Beyonce Pregnant: Baby Bump Spotted at Dinner With Jay Z

Beyonce, looking pregnant, and Jay Z were out to dinner last night where she was spotted sporting a baby bump. It looks like the parents of the darling Ivy Blue have decided that 2016 it the year she will finally be a big sister. Is Beyonce pregnant?

TMZ was the first to report the new bump and we here at CDL have to agree with their sighting! Beyonce and her husband Jay Z were coming out from their dinner date at Son of Gun in West Hollywood when I don’t think she was only hiding the bulge from her delicious dinner. Beyonce even had the glow of an expecting mom on her lovely face.

This past weekend they spent their time celebrating their now four year old daughter’s birthday with friends and loved ones at two separate birthday parties for the little lady. If a pregnant Beyonce is truly expecting their second baby, I wonder how soon they will break the news to Ivy Blue?

And how will she react to not being the only kid in the house any more? I have personally seen that scenario go both ways… either the existing kid is thrilled at the idea of having a lifelong partner in crime, or they are livid and hate the idea from the get go.

I know that my sister put me in the closet and closed the door when was in the baby carrier…. thankfully my mother discovered her little crime quickly and we are still friends.

Beyonce will be performing at the half time show at the Super Bowl in Santa Clara next month. So I am thinking that if there is really a baby bump going on in there, she will be covering it up with something somewhat flow-y to hide it.

But if she does come out on stage with Coldplay’s Chris Martin wearing something figure hugging and sexy, then all of us will go back to wishing them to be pregnant. I am not alone here, right? Are all of you ready to see Beyonce with child again?!

Come on Beyonce and Jay Z! You have already made one beautiful baby, don’t stop now!!

Kai Lauren:
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