Big Brother 18 Recap – Corey Wins PoV, Saves Self, Tiffany Puts Da’Vonne as Roadkill ReNom: Season 18 Episode 13 “PoV and Veto Ceremony”

Tonight on CBS Big Brother 18 airs with an all new Wednesday, July 20, season 18 episode 13 and we’ve got your Big Brother 18 recap down below! On tonight’s episode, the Power of Veto competition is held.

On the last episode, nominations for eviction were revealed. Corey, Natalie, and Tiffany were nominated to be on the block. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed Big Brother 18 recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s BB18 as per the CBS synopsis, “the houseguests compete head to head for the Power of Veto and the Veto ceremony is held.”

The Big Brother 18 recap begins tonight at 9pm with an exciting new episode, we will be live blogging the show with all the up-to-the-minute details so make sure to come back to Celeb Dirty Laundry and watch the show with us. Can’t wait to see how all the drama plays out, how about you? Are you excited about the Big Brother 18 recap tonight? Who are you rooting for to win? Hit the comments and let us know your thoughts.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#BigBrother18 #BB18 starts with the Roadkill reveal of Corey’s nomination by Tiffany. She hopes that she can stay this week by throwing off the tight block of allies. Nicole is whiny and unhappy and sees this as taking a shot at her. She’s bawling in the Diary Room.

Corey wonders who nommed him but thinks it’s Frank since he’s won several Roadkill comps in past weeks. Natalie complains to Da’Vonne that she feels alone since she’s on the block with Day and Corey is a strong competitor who she thinks will beat them in PoV.

A large group talks in the safari room about it being Frank who likely won Roadkill. Da’Vonne is there and knows that Tiffany won but decides to keep that to herself so she doesn’t further rock the boat. The group talks about Tiff being crazy and always wearing her sunglasses.

Paulie wants to give Tiffany cold shoulder

Paulie says they all need to be cold to her and let her know for sure that she’s going home no matter what. Paulie says he rattled her right before the Roadkill nomination. We see a flashback to Paulie telling Tiffany that she’s truly alone and her talking smack back.

Paulie says he was #Bred4This. Nicole says the votes that kept Tiffany aren’t there for her this time around. Day says Frank is eating this up like barbecue. Nicole hopes to play in the PoV comp. Paulie is certain that Tiffany will go home once one of the allies win PoV.

Tiffany talks to James, Frank and Bridgette and says the whole house is against her even though she supported them from the start. Tiffany says Da’Vonne is talking a lot of stuff and Frank says so many people have lied to his face and flipped on him.

Tiffany schemes with Frank

Tiffany says she doesn’t trust anyone over there and tells James that he’s low on their totem pole. Tiffany says she knows thing and can help them target Corey, Pauley, Nicole and Zakiyah. James knows that Tiffany and Frank are trying to play numbers.

James decides to lay low and let the two sides battle it out – but will his resole stick? Frank then talks to Corey who says many people think Tiffany won RK but he doesn’t think she did because she’s the worst player in the game. Frank asks if he thinks he won Roadkill.

Corey denies it and Frank laughs and Corey says he knows for sure it wasn’t Tiffany. Frank reminds Corey that both times he won Roadkill, he told him he had won the comp. Frank wants to get the numbers back on his side and Frank reminds him he protected him and Nicole.

Frank tries to work Corey

Corey is skeptical and says in the Diary Room later that he’s still certain Frank won Roadkill but makes nice to Frank’s face. Frank goes to talk to Day who’s eating chips. Day just wanted to eat her chips in peace but has no choice but to talk to him.

Frank says last night was crazy but it shook out all right. Frank says he wants to find out more about the votes that took out Bronte and says you need to know who you can trust. Frank says he knows the motive behind it and says he knows he’s being targeted.

Da’Vonne and Frank change the subject to hydration when someone else comes around. Day won’t talk strategy and says she’s going to do what she’s going to do. Paul comes looking for his glasses and they have to stop talking again.

Paul lurks around curious

Paul thinks Da’Vonne shouldn’t be talking to Frank and thinks it can look bad for her game. Day tries to ease Frank’s concerns. Paul runs to Corey and Paulie and says Day and Frank are whispering and scheming on the couch and changed the subject.

Corey says he has the same feeling that they’re working together. Paulie is targeting Tiffany but is considering Da’Vonne if she really is working with Frank as the brain trust of Corey and Paul are so certain of… Corey still can’t figure out Roadkill – come on!

Paul and Nicole are in the kitchen and he’s baking muffins. He says his new passion is baking and he has no idea. He’s the #BBMuffinMan and he’s delivering muffins to the houseguests. Paul is excited that they’re tasty and the other HGs seem to like them.

Veto Comp player draw

Paulie calls everyone to draw payers for the veto comp. Natalie, Corey and Tiffany join Paulie up front for the name draw. Tiffany is hoping Frank will play. The two chips pulled are Da’Vonne and Paul. Nicole is bummed because she wanted to play and try to save Corey.

Bridgette and Tiffany talk about how that didn’t go well. Bridgette says she hates everyone in the house and then Frank joins them. He tells Tiff to stay confident and don’t get down. Tiffany says this will show Day’s cards if she wins.

Tiffany doesn’t know if Day would help get her off the block or not. Da’Vonne comes in and lies down in a bed and that ends all the strategy talk. Zakiyah is hosting the veto comp and calls everyone for the #Veto comp.

Veto competition is super sweet

The backyard is all done up with candy and other sweets for the Veto Comp. They play head to head by challenging each other in an ice cream battle. They have to make a giant ice cream cone to match one shown on the screen.

They can’t put giant scoops on the ground and can only move one at a time, so it’s tricky. The comps will continue til only one is standing. Corey is up first and he challenges Tiffany. She knows they’re all targeting her.

The others talk about how to target Tiffany. They all plan on challenging her until they get her out. Corey’s strategy is to copy Tiffany and hit the buzzer before she does. Paul wonders why Corey is looking at Tiffany instead of looking at the board in front of him. Corey finally realizes Tiffany is clueless.

Tiffany out of the PoV comp

Once Corey goes it on his own and beats her in the first round. Nicole is thrilled but Tiff is upset she lost to Corey and can’t pull herself off the block. Now it’s Paul and he chooses Natalie to challenge. Paul still wants to beat her to keep her on the block so Paulie has more options.

They start their round. The three cones are shown and Natalie worries she’s still at risk even though she has been told she’s safe since she knows Bronte thought she was safe too. Paul scrambles around trying to beat her and he slaps the buzzer to knock Natalie out of PoV too.

Da’Vonne encourages Paulie and Corey to play one another. Paulie doesn’t trust her already and her asking to play last has him more suspicious. He challenges Day in his round. Day is confident she’ll beat Paulie. No dice. Paulie eliminates her from the veto comp.

Da’Vonne worried she’ll be on the block

Paul and Corey talk to Paulie about how to use the veto if they win to protect Corey. Then Corey has another turn and he challenges Paul. Corey talked to Paul who asked him to throw the comp to him so he can pull down Corey and both of them can be safe.

Corey decides to throw it to him but Paul is going so slow that Corey thinks he looks stupid for not taking him out. Paulie wonders what’s up. Corey can’t take it anymore and dawdles all he can then dings the buzzer and that takes Paul out of the PoV.

Paul isn’t happy that Corey beat him in a mental comp. Paulie tells Corey to take the win against the two of them. Paulie and Corey are last to face off. They have three cones of different heights. It’s getting harder. Paulie wants Corey safe and is targeting Tiffany anyway.

Da’Vonne knows Paulie is throwing the comp

Day sees that Paulie is looking uncertain and going slow when he went so fast in other rounds and realizes that he’s throwing it and that will put her at risk to go on the block when Corey comes down. Sure enough, Corey wins it.

Corey decides to think carefully because he doesn’t want Nicole to go on the block. Nicole is also worried she could go up and goes to the Diary Room to cry about the possibility of being on the block. Day tells Paul she’s scared and Tiff sees she’s crying.

Tiffany says if Da’Vonne trusted her, she wouldn’t be so upset so she feels like she’s shown her cards. In the Diary Room, Day talks about the stupid decision they made last week to keep Tiffany in the game. That’s pretty ironic considering Day single handedly made that happen and now it’s biting her.

Corey ponders his PoV decision

Corey decides not to annoy people by crowing about his victory. Tiffany decides she needs to draw attention to a bigger target with her replacement Roadkill nomination if Corey comes down off the block. Day goes crying to Frank who says he doesn’t think Tiff will go after her.

Da’Vonne knows Tiffany needs a bigger target and worries it could be her. Paul talks to Day and she says Frank was trying to make her cry. She’s saying a lot of stuff we didn’t hear Frank say, but maybe those remarks were edited out – or she’s fibbing.

Up in the HoH room, the group talks about taking out Tiffany and focusing on next week and going against Frank. Paulie says they just need five votes but Corey is still concerned about whether he should pull himself on the block or not.

Corey still clueless

Corey still thinks it’s Frank running the Roadkill noms and Paulie says let’s just get Tiffany out and then go after Frank. Day decides to go to Tiffany and asks what’s the plan if Corey pulls himself off the block. Tiffany says she has no idea then tells Day she’s being shady by walking out.

Da’Vonne says that’s all she wanted to know. Tiffany is annoyed that Day is being selfish and thinks she’s being sketchy. Tiff tells James that Day is playing every side of the house and she may put her up as a renom since she’s dangerous.

Tiffany says Day will come after her hard if she nominates her. James talks it through with her. Da’Vonne then comes up to the HoH room and says she knows she’s going up and says that’s why she asked to win the PoV and then rants.

Paulie tries to chill Day out

Paulie says they’re in power and there’s no reason to be freaking out. Frank and Tiffany talk and she says she’s going to tell him everything Da’Vonne has been doing. She tells him about the Fatal Five girls alliance. Then she says Day also has a final five with the two showmance couples.

Frank and Tiffany unload all the mutual Da’Vonne dirt they know and they dig into the lies Day has been telling. Paul comes into the room and says he’s confused. He says he wants to know what Corey is going to do and worries that he might go on the block.

Frank says don’t look at me – I didn’t win Roadkill. Tiffany says she won it but no one believes her. She tells him all about how someone has been using her to create drama and says it’s crazy. She tells Paul he’s safe and won’t go on the block. She tells him Day is going down.

Veto Meeting – Corey waffles

Corey is very concerned that Nicole will go up in his place if he pulls himself off the chopping block with the PoV. He calls everyone for the Veto Meeting. Corey announces that he’s using the #PoV on himself and that means the Roadkill comp winner will make a REnom.

Then we see the Roadkill RV video showing the replacement nominee. Sure enough it’s Da’Vonne who dances over and hugs Natalie then tosses her long braids towards Tiffany’s face and says she’s pissed. Tiff hopes that Day is a bigger target and says she threw shade at her and whipped her hair.

Tiffany is confident that Da’Vonne’s game will blow up in her face this week. Paulie is still locked on Tiff as the target and Frank also hopes to keep Tiffany on the block and plans to work hard to send Day out of the house. Paul thinks Day and Tiffany are both explosive and he’s going to watch the fallout.

Da’Vonne says in the Diary Room that Tiffany is a cheap knock-off of her sister and is going to cry and cry when Da’Vonne sends her out of the house at the Week 4 live eviction tomorrow night. Wow. That’s tough talk from both ladies.

Be sure to come back to CDL for a LIVE recap of the LIVE eviction tomorrow night!


Stormy Elizabeth:
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