Big Brother 18 Recap 6/29/16: Season 18 Episode 4

Tonight on CBS Big Brother 18 airs with an all new Wednesday, June 29, season 18 episode 4 and we’ve got your Big Brother 18 recap down below! On tonight’s episode, the Power of Veto competition is held.

On the last episode, now that the houseguests had been introduced, the shocking twists and turns had been revealed and it was time for the weekly competition. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s BB18 as per the CBS synopsis, “the houseguest compete against each other for the Power of Veto.”

The Big Brother 18 recap begins tonight at 8pm with an exciting new episode, we will be live blogging the show with all the up-to-the-minute details so make sure to come back to Celeb Dirty Laundry and watch the show with us. Can’t wait to see how all the drama plays out, how about you? Are you excited about the Big Brother 18 recap tonight? Who are you rooting for to win? Hit the comments and let us know your thoughts.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#BigBrother18 #BB18 starts with the Roadkill nomination of Paul and Frank says he’s laughing on the inside because he knows he did it. Nicole thinks this is great for the 8 Pack alliance. Jozea storms out and he thinks that Paulie needs to go since he’s related to a veteran.

Jozea is confident and Paul says “this beard” is pissed and says he’s going to win the veto and they’re all going down. In the bathroom, Victor tells Natalie he’s sure it’s Michelle and Jozea and Paul agree it is based on her facial expression.

Frank comes in and hears this too and wonders what game they’re playing. Jozea thinks he has a newbie alliance and is bringing veterans into the fold. Nicole comes and offers Paul a hug and tells him do what you have to do to fight and stay here.

Jozea, Da’Vonne, Zakiyah, and James talk and Jozea tells them also that it’s Michelle. Zakiyah is laughing on the inside because everyone but Jozea knows it was Frank that nommed Paul. James decides to tell him he’s right to just get the convo over with and Da’Vonne plays along too.

Jozea tells them how he’s watching everything like a hawk and they are all struggling not to laugh. Paul watches Bridgette wash dishes with Paulie and decides she’s putting her team ahead of her alliance and decides to target her.

He talks to Victor and they wonder if Bridgette won Roadkill. Paul says he doesn’t trust her. They call Natalie and Bronte into the room. They ask her if Bridgette can be trusted. Victor and Paul think Bronte and Natalie can be trusted.

Bronte tells Natalie they have to be willing to put Paulie up. Bronte says that the girls could team up against Jozea and Paul later. Bronte thinks she has to work with the guys for now and target them later. Bronte talks about how beautiful Paulie is and she’s been staring at his ass.

Nicole calls them to pick people for the veto competition. Da’Vonne is picked by random draw. Nicole draws her own name and so that means she gets to pick so she picks Corey. So those two plus the three nominees and Nicole will play.

James and Frank do a happy dance that three of the 8 Pack are playing in the comp. Then Frank goes to manipulate Jozea by acting like he’s sympathizing. Up in the HOH room, Nicole is happy that Victor didn’t get picked for the PoV.

Michelle hosts the dog-themed PoV. The HGs playing have to climb spin around a bunch of times and then stack up wooden dog bones into a stack while dizzy. Paul hopes that anyone but Paulie wins this. They all spin on their little stands and then stagger off dizzily.

They have to grab the bones and find a way to prop them on wooden blocks. The more time you spin on the platform, the more time on your clock. Paulie tries to come up with a strategy for this. Paul tries to figure out how to sandwich the bricks – he’s got a good idea.

Nicole is slipping and sliding and dizzy and Corey is about to barf. Day thinks she’s the only one from the alliance with a chance to win it. Jozea is confident but he’s building something crazy. Day and Paul are in the lead and then hers falls.

Paulie isn’t worried about Jozea or Paul and is confident. Paul slaps his buzzer and wins it. Paulie hopes that he won’t end up being a pawn that’s sent home. Frank now has to think about who to put up assuming that Paul will use the veto on himself.

They head back inside after the PoV and Paul is thrilled with himself. Jozea is happy and thinks Paul winning means Paulie is going home. Paulie doesn’t like this but Nicole reassures him. Bridgette is worried about who will be the replacement Roadkill nominee.


Tiffany reassures Bridgette that everyone loves her and she’s safe. Paulie and Tiffany talk and she tells him that Vanessa is her sister and they laugh. She decides to tell him since they’re both veteran siblings and this might bond them.

Paulie says this is exciting. He says he’s glad she trusts him and Paulie is thrilled to have another ally especially when he’s on the block. Jozea tells Frank that his butt is big as he looks at him in the nude underwear.

Jozea tells him he’s an observer and he watches people because he’s a Pisces. Jozea seems to think that Frank is part of his alliance and will vote like he wants. Jozea talks about how he’s the glue that sticks people together and the Messiah.

Frank says in the Diary Room that he thinks Jozea can’t even spell the word and can’t wait to see him evicted. Jozea calls himself the leader of the house and wants to talk to the group that he thinks his alliance.   He wants to talk to them about sending Paulie home. They go into the Have Not room. Jozea sends Da’Vonne upstairs to get Zakiyah for the alliance meeting.

He wants to talk to them about sending Paulie home. They go into the Have Not room. Jozea sends Da’Vonne upstairs to get Zakiyah for the alliance meeting. Frank asks if he’s invited and Day says no.

Paulie isn’t surprised and knows what Jozea is doing. Da’Vonen tells the 8 Pack that she’ll take notes and report back. Natalie sends Bridgette upstairs to infiltrate the veteran group in the HOH room.

James decides to crash the #HouseMeeting and asks what’s going down. Jozea tells the group they run this b*tch and need to throw Paulie out. James thinks this is the weirdest meeting ever and wonders why he’s giving out all his info when he doesn’t know they’re on his team.

James thinks this is nuts and wonders if Jozea forgot they’re playing Big Brother. Da’Vonne is about to have a fit saying in the Diary Room that Jozea can’t see the eviction that’s slapping him in the face every day. Bronte tells the group that Bridgette is spying for them.

The 8 Pack members are dying. Bridgette tells the others that she’s tired of the newbies but then later in the Diary Room admits she’s tired of hearing about Jozea’s crazy theories. Nicole says Paulie needs to chill about being on the block.

Later, Paulie asks Jozea flat out why he called a house meeting. He lies and says he didn’t call the meeting and Jozea says when they decide someone is going home, they’re going and then he talks crazy about his freedom of speech rights.

Jozea says “scenarios are scenarios” and he’s only one brain and he speaks the truth and people decide. Paulie says what truth are you speaking and Jozea says “scenarios.” It’s craziness. Paulie is stunned that he’s lying right to his face and can’t stop.

Paul goes to look at the wall of HGs and says he’s going to find the Roadkill winner and make them regret their decision. He puts on his PoV necklace then calls everyone for the #VetoMeeting. Everyone takes a seat and Paul stands and says he’s using it on himself.

Then Nicole stands and says the Roadkill winner has secretly picked a replacement nominee since their nominee won PoV. They watch the Roadkill screen. Bridgette is nominated as the replacement. Later she says she’s going to find out who the Roadkill is that put her up.

Ironically, she goes to Frank for a big comforting hug and he nominated her. Jozea says he’s sure he’s safe because his alliance is half the house and they love him. Da’Vonne doesn’t care of Bridgette goes or Jozea since Bridgette is spying.

Frank says he hopes Jozea’s ego can fit out the door when he’s evicted. Bridgette is worried. Paulie is worried. Jozea remains confident and clueless with no idea that he’s almost certainly going to be evicted. This will be fun to watch at the live eviction tomorrow.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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