The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap – Gia Graduates, Teresa Misses Out: Season 6 Special ‘Teresa Checks In Part 1’

Tonight on Bravo The Real Housewives of New Jersey starring Teresa Giudice and the rest of the housewives continues with an all new Sunday October 11, season 6 special called, “Teresa Checks In Part 1.” On tonight’s episode see how Joe is adjusting to raising the girls without their mother.

On tonight’s special episode we are going to catch up with the Giudice family and get a sneak peek to see how Joe and the family have been coping since Teresa left.

On tonight’s episode per the Bravo synopsis “see how Joe is adjusting to raising the girls without their mother. As expected, there are challenges along the way, but with daily phone calls and frequent trips to see Teresa, the family does their best to come together to get through this difficult time.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be filled with more crazy housewife drama that you won’t want to miss, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of the show tonight at 8 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this new season of The Real Housewives of New Jersey!


#RHONJ #TeresaGiudice prison special starts now. We see some text at the beginning that says this is six months into her prison sentence. Joe fixes breakfast for Milania, Audriana and Gabriella. He says it’s tough without her there and says his father died this year and Teresa is in prison. He says it’s the worst year of his life. He says he’s glad Teresa hasn’t sent him divorce papers yet. He says today Gia has a school dance and it’s his dad’s memorial. He says he misses Teresa and his dad.

Joe doesn’t want the girls to see him sad and tells the girls they need to love people while they’re here because you never now. Milania talks about her sister being the devil. Gia comes down and Joe mocks the pimple on her face. She tells him not to get her into a bad mood. Gia says her dad has stepped up in ways they didn’t expect. But she says it’s nothing like when your mom is there. He gets them off to school. Joe and his cousin Teresa are getting ready for Gia’s big night.

He says since he doesn’t have a license the family is a huge help. She says Teresa emailed her from jail to tell her what color linens and things to get for the party. Joe says he hates the word prison and says she’s still running things from there. He says she calls every day and emails. He says there are spin classes and yoga classes. Cousin Teresa gets an email from Teresa asking if Joe went to Costco to get the cupcakes. He says he cried when he went to see her last time.

Cousin Teresa’s BF is there and he talks about how hard this is. Cousin Teresa says she’s never seem him like that. Cousin Teresa leaves to go pick up Gia at school. James Leonard is Teresa’s lawyer and he says he got involved with her after she was sentenced. He says Teresa called and says she can’t email because the power is out at the prison. He says Teresa gets no special treatment at jail. He says inmates get TV but no internet access. He says she watches Real Housewives of Atlanta and Beverly Hills.

Antonia and Giacinto, Teresa’s parents show up. He says her dad is so distraught over the conviction that he can’t even go see her. James says he saw Teresa on Saturday and she looks good. Priscilla the makeup artist shows up to do Gia’s makeup for the dance. Joe says Teresa only gets 300 minutes and it’s stressful on her when she runs out of minutes before the end of the month. They talk about Joe’s father dying and how hard that’s been on him.

Gia comes home from getting her hair done and she goes up to her makeup done. Melissa is with Joe and she says it’s Gia’s eighth grade dance and talks about what a big deal it was – like a prom. She wonders why they didn’t tell her and Joe says there’s a lot going on. He says he and Teresa had words before she went away and says he’s been emailing with her and it’s been great and he says he loves his sister. Melissa says she told Joe she wanted to help more with the girls.

Joe says he can’t do for them if they don’t know. Melissa says she wants the girls more. She says Teresa and Joe know they can lean on them. She says there’s always room to be closer. Melissa says they’re going to graduation but wants to see her dressed up. Gia says her mom got the dress before she went away. Gia texts a friend then talks about Melissa and not being comfortable with her. Teresa calls from the prison. She calls to ask how everything looks and he says Cousin Teresa has been a big help.

The three younger girls say they love talking to her when she calls. Her mom tells Teresa she loves her and she says hi to her dad. Gia says the phone calls and emails from her mom helps her cope with this. She says that plus visiting is nice. Gia says her mom looks relaxed when they see her and says she’s not stressed. Gia comes down and says she’s getting her makeup done. Teresa says she wishes she was there with her and is glad everyone else is with her.

Teresa says she loves her and Gia is teary. She asks about her makeup and she says it’s not on yet. It is but it’s running. Teresa says hi to the other girls then tells Gia she’s there in her heart. Gia tries not to cry and upset her grandfather who’s in poor health. Teresa says she sent her something and Gia says she has to go get ready. She hands the phone to the younger girls. Gia goes upstairs to redo her makeup and she cries. Gia says Teresa tells Gabriella she’s working instead of explaining what’s going on.

Teresa tells Joe that she sent Gia a box of roses. They end the call. Alisa Maria, Teresa’s stylist, is there to help get Gia dressed. Joe says he can’t believe that Teresa did this all from inside. Alisa says she’s been talking to her mom and says it’s a big deal. She gives her a gift and says it’s pink sapphires and diamonds to match her dress. Gia is moved. She puts the necklace on Gia. They snap some photos of Gia to send to Teresa. Joe says Gia is still an honor student and is doing well despite all this.

Gia says she’s better equipped than other 14 year olds to deal with this and says her mom will be there for senior prom. Gia comes down and everyone fusses over her. It’s party time and Joe tells Milania it’s not about her. Gia hugs her grandpa and Joe says she looks like a grown woman. Then Joe hands over a box of roses and he says mom bought them and he doesn’t know how. He hugs her and she cries. He says he loves her. He tells her no more crying.

Gia says she could hear her mom saying not to mess up your makeup. Gia talks about her dad’s father dying was hard on him and they go out back to do the memorial. He plants a tree for the memorial and says his father was his best friend. He says he hopes him going to court didn’t stress his dad into dying. Joe does the memorial then goes to take a shower. The party is kicking into high gear and all of Gia’s friends are there. They snap some photos.

Joe talks about yelling he loved Gia when he dropped her off at school a while back and embarrassed her. Joe is told that Gia’s date has two earrings. Joe meets the kid and tells them no slow close dancing. Gia says they’re just friends. She says she knows her dad is looking out for her. Joe says guys that age are knuckle heads. She leaves for the dance. Teresa’s lawyer talks about visiting her in jail and says she’s told him she’s fine and is facing this down.

James says Danbury looks like a typical prison and says once she comes home, Joe will go. He says Teresa will be home for Christmas then Joe will go in March. Pete and Joe go out and toast their dad at the grave site. Joe gets an email from Teresa saying that she’s thinking about him and his dad today. Joe says she doesn’t even deserve to be there. Joe is working when Rosie, Teresa’s cousin calls. He can’t flip houses anymore and can’t have any mortgages in his name so he’s doing construction.

Rosie shows up and hugs him. She says Joe has had a rough year and looks at the remodel. He asks if she’s still going out with that same girl. Joe says Teresa points out the girls in prison that are having sex together. Rosie says they allow that and is surprised. She asks Joe if he’s going to get a boyfriend when he goes inside. Rosie says she never thought anyone in her family would be in jail and says people make mistakes. He says he can only see her twice a month since he’s a felon.

James says the bureau of prisons won’t let him visit that often because of his conviction and says Teresa will likely have the same limitation. He tells Rosie the girls are handling it well. It’s June 22 and the day of Gia’s 8th grade graduation. Milania is slamming doors and Gia says she can’t act out like this or she can’t come to the graduation. Gia says Milania can’t cope with her drama. Teresa calls to talk to the girls and Gia asks her to talk to Milania about her attitude.

Joe says Milania is sensitive and that’s why she acts up. He says it’s hard when he yells at them and Gia says she needs to get ready. Joe calls her a brat for cutting her mom off. Joe takes the phone to talk with Teresa. Gia says she gets two tickets for graduation and it would be her mom and dad but instead it’s her dad and Nona. We see a home video of the gradation. Joe says he can’t believe Teresa has to miss this and Melissa says she wishes Teresa was there to see this milestone.

Later, they have a party for her. The family is all together and Melissa says she’s glad they’re all closer now even though it took something bad to bring them together. Teresa’s brother Joe says things are better between them all. Joe is happy that Joe and Melissa are there and says he doesn’t like being mad at your family and says it’s stupid. Gia thanks them all for coming and says her mom would love them to be there all together.

Joe says he never would have thought that his sister would be in jail and says they never got in trouble and their dad was really strict. Melissa says Gia is good at being positive and they’re doing a good job at keeping things normal. Joe talks to Teresa later when he’s alone getting ready for bed and having a glass of wine. She asks if he wants to have phone sex. He says he doesn’t want to sleep without her so he’s been sleeping on the couch. She says they watched Magic Mike and the girls there went nuts.

Teresa says she wants him to get abs. He says when he comes out he’ll have abs. She talks about how she can’t wait to grow old with him. Joe says that’s what he wants. He says he’s got 42 months to serve too and he has to do what he has to do and wants to spend quality time with Teresa once he gets out. Teresa asks about graduation and he says it was just like she planned it. She worries how the girls felt with her not being there. Joe says it’s good.

She talks about how she prays for Joe and the girls. He says it’s one day at the time and they’re all dealing with it the best he can. He tells her that he loves her more every day and she says she has to get off the phone and then he says he’ll talk to her tomorrow. He gets sad then lies down to sleep on the sofa after the call ends.

Stormy Elizabeth:
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