The Island Recap – Dehydration, Ants and Insanity: Season 1 Episode 2 “No Water, No Life”

The Island Recap - Dehydration, Ants and Insanity: Season 1 Episode 2 "No Water, No Life"

Tonight on NBC the all new show The Island hosted by Bear Grylls premieres with an all new Monday June 1, season 1 episode 2 called, “No Water, No Life” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, the men desperately search for fresh drinking water as hard truths about living on the island hit them hard.

On the last episode, world-renowned survivalist Bear Grylls gave the modern American man the ultimate challenge. Fourteen men on a deserted island were stripped of all modern conveniences where they have to hunt for food, source water, erect shelter, build community and try to survive using only their strength, determination and know-how. There are no prizes. No eliminations. No winner. No camera teams. The entire series is filmed by the men themselves. This experiment takes them to the very edge of human endurance where they will test their physical, mental and emotional limits and fight for their very existence. In the end only the strongest will survive and remain standing. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s episode per the NBC synopsis “Day three on the Island proves to be difficult as the men have yet to find fresh drinking water. As they expend energy in the tireless search to find hydration, the realization that their days may be numbered hits the men hard.”

Tonight’s season 1 episode 2 is going to be exciting. We’ll be blogging it right here for you. In the meantime hit up the comments section and tell us how excited you are for season 1 of The Island.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#TheIsland starts just after crazy Taylor was carted off by medics. Matt says you’re never safe out there. Rick says they have to sleep tonight and pull together tomorrow. On day 3, they wake and talk about their bug bites and the awful sleep. They eat coconuts for strength. They talk about finding water today so they don’t dehydrate. Rick tells them not to touch the water right now. They try to get Rick to drink some and he refuses. Mike says they need water fast. They go and try to knock down coconuts by throwing a spear at it.

Bear says coconuts can harm you if you eat too much of it because they are a diuretic that can make you pee more and dehydrate you. They knock down several and move on. They discuss breaking up into search teams to find water. Trey is an account manager in an office and he’s ready to step into a leadership role. He just came out of a relationship that he says was his fault for it failing. Trey says he has a problem coming out to new people again and again and lets people figure it out for themselves.

The guys split into three groups and head out. One group heads through, one around the beach then another going off another way. Benji and Jud follow the little water source to see if it breaks clear of the ocean. Buck thinks they’re not covering enough and he wants to go North and East. Dakota, Earnest and Matt make it to a mangrove swamp which is still salt water. Earnest says this is bad. He says they can be smart and strong, but have to have water or they’ll shut down.

Mike says he can’t move too much. Bear says dehydration can creep up on you on an island where the temps are over a 100. He says it can cause fatigue and heat stroke. Benji says Mike never complains and that has him worried. Mike says this is really hard and he’s worried they’re all at risk right now. Jud says even filming it seems really dire and dangerous and they shouldn’t even be carrying cameras around. He says the camera guys are incredible to do that.

The guys talk about how scared they are – Mike says he’s freaked out because he’s weak. We see him talking about how cancer killed his wife and says she was his dream girl. He is now raising two daughters alone. He says he picked himself up after losing her and moved forward. He says he has to be strong for his kids. Matt says if they can find water, they can make it. They are worried about Rick and Buck and wonder how those two are still moving.

Rick says they can drink a little coconut water to keep them going. He says they’re starting to figure out the island after doing two big loops. Bear says the men will scramble to find the resources they need. He shows how they just passed some fresh water on the map. They decide to stay out the whole night so they don’t waste time going back tonight for no reason. Rob and Benji decide to go look around while it’s cool and dark.

Rob says he’s feeling pain and defeated. Benji finds a water vine and knocks some water loose. Bear says water vines are a great source of water in dry seasons. He hands some to Rob and says to not let any of it fall loose. He gets a few drops. Rob says it’s like when he eats his favorite food peanut butter. He says he got a water rush. Rob says he told his family he would finish. They eke out some more water from vines and move on. Next day, Jud says it was a low for all of them and says their bodies are screaming for food and water.

Trey says they don’t know what Rick and Buck found and where they are. Benji tells them about the water vines and says he knifed a bunch and says it can give them a nice little breakfast of fresh water. Matt says Mike lost all his energy. They get him up to walk him to the water vines. Davion is ready for some vine water too. They all trudge down the beach. Matt gets one of the #WaterVines and is thrilled. Earnest gets a really good vine and they say it’s like an IV to your mouth.

They all come over and take part and tell Benji he’s great. Benji has been shooting National Geographic specials and also works for Vice. Dakota gets a really great vine that’s like a faucet. Mike is feeling really bad and is weak and nauseous. He says if he doesn’t get more water, he’ll be done. Buck and Rick find some drainage that leads inland and they find wet ground. They poke around and find water. They taste and it’s fresh!

Rick and Buck says #Booyah and high five. They now just have to find more bottles and have found at least a week of water for the group. They talk about how close they were to this yesterday but just walked right past it. They have to get the water back to the group to help them. Bear says your brain can shrink when it’s dehydrated and can make you lose your sense. Mike is struggling to breathe and doesn’t want any cameras on him.

He says he doesn’t want his babies to see him like this. He starts crying. They call out for the others to cut vines and bring them down to Mike. One asks the others to turn off the camera. Davion says he wants the cameras off so he can help Mike as an EMT. Buck and Mike fill up bottles then head back – they are 45 minutes away. Mike is bawling and senseless. He says he’ll kill him and they worry because Mike has a knife and is being emotional.

Jim is a retired police of chief who was over homicide and violent crimes division. He says he’s made a ton of critical life and death decisions. Earnest is worried about Mike and his knife. The guys come with water. Matt says Mike needs the water but is acting dangerous. Mike starts saying if he has to stay there, he’ll kill himself. Buck and Rick are now 30 minutes away. They try and talk sense to Mike and tell him there are no cameras on him.

The guys call the EMTs to come get Mike. The camera guys have to tell the others to leave the cameras alone. Davion says it’s all business when someone calls 911. He says when you help someone, you’re trained to do it and if someone gets hurt on the island, it’s his duty to help. Davion threatens to throw the camera in the ocean. The boat pulls up and the Safety Team heads inland. They tell him that he had the knife to his throat at one point.

They ask Mike if he’ll go with them and he says he doesn’t have a choice. They stand him up and put arms around him. The others tell Mike he did great and helped them all get there. They take him away. Rob says Mike has been amazing. He’s shocked that he left and says Mike just wanted to keep his dignity. Rob says they love him and he’s the man. Bear says losing a man can be hard, but lose two and it’s a real danger. Plus, Mike was very accomplished at fires and hunting.

Bear says they have to work hard to lift each other up. Rob says Mike had everyone’s good will at heart. He’s in tears now. Matt says he doesn’t know if they stand a chance without Mike. Earnest says Mike was real and genuine and says they’re like family now. Buck and Rick make it back and hope they’re going to be the heroes. The other guys tell them they were worried about them. Rob says it’s so funny that the hope that comes with two guys carrying water.

They tell him that Mike tapped out and just left. Rick says they need to boil this water fast. They boil it then dip the gerry can into the ocean to cool it off. The water looks like beer because it’s not clean. Bear says soil and residue discolor it but that doesn’t mean it’s bad. Dakota says it tastes like sweet tea but smells like piss. They agree to drink it and pass it around. Rick says they failed with Taylor and Mike. He says he was really looking forward to getting to know Mike.

Rick says you have to be totally present so you don’t miss things like they missed the water yesterday. The other guys thank them for the water. Rick starts crying then kind of laughs and says it’s overwhelming. The guys talk about the cameras when Mike was struggling. Benji says they need the shots to tell the story. Davion says he just wanted dignity but they didn’t want to give it to him. Rob says they all signed up to do the show.

Graham has worked on a bunch of documentaries and says this is unique because he’s filming and surviving and says this will be an unfiltered experience which will bring out the truth in people. Davion says he can see both sides and how they have a job to do and they can get along. He says they just need to work through toward the common goal of survival. The guys talk about making a water run today. They discuss being closer to their water source but want to keep the beach.

Rick and Buck tell them the signs of water to look for including streams and mushrooms. He says they should work teams to find more then bring more back. Rick’s group goes back to the water source while Graham and the others look for water closer by. Matt says they have 40 minutes til water and it’s hot. Rick points them along the way. They skirt a tree and run into fire ants. Rick got ants on him and is being bitten. He says he hates ants and he was stung on his neck and legs.

Bear says on an island like this, the bugs are the biggest danger on this place. Buck checks out Rick who is feeling horrible and says he’s allergic to this type of ant. He’s swelling and Buck treats him with Benadryl but says he’s getting worse and the welts are getting bigger. His face is swelling and Buck says when your lips and face start swelling, it’s bad and it can shut off your air way. Davion checks hi blood pressure. Buck doesn’t want to lose Rick if he has to leave.

Benji spots some water and they head up to check it out. They taste it and it’s fresh. The others try to encourage Rick. Buck says he has to call soon because if he waits until his airways close, it will be too late and he’ll die. Rick says it feels like it’s getting better. Davion keeps an eye on his blood pressure and it comes down. He seems to be stabilizing. Rick says he can feel the drugs kicking in and says they’re making him lethargic.

Bear talks about high tides that come in fast and that can trap you. It’s getting dark and Graham and Benji are struggling in the water. They are scraping up their legs on the rocks. The guys wonder if they got lost. Dakota says he’s worried they’re lost. Both of them are banged up and bleeding. Matt says the sun set an hour ago and they’re still not back from their mission and it isn’t good. Graham and Benji talk about leaving the camera so they can use both hands to navigate. Bear says the guys may have water now and two are gone with two more lives on the line.