Willie Nelson Dishes On His Crazy Life In New Memoir: Ex Wife Beat Him For Cheating, Plus He Got High At The White House!

Just when we thought music legend Willie Nelson couldn’t get any more bizarre and interesting, he releases a new memoir titled It’s A Long Story: My Life. In the extremely blunt and honest new book, 82-year-old Nelson recounts his life throughout the years, and it is just as wild as any of us could have predicted.

The May 25 edition of GLOBE Magazine reveals that Willie Nelson’s new memoir reveals some shocking stories from the singer’s younger years – and his tumultuous marriage to Martha Jewel Matthews. Apparently, even back then, Willie Nelson was a tough man to tame and Martha got so fed up with the father of her three children wandering astray that she used to tie him up and beat him with a broom! In It’s A Long Story: My Life, Nelson explains that his one true love over the years has always been marijuana, “My love affair with pot became a longtime marriage. Pot never brought me down, pot chased my blues away, and it never busted my b—s.”

Of course, seeing as how Willie Nelson was high as a kite the majority of his life – he has some interesting tales to tell. In his new memoir, Willie gives a firsthand account of performing at the White House for President Jimmy Carter, and then slipping away with one of his fellow musicians to get high on the roof of the White House. Seriously, how cool must it be for an 82-year-old man to say, “Yeah, I smoked weed while I sat on top of the White House?”

At 82 years old, Willie Nelson is still partying like a rock star – and his new memoir is sure to start flying off the shelves. Will you be picking up a copy? Let us know what you think in the comments below!


Amanda Austin:
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