‘The Young and the Restless’ Spoilers: Paul Says Austin Alive – Phyllis Confronts Jack – Victor Walks in on Nikki Drinking

“The Young and the Restless” spoilers for the CBS soap tease that the episode airing on Tuesday February 24 will be another action-packed one full of drama and exciting revelations. After the cave-in at the Underground, Y&R fans were left wondering whether Jack Abbott and Victor Newman would survive – and there was at least one dead body discovered. According to “The Young and the Restless” spoilers for February 24 both Jack and Victor will be rescued from the cave-in, and the dead body belongs to one of Nick’s part-time bartenders.

“The Young and the Restless” spoilers tease that Jack may have survived the cave-in, but now he has to face Kelly and Phyllis (Gina Tognoni). Y&R rumors have been floating around teasing that Jack Abbott had no intention of sleeping with Kelly, and he was a victim of Victor Newman’s love potion. Spoilers for Tuesday February 24 tease that there could actually be some truth to those rumors, because Jack doesn’t remember sleeping with Kelly (Cady McClain) at the Valentine’s Day party at all.

In other “The Young and the Restless” news, spoilers tease that Summer Newman begins to cave under the pressure at the Genoa City Police Department and after acting suspicious in front of Paul, she announces to her friends that she is not going to lie anymore.  Mariah gets really mad and calls her a narcissist.  She reminds Summer that they all have a lot to lose if the Police find out they lied.

But, in an interesting twist, Paul announces that they have found Austin (Matt Atkinson) and he is perfectly fine. Some Y&R fans aren’t buying that Austin is alive though, and they think that Paul may be lying about finding Austin to gauge Summer (Hunter King) and her friends’ reactions and determine if there was foul play involved in Austin’s disappearance.

Also on February 24, Billy Abbott (Burgess Jenkins) and Gabriel (Justin Hartley) have a talk and Billy asks Gabriel who he really is.  Billy says, “Until yesterday I pegged you for a mild mannered guy, why don’t you tell me who you really are? Are you super spy or CIA, I overheard the EMT talking about your bullet hole, who pumped you full of lead?” In response, Adam gave Billy a story of how he did a women wrong and she shot him.  Billy totally buys the story.

After Billy leaves Gabriel tells Chelsea he has not been entirely honest with her.  Gabriel admits his marriage to Sage is a sham. He tells Chelsea he only married Sage to get his inheritance money. However, he does tell Chelsea he fell in love with Sage but Sage does not return his affection. Chelsea tells Gabriel that he deserves someone who loves him and he should never give up on the one he loves. Gabriel assures Chelsea that he never will!

Meanwhile, Jack is taken to the hospital his sister Ashley is the first person to see him and she immediately lets him know that Phyllis is there to see him but she is not happy because Phyllis knows that Jack slept with Kelly. Here is where we see the first solid evidence that Jack was under the influence of the stolen love potion. Jack has no idea what Ashley is taking about. When Jack sees Phyllis he also assures her her never slept with Kelly, he would never do that to her. He went on to say that the tragedy made him realize how precious life is and he really loves Phyllis. While Jack is professing his love, unbeknownst to him Kelly is eavesdropping at the door of Jack’s hospital room.

Nick, Victoria and Abby accompany Nikki home they feel the stress is too much for her. Nick is concerned about his Mom, keep in mind Nikki has MS so the good son offers his Mom a cup of soothing teas. But Nikki goes over to the bar, grabs a bottle of Vodka, and pours herself a stiff drink.  The family gasps in shock, then everyone hears a voice and who walks in but a disheveled-looking Victor and says, you might as well pour me one too!”

So Y&R fans, do you think that Jack will figure out he was drugged when he slept with Kelly? Did Victor Newman orchestrate the entire thing? How will Phyllis react to Jack and Kelly’s tryst? What do you think the story with Austin is? How will the Newman family deal with Nikki falling down the bottle again? What will Chelsea do now that she knows Gabriel and Sage’s marriage is a sham? Let us know what you think in the comments below and don’t forget to check CDL tomorrow for more “The Young and the Restless” spoilers and news.


Annemarie LeBlanc:
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