Yolanda Foster Furious: Taylor Armstrong Implies RHOBH Star Faked Lyme Disease

Yolanda Foster Furious: Taylor Armstrong Implies RHOBH Star Faked Lyme DiseaseYolanda Foster Furious: Taylor Armstrong Implies RHOBH Star Faked Lyme Disease

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Yolanda Foster is BACK. The Bravo star has been fighting a grueling battle with Lyme Disease for three years, but over the summer she seems to have made a rapid recovery. But, the nature of her recovery is raising a few eyebrows, including her costars. No one is accusing Yolanda Foster of faking the disease, it is very serious and very real – however her symptoms and magical cure aren’t really fitting a typical case of Lyme Disease.

This week’s edition of Star Magazine reveals “Yolanda says her Lyme disease was so bad that she couldn’t read, write, or watch television – symptoms not normally associated with the disease. Then, when it looked like she might never recover, she suddenly sprang back to health in August – supposedly after having silicone from a 20 year ruptured breast implant removed from her chest.”

Yolanda took to Twitter after the silicone was removed and informed her followers that her doctor “hit the jackpot” by finding the silicone and removing it – and her health was on the mend. We’re not doctors, but last time we checked ruptured silicone implants don’t make it impossible for you to watch television either.

According to Star Magazine’s inside sources, Yolanda’s RHOBH co-star Taylor Armstrong is just as baffled by Yolanda’s health as the rest of us – and the two women reportedly got in a bit of an argument over it. The source dished that Yolanda took offense because she has documented her battle with Lyme disease over the years, and none of the other housewives on hand bothered to defend Taylor’s accusations that she might be faking the disease. It looks like this is going to be another dramatic season of the Bravo reality TV show!

Do you think it’s strange that Yolanda bounced back so quickly? Was Taylor Armstrong wrong to accuse her of faking the disease? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Yolanda Foster: FameFlynet

Amanda Austin:
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