Will Smith Divorce: Jada Pinkett Smith Breakup Announcement Coming At Summer’s End – Couple Irons Out $224 Million Split!

Will Smith Divorce: Jada Pinkett Smith Breakup Announcement Coming At Summer's End - Couple Irons Out $224 Million Split!

It looks like Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith will be joining the lengthy list of celeb couples that decided to call it quits and get divorced in 2015. Divorce rumors have plagued Will and Jada for years, recently Will has been caught up in numerous alleged cheating scandals, and despite the fact that he and Jada supposedly have an open marriage – his wife finally decided that enough was enough and informed him that their marriage was over.

According to this week’s edition of National Enquirer, Will Smith and his wife Jada are quietly trying to negotiate a $240 Million secret divorce deal. An insider dished to the tabloid, “Will and Jada are exhausted from trying to maintain the façade of a happy union. They have decided to pull the plug in a carefully choreographed manner, and agree that announcing their split at the end of the summer is the right move.”

All of the signs have been there right along, Will Smith admitted in an interview that his and Jada’s marriage was “dead” a few months back – and has been openly linked to his alleged mistress and co-star Margot Robbie. Meanwhile, during in an interview with Howard Stern Jada basically announce she could care less what her husband Will was doing – or whom he was doing it with. When Howard Stern asked Jada about the cheating rumors regarding her hubby Jada laughed them off and snapped, “I’m not his watcher. He’s a grown man.”

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith are currently working out their exit strategy, and the finances involved with the $224 Million split. According to NE’s source, their main priority is their children Willow and Jaden, and making sure their lives aren’t turned upside down by the break-up. Do you think that Will and Jada’s marriage could still be saved, or is it a wrap for the couple? Let us know what you think in the comments below!


Image credit to FameFlynet