The Island Recap 7/6/15: Season 1 Episode 6 “The Things That Really Matter”

The Island Recap 7/6/15: Season 1 Episode 6 "The Things That Really Matter"The Island Recap 7/6/15: Season 1 Episode 6 "The Things That Really Matter"

Tonight on NBC the all new show The Island hosted by Bear Grylls airs with an all new Monday July 6, season 1 episode 6 called, “The Things That Really Matter” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, the divide among the men escalates in the Season 1 finale. Also: Bear Grylls returns and faces the changed men in the wake of their 28-day struggle to survive.

On the last episode, the majority of the men began to discover the difference between surviving and thriving – shelters and a community. However, there was a clear divide as two of the participants remained content to stay separated from the main camp and do nothing. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s episode per the NBC synopsis “the majority of the men begin to discover the difference between surviving and thriving – shelters and a community. However, there is a clear divide as two of the participants remain content to stay separated from the main camp and do nothing.”

Tonight’s  season 1 episode 6 is going to be exciting. We’ll be blogging it right here for you. In the meantime hit up the comments section and tell us how excited you are for season 1 of The Island.



#TheIsland starts with Bear Grylls saying there are five days left and tensions between the two camps are rising. It starts on day 23 with Dakota and Jim together. Benji doesn’t like that Jim is staying separate from them. He sees Rob naked in the water and says the stay at home dad has turned primal and is like a monkey. He says Jim only shows up for food and water and it’s annoying.

Benji says Jim is selfish and Dakota is acting like that too. They don’t help out and just take, take, take. Jud says no one is entitled to a meal and says you have to earn it. Rob says everyone is bonding except Dakota and Jimmy who are selfishly doing nothing for the group. Rob decides to call him out and says all he does is eat and leave. He says it’s a dine and dash. Jim says he’s there to make it to the end.

Jim doesn’t care what they say. He says he’s 64 and knows his limitations. Dakota asks what time they should show up for dinner. He says he has to keep the fire going. It’s another #DineAndDash. Rob thinks Dakota is feeling guilty. Dakota thinks Benji is a jerk for telling him not to take their firewood. Jim calls them selfish. Matt calls Dakota over on the beach and asks to help get Jim moving.

Dakota says Jim does the fire and says he’s going to fix his seat. Matt thinks he’s being lazy. Dakota rails at him and says he’s tired of him asking what he’s doing every day. He says if they want to build a tree fort, build it. Benji says it pisses him off and waves a stick at them. He says he’s sick of both of them and doesn’t even want to see them.

Dakota tells Matt not to treat him like a baby. Then he says to let Jim do his thing to make it to the end. He says Jim was enjoying doing the water then Rob took it over. Dakota says to bring it up to Matt if he wants to. They agree to go talk to Jim. Dakota is upset that he blew up and says that’s not the kind of person he is. Matt chats to Jim who asks what he wants from him.

Matt says he just wants to see them around and Jim says he wants his space. Matt says everyone should be working as part of the group. Jim says he’s making it to the end and Matt says he’s not 80, he’s 64. Jim asks what’s the big f-ing deal and Matt says he wants to end this on a high note as a group. Benji says it’s just about feeling disrespected. He says he works to catch food but then he eats and that’s it.

Jim thanks him for the food and says they’re not against the group. He says he respects them even if he doesn’t like them. Dakota tells Matt he would like to make it through to the end. Dakota talks about how he lost his college scholarship when he partied too much and failed a class. Rob says the food supply has been week since they ate the pig.

Jud, Matt and Benji spot a Cayman head in the water. It’s a crocodile with razor sharp teeth. They move to the shade and watch it and wonder how they can get it. Jud tries to stab the croc. #ToCatchaCaiman they grab its mouth as it growls. They wrap the mouth with rope and it hisses at them. They tie it up and haul it off to camp for dinner.

Jud says he’s not for killing things but says starving humans need to eat. The others at camp are stunned. Jim doesn’t want them to kill it and says they don’t need to kill it. He tells them he’s an animal lover and says he loves them because they’re not judgmental. He says he had to kill someone in the line of work back in 1987 when he shot an armed robber in the head. He says life is important.

Matt say she appreciates it but he’s hungry. He says any meat item Jim orders off a menu back home had less of a life than that caiman did. Rob says he doesn’t question the meat he ate at home. He says it’s the right thing to do to kill it humanely and eat it. Graham volunteers to kill it and Jim says it will haunt him. They straddle it and Graham puts the knife through its skull after thanking it.

The guys cook up the crocodile and Jim elects not to eat. Matt talks about how for so many people in the world, this is still how they live – finding water, getting firewood, and hunting. Graham talks to Jim about the tides coming in even higher and encroaching into his camp. There are crabs all around their camp, but Jim and Dakota don’t seem to be gathering them. It’s now day 27 and Jud says he slept like a baby, waking every two hours crying.

Dakota says he’s going to propose to his GF when he gets home and will invite Jim to the wedding. He asks what he’ll do if she says no and Dakota says he’ll come back to the island. Jim and Dakota talk about their pseudo father-son bond and Jim says his parents did a good job. At the fire, Dakota says he wants to see his GF and family. Benji says he wants a cold glass of water and a beer. Rob says when he met his wife, he was doing well in his career, but was personally lost.

He cries a little and says he misses taking care of his kids. Graham says this has been a gift to strip away the baloney and electronics in their life. Buck says he likes to get out of the monotony of life and Jim says him being steadfast has helped them a lot. Jim says it’s been remarkable and he’ll cherish the experience. He says he can be a grumpy prick and he knows that. He says they helped him to make it to the end. Matt says he thinks they’re all going to walk away more compassionate.

It’s day 28 – the final day! Matt hears the jungle rooster and says they’re going home. Dakota says he learned a lot and is excited to get home. They joke they won’t believe it until Bear shows up. Benji is in an outfit of palm leaves to go tribal for the last day – he’s mostly naked. Jud reads a poem he wrote about their experience. Nine of them made it to the end. Bear shows up in the boat and the guys are high fiving and excited. Bear hops off the boat and shakes their hands.

He says they are owed respect and says it’s great to see them strong mentally and physically. He goes inland to look at their camp. They pour water on the fire to extinguish it. Benji says this was more than he expected it to be and says he’s sad to go. They ask Bear if he would have guessed that of the 14 they would have been the ones left. They grab their stuff and head to the boat. They say #ThankYouIsland and leave with bear.

Graham says they can all evolve and adapt to circumstances. Jud says he hopes he doesn’t forget how lucky he is to live with luxury and convenience. Jim says he takes away that he’s tougher than he thought and not as smart as he thought. Matt says he had lessons he can take to the grave. Benji says he’s a positive person and thinks that’s a critical survival skill. Buck says he wanted to prove it that he could do it. He says what’s in your head and heart matter.

Rob says he set out to find his man card and now he hopes he’ll be a better man. Bear says when faced with situations that challenge us, we can dig deep. He says a survivalist exists in each of us.

Stormy Elizabeth:
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