mutilated bodies in the truck. Red says they weren’t mutilated, they were experimented on and says she needs to talk to Hobbs.

Donald and Elizabeth go to see Hobbs and he says they’re solving the death riddle and support emerging technologies. Donald says they found three dead bodies with craniotomies they think are linked to his people. Hobbs says he has a pile of lawyers on speed dial but didn’t call them and is talking to them voluntarily. They ask for a list of scientists. He says no problem.

They go see Dr Maynard who confirms the bodies were experimented on and says foreign cells were inserted into their brains including some cells that weren’t human. He says one was William Eckhoff who suffered a severe TBI and was reported missing from a long term care facility because he was essentially a vegetable. Lloyd calls Powell in a panic. Powell is upset to see his patients on the news.

Lloyd is upset that he had to kill a cop. Powell rants and Lloyd says he warned him and says he’s leaving the country and says he should go too. Powell says he’s with a patient. He he has a woman there and administers some drugs. She seems like she’s going to speak but then has a seizure and flatlines.

Tom Connolly comes to see Harold and says he looks good. Harold says he’s better and thanks Connolly who says he heard some of his people visited Roger Hobbs. He asks if Hobbs is a friend and Connolly says Hobbs’ company holds defense contracts and is a good guy. Harold says that has nothing to do with the investigation. Connolly says he just wants Hobbs to get the benefit of the doubt but says to do what’s right.

A woman at the care facility talks to Elizabeth and Donald. They ask for security information and where he was last seen. She says Diane took them outside and says he was with Jean Paul and then he was gone. They ask to talk to Jean Paul but she says he’s not communicative. Elizabeth sits down with Jean Paul and asks about William. She asks if he saw anything. He slides a king card over to her.

She walks away. Donald says everyone on site was authorized then she sees an entry from Gold Crown pharmaceuticals. She goes back to Jean Paul and asks if Gold Crown was what he was trying to say. Aram says he’s looking for Lloyd but he’s not at work. Samar says she found out Lloyd was at another care facility where a patient went missing.

Amar says the guy bought a bus ticket out of Buffalo. Elizabeth tells him to get the local PD on it. Donald talks to her about Tom and says he’s still a murderer no matter what. Bud tells Tom to hop the first flight to London and says Pitts will be waiting. Tom says Red just showed up and he had no choice but Bud says this is not on Red. Tom notices his gun is missing.

Bud holds it on Tom and sighs. He says his uncle was a farmer who had a well trained and loyal border collie but it got into the hen house and killed half the chickens. He says he loved that dog but knew it had to be put down. Bud says he looked the other way when he burned Red for the girl and went to the feds. He tells Bud he’s not just some operative and know and raised him.

Bud says he warned him about the girl and says she cost him his life. They run into another car and then two guys start shooting at them. It’s the Germans. They tell Tom to step out of the car. Elizabeth and Donald have Lloyd in interrogation and she says they have proof he killed the cop and is eligible for the death penalty. She says to give up his employers and he can get life and maybe parole.

He says it was Julian Powell. He says he’s a doctor and paid him to get very specific test subjects. They ask about Roger Hobbs and he says he doesn’t know him. He says he can help since he drops the test subjects off at the same place. They raid the facility and didn’t find Powell but found a bunch of strange stuff. Maynard tells them that Powell’s reach centers on stem cells and jellyfish.

He was trying to move jellyfish genomes over. He shows them two rabbits and says one has jellyfish DNA. He flips a black light on and one glows. Maynard shows them a sample called the immortal jellyfish and says it never dies. When it stresses, it changes its own cells and reverses the aging process and reboots. Maynard says Powell is trying to regenerate brain tissue.

He says the guy is crazy but it’s amazing research. Aram says Powell was doing remarkable research the dropped off the radar in 2007. He worked for a Roger Hobbs owned company before he started his secret research. Donald asks Elizabeth what she’s doing for her birthday. Powell calls Hobbs and Hobbs tells him to come in. Powell says he’s on the verge of a break through.

Powell refuses to come in and says this is bigger than him or any of them. Hobbs tells Red this is a serious problem. Hobbs says people would steal Powell’s research and says getting rid of the guy is problematic. Red asks Hobbs what he was thinking. Hobbs says he didn’t know Powell was going to get so reckless and says people died making the smallpox vaccine.

Red says Hobbs thinks he’s above death. Hobbs talks about Salk and other great men who experimented on innocent people. Red says he knows another young man who pursued science at the cost of humanity and says that was Joseph Mengele. Hobbs is told there are two FBI agents waiting downstairs. Hobbs gives Red the identity of the scientist and info so he can take care of the problem.

Red says he’ll see what he can do. Hobbs lets Donald and Elizabeth in while Red heads out another way. Elias demands to know who Tom works for and Bud tells him to go ahead and kill them. Elias say that’s too easy. They agree to take Tom first and Elias asks Tom if he’s heard of the blood eagle. He says they cut the skin of the spine and then let it flutter like bloodstained wings. Tom says that’s a cute story but he won’t talk.

Elias says Elizabeth’s name then ask if he still won’t talk. Levin calls Harold who tells him he’s feeling better and says this new drug is helping. Levin says that’s pleasing but says the study is evolving and says they lowered the age parameters and he may not be eligible any more. Harold asks if they’re taking him out. Levin says he’ll try to avoid any change and says he’s sorry.

Tom tells Elias about Sarah Hastings. He says he’ll tell them more if they will leave Elizabeth alone. Elias says he will find and kill her and Tom says she’s FBI. Bud tells him not to tell them. Tom says one of the men in Elias’ group killed Hastings and he was hired to find out who. Bud groans. Bud threatens Tom if he sells him out for that bitch.

One of Elias’ men says they don’t need the FBI on them. Tom says they need to let him go. The man releases Tom who then tells Elias he can help him. Bud tells Tom to shut up. Tom says Elizabeth just saved his life. Elizabeth and Donald bring in Hobbs who brings a lawyer. They tell him they know about Powell and he didn’t mention their connection.

Hobbs asks what connection and they tell him that he worked at one of Hobbs’ biotech companies. Hobbs says he’s employed thousands of people over the years. Hobbs says he has no recollection of the man and the lawyer says they have no proof. Donald says they are digging into Powell and the clinic and says if he’s funding them, they’ll prove it.

They tell Harold that Hobbs is holding firm. Donald says they can make a circumstantial connection. Elizabeth wants to hold him so the guy doesn’t destroy evidence. Harold says not all suspects are created equal. Donald is shocked and asks why Harold cares that Hobbs has friends in high places. Harold says to cut the guy loose.

Elizabeth tells Aram and Samar they need to find Powell. One woman still alive that Powell was tracking and they think she’s the next test subject. Powell goes to a facility where the woman is lying in her bed. He takes her hand and says he’s so sorry. He says he failed her. The woman is the reason for his research – not the next victim.

He puts her into a wheelchair and says they have to go away. He sees the cops out the window as he gets her bag. The orderly comes in that knows him and Powell says it’s not personal and hurts the guy. Elizabeth and Donald show up and Todd is back on his feet and says he went to patient pick up. Powell heads out and Red is there. He takes Powell with him and leaves the woman.

Elizabeth sees the car leave and know it’s Red. Powell asks who he is. He says Hobbs sent him to kill him but says he won’t. He says he knows a young woman had a distant memory that was taken when she was little. Red says he wants his research. He asks if his discoveries could restore her memory. Powell says transgenics can build damaged synapses but there’s a fundamental problem.

Todd says that the woman is Julian’s fiancee who suffered a head on accident while he was driving. She suffered a debilitating brain injury. Powell takes Red to his fiancee’s house and Red sees the calendar is still on the wall from 2005. He says they were both really tired as they drove him after being up all night when a friend had a baby. Red says he fell asleep at the wheel.

Red says Hobbs doesn’t care about his motives. Powell says he needed money to fund his research. He says he told Hobbs his work would help him live forever and he wrote a check that day. He says he does most of his real work there and shows him research files. Powell says he falsified data to keep Hobbs funding him. Powell says his work is a failure and so is he. He says he can’t save her.

Red asks about the innocent people he killed. Powell says he wanted to help those people that had no life and says his fiancee has no life now. He pulls a gun out of is drawer and kills himself. Red is shocked. The news runs a story about Howell’s death. Hobbs tells Red it was nicely done because it looks like a suicide. Red says the FBI has nothing on him for this.

Hobbs says he lost big money on this and Red says that’s not why he’s upset – he wants it to work. Hobbs says if not for Red, his legacy would be life without parole. Elizabeth asks Red what happened today and asks if he killed him. Red says they can talk but not if she’s yelling. Elizabeth says Red wanted the science and Red says Powell faked the science and when he realized he couldn’t help his fiancee and it was over, he killed himself.

Red says this was always about Hobbs. He says he used the FBI to create a problem for Hobbs so he would be in his debt. Red says not to be so quick to be Hobbs enemy. He says there is a dark cloud coming and they need Hobbs to be a good friend when they need him to be. Tom Connolly comes to see Harold and says he heard things worked out for Hobbs.

Connolly says he doesn’t want anything to come between them and then Harold asks if he knows about him being possibly cut from the call. He says he doesn’t know but will make a call to make sure it doesn’t happen and says that’s what friends do. Donald finds Elizabeth sitting at her desk late. She says she doesn’t have anything much to celebrate.

She says she thought she’d have something to show for her life by now – a good career and a relationship. Donald says she has a dog and that’s one on him. Elizabeth says she doesn’t know her real name or birthday and is the puppet of a high-functioning psychopath. Donald has a bag and unloads her favorite Chinese.

She pulls out the homemade bottle of wine and says she was saving it for a special occasion. He pulls out paper cups and pours it for them. Red looks at photos of Elizabeth at a birthday party when she was little. Bud makes a call and says he wants Jacob/Tom found no matter the expense. He ends the call. Tom burns all his passports and documents. Elizabeth is startled by Tom at her place when she comes home. He says he didn’t know where else to go.



Stormy Elizabeth:
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