The Walking Dead Season 6 Spoilers – The Wolves, The Fire, And Father Gabriel’s Fate

The Walking Dead Season 6 Spoilers – The Wolves, The Fire, And Father Gabriel’s Fate

Filming is underway, and CDL’s spies have a few possible juicy tidbits for ‘The Walking Dead’ Season 6 spoilers. The cast is back in Georgia, and AMC is doing a great job of keeping as many details for season 6 of ‘The Walking Dead’ safe, but we’ve got a few clues to what is being filmed, especially regarding the Wolves, the fire, and Father Gabriel’s fate.

Father Gabriel, played by Seth Gilliam, has been spotted several times. The actor had a run-in with Georgia police on May 3. Seth was arrested for a DUI and possession of marijuana. The kerfuffle was a bit of PR circus, but it has since died down and Father Gabriel is back on set…but for how long?

The majority of fans are ready to see Father Gabriel killed off TWD. The character had a rough time in season 5. His plot revealed he locked himself in a church while his flock was being eaten alive outside the safety of the church. Father Gabriel then turned on Rick and his group by informing Safety Zone leader, Deanna, that Rick and company were evil maniacs who would bring nothing but death and destruction to Alexandria. Pair that backstabbing with Gabriel’s odd venture outside the walls to kill a walker before going squirrel-poop crazy on Sasha during the season 5 finale and, well, you don’t have a very loveable character.

So what is the fate of Father Gabriel Stokes? He could be a casualty. The same could be said of any character, of course, but Seth Gilliam has proved to be a PR risk. His character is currently alive in the comics, but as we know – that doesn’t guarantee the TV show will spare him. A great opportunity for his death is coming as the Wolves draw closer to Alexandria.

In the comic version, Gabriel has a moment of bravery, allowing Eugene and Nicholas into the church as the Safety Zone is breached. The twosome then convince the Father to fight alongside Rick and the group during the attack and subsequent breach. It would be a prime time to see Gabriel sacrificed in lieu of one of the more principal characters.

We do know that a body double, possible stunt double, has been seen on set with Seth. That doesn’t prove anything, but suggests some decent action scenes will involve Father Gabriel. In the comics, the character doesn’t see much involvement in the plot after the Wolves attack. The show could be planning a twist that deviates from the book and give his character more substance, but there is no current evidence to support that move.

The Wolves themselves have been seen on set fairly often. Most visuals haven’t involved the two Wolf leaders we met in season 5, but his pack members have been present. One scene that suggest the Alexandria invasion and zombie army spoilers are happening comes from action filmed last week. A spy reveals that a truck was filmed ramming into the wall of the Safety Zone.

Spies also noted the trailer the Wolves used as traps Aaron and Daryl encountered was parked outside of the walls of Alexandria. In addition, a large herd of walkers was filmed earlier in May. Could these all be shots of the walkers who will invade Alexandria? Nothing is concrete, but something big will go down in the Safe Zone, herd or no herd. Tons of smoke was also filmed coming from Alexandria. The bell tower was also charred and a vehicle that looks a lot like Aarons car was present outside the fire-damaged tower.

Enid is another repeat cast member seen on set. She was seen filming another walk to the gate of Alexandria. This possible love interest for Carl seems very shady!

What do you think, Walking Dead fans? Will Father Gabriel be zombie food? Is Enid as shady as she seems, and in league with the Wolves? Let us know in the comment section below.