The Walking Dead Season 5 spoilers look more deeply at the significance of the Alexandria Safe-Zone. Our worn and weary The Walking Dead survivors have finally made it to the Alexandria Safe-Zone — a haven that we hope is really safe. What is the Alexandria Safe-Zone? Check out these facts.
A Long Time Coming: Alexandria has been a discussion amongst fans for some time as they’ve wondered when and if the walled town would appear in the series. Since the end of The Walking Dead Season 4, fans have speculated that Alexandria would be a destination during The Walking Dead Season 5, and now after all the buzz, our group has finally made it.
A Place of Safety: In the comic series, Alexandria has been an established community for about a year when Rick and Company finally make it there. If the television series follows the comic series, then Alexandria will become a true safe haven for some time. Alexandria is actually the place where the group finds peace and safety for the longest period of time.
Located Near Washington D.C.: In both the comic series and the television counterpart, Alexandria is a walled community just outside of Washington D.C. We were reassured that it is located close to D.C. in the most recent episode by Rosita pointing out the Washington Monument to Abraham as they drove to Alexandria.
Proximity to Washington D.C. can be good and bad as it seems that cities are the worst for lawless people. a Alexandria, though, might be a community that benefits from being close to a large city — especially an important city in the United States.
More Than Just a Place of Safety: In the latest episode of TWD, Aaron mentioned his house. Our survivors have been used to living the nomad life — sleeping in abandoned houses, churches, barns, vehicles, and even out in the open, so a house or at least a home of some type that they can feel more attached to sounds like a wonderful thing.
Alexandria features houses, gardens, orchards, and other things that make it a real community. The fact that the current leaders send out “recruiters” to find survivors who would make good community members shows that the community is well thought out. It appears as though our group of survivors can find a true place of rest but also a place to rebuild their lives.
While it may take some time for Rick and his group to warm up to what is happening at Alexandria, and it may take longer for the people of Alexandria to trust them, it will be worth the effort. The people of Alexandria will be gaining a group of people who know how to survive, know how to kill walkers, and know how to protect the people they care about. In return, the survivors will have access to food, water, shelter, companionship, and best of all — safety.
Yes, the Alexandria Safe-Zone is definitely a high point in “The Walking Dead.” It’s good to see our group finally have something good come their way. Come back to CDL for the best The Walking Dead Season 5 spoilers, recaps, and news!