Angelina Jolie’s Childhood Nanny Says Actress Vindictive Like Her Mother: Brad Pitt A Victim Like Jon Voight?

Angelina Jolie’s Childhood Nanny Says Actress Vindictive Like Her Mother: Brad Pitt A Victim Like Jon Voight?Angelina Jolie’s Childhood Nanny Says Actress Vindictive Like Her Mother: Brad Pitt A Victim Like Jon Voight?

Is Angelina Jolie vindictive just like her late mother, Marcheline Bertrand? That’s what fans can’t help but speculate as the Hollywood star’s own childhood nanny has come out and slammed the actress for using her children as weapons against their own father, Brad Pitt.

According to the Daily Mail, Angelina’s former nanny Krisann Morel is speaking out because she is concerned about Brangelina’s six kids and how their nasty divorce is taking a toll on their well-being.

Krisann says that she thinks Angelina Jolie might be using the same methods against Brad Pitt that her own mother Marcheline used against her father Jon Voight during their own difficult divorce in 1977.

In fact, Krisann says that things got so bad between Marcheline and Jon that she quit when Angelina was just 3 because she couldn’t handle all the fighting and attacks going on between Angelina’s parents and she fears that the actress might be going down the same road.

Angelina Jolie’s Childhood Nanny Says Actress Vindictive Like Her Mother: Brad Pitt A Victim Like Jon Voight?Angelina Jolie’s Childhood Nanny Says Actress Vindictive Like Her Mother: Brad Pitt A Victim Like Jon Voight?

She told the publication, “I’m speaking out because I want to send a message to Angelina, who I care about very much. Because that is exactly what your mother did when she was breaking up with your father. And the result was you had a lonely and traumatic childhood. Why would you inflict the same tragedy on your kids? I am worried that Angie is repeating the past – repeating the same mistakes her mother made during her divorce – and I want to get this message across to her before it is too late.”

Of course, no one knows that the truth is between Angelina’s mother and Jon Voight except the ex-couple themselves. But if history is repeating itself, that there’s no doubt that Angelina is doing to her children what she herself has seen and experienced as a child.

Divorce is not easy on anyone, and if she continues to demonize Brad Pitt both in and out of closed doors, then she’ll end up doing more harm to the couple’s six children than anyone else.

So far it’s Angelina Jolie who has been using the media to smear her soon-to-be ex-husband by painting Brad Pitt as an allegedly abusive father who can’t control his temper around his kids. Otherwise, who else would leak the story about how he and 15-year-old Maddox had a heated argument on a plane from Paris to Minneapolis last month, especially right after she announced her surprise divorce. The timing almost seems to convenient.

Do you think Angelina Jolie is treating Brad Pitt the same way her mother Marcheline Bertrand treating her father Jon Voigt during their own divorce? Do you think Brangelina’s nasty divorce could end up traumatizing their six kids, especially with the way Angelina has been making Brad look like an irresponsible and undeserving father?

Let us know what you think in our comments section below and of course, don’t forget to check back for all the latest news and updates on Brangelina’s divorce right here.

Joanna Mazewski:
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