The Player Recap 11/12/15: Season 1 Episode 8 “Downtown Odds”

Tonight on NBC, The Player airs with an all new Thursday November 12, season 1 episode 8 called, “Downtown Odds” we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Alex (Philip Winchester) must stop the violence between two street gangs after a truck full of drugs and cash is attacked.

On the last episode, Alex traveled to Chicago to stop an enraged father from avenging his family; and Cassandra discovered the location of the next attack and sent Alex to prevent it. Meanwhile, Mr. Johnson had ulterior motives for going to Chicago. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the NBC’s synopsis, “Alex must stop the violence between two street gangs after a truck full of drugs and cash is attacked; and Cassandra discusses her priorities with Mr. Johnson. Meanwhile, Agent Rose Nolan is in pursuit of the truth about the House.”

Tonight’s episode of The Player is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it. Definitely tune into this amazing series! Hit the comments and let us know if you are excited about this first season.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

There was another bet on the table but Kane was surprisingly left out. It seems on tonight’s episode of “The Player” that gamblers didn’t care about stopping a potential gang war. They just wanted to sit back and watch who would win on the “Pharaohs Vs. Bravos” bet.

So Kane stepped in as the voice of reason. He’s been in Las Vegas a long time and he has knowledge of both the Los Bravos gang as well as The Pharaohs. And so he did something he wouldn’t normally do. He asked Johnson as the Pit Boss to put him into the bet.

That way he would have the resources of the house and also stopped Las Vegas from bleeding out. And luckily Johnson decided to follow up on Kane’s offer. Thus the bet went from who would win the gang war to “Can Alex Kane Stop A Gang War?”

Though Cassandra was the only one that saw how much Johnson had actually pulled Kane’s strings. So she called her boss on it when Kane wasn’t looking it.

But he had a few things to say as well. After all someone is coming after the house and its members. So he felt it necessary to tell her that she should break up with Nick if Nick survive whatever fight they have to look forwards to.

And of course she told him to back off. As far as Cassandra was concerned her boss shouldn’t have an opinion on her personal life. Which was going really well by the way seeing as Nick might have to move to Las Vegas soon.

But, back to the bet, Kane did his best to prevent the war and nothing worked. He had tried to stop The Pharaohs from killing a son of Los Bravos and he had been too late to the scene. So then he tried to talk Los Bravos out of retaliating and that just wasn’t going to work. The leader of that gang had lost a son and had known that son was murdered over nothing. Therefore he was never going to back down as long as the leader of the rival gang was still alive.

So Kane was there when everything blew up. He had known a kid from The Pharaohs side and he had wanted to remove her from the scene before she got caught in the middle of a gun battle. Yet it looks he shouldn’t have been all that worried about Imani.

Imani had known what was going and that Listo from Los Bravos wouldn’t hurt her.

As it turns out Listo and Imani are in love. So in love in fact that when a man, a stranger really, told them he could provide the perfect opportunity for them to run away – they took it. And simply chose not to think of the consequences that would surely follow.

However there was consequences that sadly no one could ignore. The man they had spoken with was a notorious drug dealer in Europe and what he wanted from them was information. Information he then could to start a gang war. And it was his plan to swoop in once the field was clear in order to take over Las Vegas for himself.

And it was good plan. For him anyways but the kids had found out about the trap when it was too little too late. So they had given that man everything he needed to destroy both of their families. Yet it was up to Kane to fix it all.

He had found the kids hold up somewhere and he offered to help them. First he promised the kids that he was going to get them out of the life and then he began working on how to find the master manipulator. But the other guy ended up making the first move and Imani was shot when she attempted to take a bullet meant for Listo. So he dropped off the lovebirds at the hospital with Cassandra guarding them and then left to cut the head off a snake.

And Kane did find his guy though the drug dealer apparently had an offer for both Los Bravos and The Pharaohs. He told them that he was willing to make them a partner in his new enterprise and all they had to do was get rid of Kane for him. Yet there was just one man that was in the slightest swayed – Listo.

Listo had returned to his family after Imani had died in the hospital. So he killed the man that had made him promises and claimed he did it for his brother who had died because of the gang war. Though the truth was going to have to stay with Kane and Cassandra.

Only Kane and Cassandra knew how much Listo had loved Imani. And Listo’s pain inspired Cassandra to end things with Nick. She realized in the end that she didn’t want him to get hurt because of her.

And afterwards, Kane and Cassandra teamed up to find out what actually happened to Ginny. She chose to trust him and he chose to trust her.


Kristine Francis:
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