The Vampire Diaries Recap and Spoilers – The Pains of Humanity: Season 6 Episode 21 “I’ll Wed You in the Golden Summertime”

The Vampire Diaries Recap and Spoilers - The Pains of Humanity: Season 6 Episode 21 "I'll Wed You in the Golden Summertime"The Vampire Diaries Recap and Spoilers - The Pains of Humanity: Season 6 Episode 21 "I'll Wed You in the Golden Summertime"

Tonight on the CW The Vampire Diaries starring Nina Dobrev, Ian Somerhalder and Paul Wesley continues with an all new Thursday May 7, season 6 episode 21 called “I’ll Wed You in the Golden Summertime,” and we have your weekly recap and spoilers below. On tonight’s episode, Alaric [Matt Davis] and Jo’s [Jodi Lyn O’Keefe]  wedding day arrives with lots of last minute preparations. Meanwhile, Stefan [Paul Wesley] takes Damon [Ian Somerhalder] on a road trip to give him some perspective on his future with Elena; [Nina Dobrev] Caroline starts making amends for her rampage; and Bonnie believes Lily is coming for her and enlists Matt’s help to take her down.

On the last episode, as Alaric (Matt Davis) and Jo (guest star Jodi Lyn O’Keefe) reluctantly participated in their bachelor and bachelorette parties, Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Elena (Nina Dobrev) discussed the ramifications from an impulsive offer that Damon makes. Unsure of what to do, Elena turned to Bonnie (Kat Graham) and Jo for advice, but was left conflicted when Bonnie raised some unanticipated concerns. When Enzo (Michael Malarkey) realizes Lily (guest star Annie Wersching) was on a dangerous downward spiral, he asked Stefan (Paul Wesley) to help intervene before it’s too late. Lastly, fed up with the supernatural threats that plague their town, Matt (Zach Roerig) took his frustrations out on Tyler (Michael Trevino), while Alaric considered a life-changing piece of advice. Jesse Warn directed the episode written by Brett Matthews & Rebecca Sonnenshine. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we recapped it all right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the CW Vampire Diaries spoilers synopsis, “It’s Alaric (Matt Davis) and Jo’s (guest star Jodi Lyn O’Keefe) wedding day and Elena (Nina Dobrev) and Bonnie (Kat Graham) do their best to help a stressed out Jo with the last minute preparations. After uncovering some life-changing news that Damon (Ian Somerhalder) has been keeping from him, Stefan (Paul Wesley) takes his brother on a road trip to give him some perspective on his future with Elena. Elsewhere, when Caroline (Candice Accola) returns to Mystic Falls after dealing with the fallout of her humanity-free rampage, she begins making amends with her friends and comes to a realization about her and Stefan’s prospects of being together. Finally, when Bonnie begins having vivid nightmares that Lily (guest star Annie Wersching) is coming after her, she enlists Matt’s (Zach Roerig) help in taking Lily down. Michael Trevino and Michael Malarkey also star. Michael Allowitz directed the episode written by Brian Young.”

You’re not going to want to miss any of the action tonight, so tune in at 8PM EST to the CW to catch the latest. We’ll be live recapping the season 6 episode 21 for you right here and in the meantime, hit up our comments section and tell us your thoughts on this season!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

On #VampireDiaries, Bonnie tosses and turns in her sleep. She wakes and thinks she sees Elena. She gets up and looks around the room. There’s a fire burning and then there’s someone behind her. Itt’s Lily. Bonnie grabs a fireplace poker. She asks what Lily wants and then says she won’t help her get her creepy witch-vampire family back. Lily goes vampy on her and Bonnie tries to magic her. It fails and Lily comes at her and she stabs her. She runs and then Kai is there. Her magic doesn’t work on him either. He says he must have sleep siphoned her and says screwing people over comes with consequences.

Elena wakes her from her nightmare and says they have to help Jo get ready for the wedding. Jo is missing her shoes and is freaking out. Bonnie offers to do a locator spell on the shoes and Elena tells her to calm down. Elena takes a call – Danielle has the flu – her wedding coordinator. Jo asks if she can still work. Caroline shows up and says she’ll be better than Danielle anyway. She hugs Elena and thanks her for getting her back. Then she hugs Bonnie and says they need to get to work. She gets everyone organized ASAP.

Matt and Tyler are helping Alaric and they’re done getting ready so they decide to drink some booze. The guys tease him about not getting to have sex with anyone else. Then they gets texts with a list of wedding day chores from Caroline. Caroline says she’s going to the venue to fix things there and is scared when Elena almost touches a curling iron. She asks Elena what it’s like. She says it’s slower and she has to look before crossing the street but doesn’t have to wear a daylight ring now. Caroline apologizes to her for the things she said when her switch was off.

Caroline says she has more amends to make and says she’s avoiding Stefan for now. She says that’s more complicated. She tells Caroline that Damon said he wanted to take the cure with her. Caroline is shocked and says she can’t imagine him human. Elena says she doesn’t think he can either. Damon is with Stefan and says he’s supposed to be with Ric preparing to be best man. He asks where Stefan is taking him. Stefan says it’s his last few days as a vampire so he wants to spend quality time with his brother. They pull up at a small house.

Stefan says he lived in this house during one of his attempts to mainstream. He asks Damon if he’s thought about a mortgage and kids. Kai shows up and Bonnie tries to slam the door on him. He says he’s there to visit Lily – Bonnie says it’s Oedipal and she calls him a ruiner and says she’s not letting him visit another ruiner. He says he’s just trying to keep her sane and has an iPod of songs from Lily’s last era. He says Bonnie is a monster if she doesn’t pass it on to her. Bonnie hears Lily talking to herself. She gets close to see and Lily tries to grab her.

She gets away then runs off. Elena puts makeup on Bonnie bruises from the choking and Elena says at that stage, your mind starts to slip and you see and hear things. Bonnie worries there may be a loophole and Lily may be able to get her family without an Ascendant. Jo is worried about her dress and then Matt is there to pick up the center pieces and Bonnie offers to help. Caroline is managing things at the venue with Tyler’s help. He asks why he’s there and she sighs and says she tried to kill him and says she’s sorry. Tyler says being tortured by his ex and her new BF is not fun.

He tells her if she wants to make amends to let him go and she laughs and says no way. Liv shows up and Tyler asks why she’s there. She reminds him that Jo is her sister. She gets snippy with him and reminds him he said he never wanted to see her again. He says her attempted suicide was the issue and she says he can’t lecture her on flying off the handle. She walks out to wait outside on the other Geminis. Bonnie tells Matt that Lily is desiccating and hungry and then says she’s having Lily-Kai nightmares. He has a bag of weapons and says they should listen to her hunch.

Stefan has Damon at the house and made him a microwave meal and says that’s dinner since neither he or Elena cook and they’ll be busy with the kids and work. Stefan then throws a stack of paper at him and says he has to do paperwork, taxes and more. Stefan says he won’t be able to compel annoying people and says Damon will have to get a job. He says he can’t know where Damon is because people who want to kill human Damon will want to use him. He says he and Elena may have to go on the run and this will be hell for him. Damon flips out a real estate brochure and says Elena was specific and says the place is above a bar that he already owns.

Stefan calls Elena and says Damon has thought this through and has their perfect little human life all planned out. She tells him to keep pushing him. Stefan ends the call. Elena goes back to drinking. Jo comes in and says she thought she was pacing herself. She says she’s trying to get Stefan to get Damon to give up on going human and wonders if that was a mistake. Jo says only the last drink was a mistake. Jo has a twinge and then collapses and she goes down hard. At the hospital, Elena tells Jo the babies are fine and the doctor just thinks it was a panic attack and lack of food.

Jo asks her to keep this to herself so she doesn’t worry Ric. Elena runs out and tells Ric he can’t tell Jo he knows and says he can’t see her before the wedding. He worries it’s cold feet but she says it’s the two small humans growing in her and calls him bourbon breath. She says she wanted to give Jo vampire blood then remembered she couldn’t and just did what a human does. Elena asks why Ric didn’t tell her how great it is to be human again and connected to the world. Ric says her life has purpose again and is finite – he’s says it’s the best feeling in the world.

Caroline brings the guys a drink but then sees that Tyler is the only one there. He says he didn’t do anything. He says nothing changed with Liv and he can’t forget the way she acted. She says when he had Liv he was at least trying and he says she shouldn’t be giving him relationship advice and tells her to figure out her own damned life. Stefan tries to call her but she doesn’t answer. Stefan tells Damon one more thing and asks what if he and Elena aren’t really soul mates. Damon says he’s good on that front then tells him he thought the same thing about Elena. He says Damon could end up alone.

Stefan grabs Damon’s head and pushes a scenario into it. He sees himself at the kitchen counter when Elena comes home from a long day of her hospital residency. She blows him off and goes to bed. He sits drinking alone. Damon shoves him off and says Elena has a job, so what. Then Stefan says let’s look at year seven. We see Damon coming home and kissing her and she says he’s drunk. He says she’s the one who wanted him to own a bar and she says own it, not pass out on it every night. He says the bar is more affectionate than her. She says she’s working to build her career.

She says if he’s that unhappy, sell the bar and do what he wants. Damon says he can’t do what he wants. He says he wants to drink all night, drive like a psycho and tear off someone’s head. He says he can’t do any of this because of her. She says to just say it and he says it was a mistake. Elena agrees that it was. He shoves Stefan back and tells him to get out of his head. Damon tells Stefan this is about Stefan being alone without he or Elena. Stefan says even if they defied the statistics, Elena could die at any moment then he grabs him again.

Damon sees himself coming home alone and looking in the fridge. He grabs a TV dinner and throws it in the microwave. He sits watching TV with a bottle in his hand. He shuts off the TV and sits alone in the dark then looking sad. Stefan lets go of his head and then Stefan says this was Damon’s idea. Damon says the two people closest to him are the most sadistic. Stefan tells him if he does this, no matter what, there’s no going back. Damon asks what he should do and Stefan says he and Elena can’t tell him. He says he can’t do it for either of them. He tells Damon he has to want to be human for himself.

At the venue, Caroline is running things perfectly. Elena says Jo was discharged and she tells her to bring her in the back entrance. Stefan walks off and Caroline runs off. Elena says people are uncomfortable around Salvatores in tuxes and says he looks good. He jokingly asks her if she’s thinking of another brother swap. She laughs then asks if he wants Damon to take it. Stefan says of course he doesn’t want him to. He says she never knew Damon as a human and says he was sweet, earnest, but aimless and not strong. Damon sits outside the house watching the kid play.

Stefan says all of it came later after he was a vampire. The kid kicks the ball at him and Damon smushes it so the kid can see. He smiles. Stefan says he can’t imagine Damon not being a vampire. Matt and Bonnie come to the basement looking for Lily but she seems to be gone. Some force seems to be choking the life out of them and they both fall down unconscious. Enzo is at the bar when Lily shows up. She says she heard he tried to bring her something called an MP3 player and wanted to thank him. She says she’s resourceful and got out of her call.

He asks if she’s going to go on a ripper binge. She says no because she’s getting her family back and only went on the ripper binge because she thought she lost them. Ric calls Jo and says he needs help with his vows then jokes. She says to stop fishing for spoilers and he says the place is crawling with Geminis. She asks if he saw her dad and he says it was nice to invite her attempted murderer to the wedding and she says he gives good gifts. They end the call sweetly. Her dad is there and overheard her. She asks why he’s back there and he says he came to ask if he can walk her down the aisle.

Caroline is busy when Stefan confronts her and says she’s avoiding him. She says she’s trying to run the wedding but he asks to talk to her then tells her about him not wanting Damon to go human. She says it’s not as bad as forcing someone to turn off their humanity. He takes her hand and she asks if he hates her. He says he hates the way she handled things. She agrees. She says she made a list of the things she’s done since she fell for him starting last summer. She says she was kissing him while her mother was dying and then when she needed him to say he cared for her, he didn’t.

He says he forgives her and she says the old Caroline wouldn’t forgive her. She says she hates the way this made her feel. He says she’s a control freak that’s lost control and says that’s how falling for someone feels and says you have to be vulnerable and give up control. She says control is all she has right now and can’t give it up. She walks away from him. Damon finds Elena and he says he thoughts bridesmaids dresses were supposed to be ugly. She says she talked to Stefan and Damon says he didn’t go easy on him and made a pretty convincing argument.

Damon says he had made up his mind then the kid told him he ruined his ball. He compelled the kid to go get his mom’s car keys so he can take it to a wedding. Then he sees a cool Mustang and an older couple get out of it bickering then the old guy gropes her fanny and they stop the argument, kiss, laugh and walk in the house hand in hand. He says he’s taking it. He says he’s been a vampire ofr a long time and says it’s been a blast but he would give it up in a second to be her partner and the father of her children. She says he can’t take it for her but he says he can and can take it for them.

He says even if they don’t work out, he’ll take that risk for the smallest chance at a perfect life with her than an immortal life without her. He tells her he loves her and will until he takes his last breath on this earth. He kisses her. Bonnie calls Elena and leaves an angry message at Elena for not being there. She says Bonnie and Matt are also MIA. She says they’re not waiting. Jo laughs and Caroline says to cue the music. Elena and Damon are in the hay loft having sex and he says the wedding is starting. They panic and Elena says they’re so late. He says she’s the one that couldn’t keep her hands off him.

They come rushing in and Caroline asks if they saw Bonnie or Matt. They haven’t. Elena and Damon walk down the aisle and take their positions. Matt wakes to see that Bonnie is bleeding from a wound to her wrist. He wakes her and she says she was… then stops weakly. Damon stands by Ric and tells him he’s joining the human club. Ric tells him he’s proud of him. Jo and her dad walk down the aisle. She steps up beside Ric and smiles. The reverend starts the vows. She says they have their own vows. Ric starts his first. Lily and Enzo are at a shipping yard and she wonders where they are.

She says someone else gave her the address, not her companions. He looks around confused. Ric tells her neither of them should be here now but they both dodged fate and he calls her beautiful and brilliant. He says she inspires him and showed him that he can have happiness in his life. He slides a ring on her finger and promises to be with her and love her and to dodge fate with her for the rest of their lives. She smiles and is all teared up. Jo says that’s a tough act to follow. She starts hers but then she writhes in pain. There’s blood coming out her abdomen.

Kai is there behind her and says he was going to wait until death do us part but it seemed on the nose. He uses magic to create a sound that has everyone in the room writhing in pain. He asks if they missed him then says – oh well. He blows out all the windows. Elena goes down in a heap after she’s blown backwards from the explosion of glass and magic.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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