Total Divas Recap 2/15/15: Season 3 Episode 16 “All Hail Brie Mode”

Tonight on E! the WWE’s Total Divas starring the Bella Twins and the rest of the Divas continues with an all new Sunday February 15, season 3 episode 16 called, “All Hail Brie Mode,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Brie and Paige take the U.K. by storm, but Brie’s wild behavior makes Nikki worry that their performance in the ring may suffer.

On the last episode the future of the Bella Twins was in question after Brie’s admission that she didn’t use protection; Nattie was forced to work with TJ even though they were separated; and Ariane made a disastrous attempt to find out why exactly Alicia hated her. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the E! synopsis, “Brie and Paige take the U.K. by storm, but Brie’s wild behavior makes Nikki worry that their performance in the ring may suffer. Meanwhile, Nattie is forced to ask TJ for help dealing with a family disaster; and Alicia falls apart when confronted with her ex-boyfriend.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be filled with lots of guaranteed drama that you won’t want to miss, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Total Divas tonight at 9 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this third season of Total Divas!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

The European tour is coming up and everyone is excited about it. Some, like Paige for instance, see this tour as a way to live it up overseas, but out of the twins Nikki seems to be the one that’s bent on being professional about this trip. She told the rest of the girls that they’re all going to be working nonstop and that they won’t have time for anything else. Yet that ended up not being entirely true.

Nattie definitely didn’t have her mind on her work when she called to check in with her father. The same father that has been suffering from an addiction he doesn’t believe is real. So when Nattie found out her father was even prepared to lie about his addiction in open court – she snapped. She suddenly wanted to be there with him, practically forcing him to fess up, and she couldn’t do a thing what with being overseas.

And as for the Bello twins, Brie was the one that went back on their work only pact. Apparently, Brie hated the way Nikki kept telling her not to drink and so to prove a point she went out partying with Paige. And funnily enough what happened next is the same thing Nikki was worried about.

Brie became out of control. She drank until she was completely drunk and this all happened the night before she had to work. So Nikki was ticked off with her sister. And it only got worse when she couldn’t convince a passed out Brie the next morning to open her hotel room the next day. Meanwhile, back at home, Alicia ended up yelling at Rosa of all people. Which is again odd, because although they’re not related by blood; they’ve always called each other their best friends and sisters.

In their case though the fight was over something stupid. Rosa had been trying to get Alicia to speak to her ex and Alicia had told Rosa to stay out of her business. Wade it seems was a sore topic for Alicia. He had dumped her out of the blue and Rosa had felt Alicia should have demanded answers. Alicia on the other hand feels sick just thinking about talking to him.

Yet, she didn’t actual become sick like Brie did. Because when Nikki finally got into her sister’s room – Brie then threw up all over her.

Brie was vomiting mess and then when it came time for her to be in the ring – she went into Brie mode. And it was like she on top form again. So much so that she and her later joked about the drinking.

Though, truthfully that was some unexpected behavior from Brie and even Paige was surprised about how much Brie had drunk that night. She also said she never thought Brie had it in her. And to be honest nether did a lot o people.

As for Alicia, when she joined the rest of the girls overseas – she realized that maybe it would better for her if she talked to Wade. She hasn’t gotten over being dumped for no reason so the only way for her to move on is to get answers. And only Wade could give those to her.

So, after she worked up the courage and yes it does take courage, she asked him why he broke up with her. And he told her the truth. He said he didn’t see their relationship going anywhere and he didn’t want to waste her time. Short and blunt, but hopefully Alicia can finally put him behind her once and for all.

Back in the states, Nattie didn’t have it so easy. She talked her husband TJ into helping her get her father some help and that turned into bigger ordeal than she had expected. Nattie thought that if she got her father to the point he’d be willing to listen – he would simply see for himself how much his addiction has been taking a toll.

The older man is not in the best shape and he’s been sick on and off for years. Yet he refused to see it on his own so Nattie got a counselor that used to work alongside her dad in the WWE to come in and speak to him. And though she didn’t talk her dad into staying for longer than a week at a rehabilitation center – she did convince him to at least try it out.

So there’s hope for him yet!



Kristine Francis:
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