Big Brother 18 Looking For Mock Houseguests: Live In BB18 House For a Week!

Have you ever wanted to live in the “Big Brother” house, and experience what it would be like to be on the show? Big Brother Network reveals that you could get the chance. No, we aren’t suggesting you still have time to apply for the show for BB18. As it turns out, “Big Brother 18” is looking for mock houseguests.

Let’s examine further what production is looking for as a mock houseguest.

The flyer states that CBS is looking for mock houseguest that can live in the house for six days. They will stay in the house from 7 am to 11 pm for six days straight. To qualify, you must be 21-years-old and know the game well. The flyer goes on to explain that you should be outgoing and entertaining and be able to attend a meeting on June 1.

The casting call (for a lack of a better word) is odd, to say the least. It seems like TPTB may want to throw us off. Is it possible that they want to public to think we are getting a cast of all new players, only to shove an all-star game down our throats? Of course, it possible (anything is possible at this point) but it seems much more likely that there is another explanation for the need of a “fake cast.”

The best scenario seems to be that the mock houseguests will play against the “real” ones and battle for a right to enter the house. The most popular speculation about BB18 is that the season will be half new players and half all-stars.

The only thing that is known is the flyer looking for mock houseguests is authentic. We don’t have any other details other than executive producer, Allison Grodner tweeted today that the fans should expect the unexpected—including the way they select the cast.

It will be interesting to see how it plays out over the next few weeks. In just two weeks we’ll have most of our questions answered. We will know if it is all-stars, new players, or a mix of the both. We will see the new house, and will (hopefully) learn more about why they needed a team of mock houseguests.

“Big Brother 18” fans, why do you think CBS is searching for mock houseguests this season? Don’t forget to come to CDL later for more “Big Brother 18” spoilers, news, and updates.

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