Alisan Porter The Voice “Let Him Fly” Video 5/2/16 #The VoiceTop10

Alisan Porter of Team Christina chose to perform live “Let Him Fly” by Patti Griffin this week for his Top 10 song performance.  Did you watch tonight’s show? In case you missed tonight’s show, CDL has you covered – read our full and detailed recap right here! And if you missed any of the videos – check those out right here. 

On tonight’s show, the Top Ten artists performed live for coaches Christina Aguilera, Adam Levine, Blake Shelton and Pharrell Williams for America’s votes and a chance to move to the next round. This season the competition is fierce and each of the Top 10 must sing their heart out and deliver the performances of a lifetime to win Season 10 of The Voice.

On tonight’s Top 10 episode, Alisan sang “Let Him Fly” by Patti Griffin as his live performance and this is the judges’ comments about his performance:

“Adam says that they focus on voice so much but she used everything in her life to do this and calls it a defining thing about artistry. He says it’s commendable and she’s amazing. He says good job, great job. Blake says he already loved her before.

He says now she did country and he really really really loves her. He says that was such a smart move and got to him. Coach Christina says she’s so happy and so proud of her for being courageous and showing her vulnerability. She says she pulled the curtain back on her truth and calls it commendable.”

Check out the full video below – and share your comments on Alisan Porter’s Top 10 performance. Do you think Alisan can win it all? If you missed any of the Top 10 performances – you can see them all right HERE! Share your thoughts in the comments below on tonight’s finale performances for The Voice Season 10 Top 10.

Annemarie LeBlanc:
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