Big Brother 18 Spoilers: Alliances on Rocks, BB18 Backdoor Deals – 8-Pack Dead – Fatal Five Under Fire – Final 2 Rundown

Big Brother 18 spoilers reveal that alliances are falling apart and reforming faster than James can come up with new pranks to play on unsuspecting houseguests. Here’s an update on the existing alliances, those that have fallen apart, and the latest ones to form in the BB18 house.


This alliance formed almost out of the gate and was made up of vets Da’Vonne, Frank, James and Nicole plus a chosen four newbie players including Tiffany, Corey, Michelle and Zakiyah. The ninth “honorary” member was Paulie who was privy to most of the strategy but kept in the dark about the existence of the alliance.

Status: Dead and gone! The animosity between Day and Frank and showmances have killed this group.

The Rookies

This opposing alliance to the 8-Pack started as soon as the newbies realized they were facing off against vets and Jozea saw himself as the “Messiah” of the group of him, Paulie, Natalie, Victor, Bronte, and Bridgette. There was a lot of big talk in this group of newbs that seemed to know little about the Big Brother game.

Status: Once the “Messiah” was sacrificed, this group went scrambling for cover – plus the girls had already sub-divided in the Spy Girls alliance.

The Revolution

This was the alliance of the three newbie guys that were hell-bent on ousting the veterans and included all the newbies except for Tiffany and Paulie and Michelle. The two vet-siblings sided right away with the veterans and Michelle is a BB fangirl who also migrated. This group was more of a casual conversation than a true alliance and seemed to live primarily in the minds of Jozea and Paul who were deluded.

Status: DEAD as if it never existed – which it sort of never did – except in the imaginations of two newbs.

The Returners

This alliance of all the veterans was established the moment the veterans began talking and swiftly realized that with odds of 12-4, the newbies could flush the vets out of the house on a whim. This was a good idea and served as a sub-alliance to the 8-Pack for a time.

Status: Da’Vonne’s hatred of Frank has ripped this one asunder and the only two vets still hanging tight are Nicole and James.

Fatal Five

This all-girl alliance was established as a sub-group of the 8-Pack by the ladies who wanted to ensure that a woman wins BB18. In the Fatal Five was Nicole, Tiffany, Michelle, Zakiyah, and Da’Vonne.

Status: This is a hot mess but is sort of still intact but with Nicole in a showmance with Corey and Zakiyah with Paulie, it’s tentative at best.

Fatal Four

This all-girl alliance is a sub-group to the Fatal Five which is a sub-group of the now-defunct 8-Pack. Although this isn’t the official title, it’s the Fatal Five less the unpredictable and prone-to-crying Tiffany.

Status: Loosely intact but at great risk because of showmances and Da’Vonne’s agro tactics.

Spy Girls

The Spy Girls is a pretty sharp little alliance of Bronte, Natalie, and Bridgette. These three giggled their way into quite a few revelations as they sorted out some of the BB18 house politics. But now that Bronte fell prey to Da’Vonne’s anti-Frank scheming, they are pared to two.

Status: Dodgy since Bridgette and Natalie are being influenced by Frank and James.

Showmance plus Fifth Wheel

Again this is just a working title but this is the combo of Da’Vonne wedged between the showmances of Zakiyah and Paulie plus Nicole and Corey. These five have talked and schemed together but Day is all too familiar with the power of the showmance and is already scheming to break them up.

Status: Intact, but only when all five are in the same room and have the same goals.


Frank, Paulie and Corey formed the “Bros” early on but this is troubled because suspicion, as always, is running rampant in the BB18 house and no one is sure who they can trust.

Status: Functionally dead, but revives now and again when agendas align.

Friffany or Tiffank

There’s no official name or good smush name for this pairing and we could just as easily call it the “Get Da’Vonne” alliance, but these two allied, according to Big Brother 18 spoilers from the Live Feeds. It’s true that Day has been pitting them against each other so when Frank pulled a fast one and decided to chat up Tearful Tiff, it turned into a session of informative revelations and a super-secret new alliance.

Status: Alive and well, although very secret. This will, no doubt, fall apart when and if they can get Da’Vonne evicted from the BB18 house.

Final Two’s

There have been too many Final Two’s to track entirely since it seems like Frank was handing them out like goody bags at a seven-year-old’s birthday party, but here’s a rundown of the two person alliances that are still standing at the moment – aside from Friffany – since that new one is detailed above.

  • Corey and Nicole – This showmance is alive and well even if Nicole’s whining may have Corey pulling out his immaculately gelled hair at times.
  • Paulie and Zakiyah – This cuddly twosome has been sharing info, except for the existence of the all-girls and Bros alliance, and is going strong.
  • James and Natalie – James has fallen hard for Natalie and they could carry their alliance far into the game if she can shut up about Victor and quit staring at Corey.
  • Da’Vonne and Nicole – For all of Day’s criticism of Frank making deals all over the house, she’s done exactly the same thing and has a final two deal with fellow vet Nicole.
  • Da’Vonne and Zakiyah – Day has pushed Z to make a pledge of sisters before misters and to stick with her at the end instead of with Paulie, but we’ll see how that fares.
  • Frank and Corey – Frank still thinks this alliance is intact but Corey seems to be backtracking. However, if Frank sticks around, Corey will stick with him.
  • Frank and Bridgette – Frank has Bridgette right where she wants him – worshiping him and doing everything he asks. Unless he’s evicted or she gets a clue, this could last.

These alliances are like shifting sands and the only ones that seem to be holding fast are the showmances. Da’Vonne has single-handedly ripped apart many alliances this season to make sure Frank doesn’t get what he wants.

Let’s hope Day wises up about her scheme to get Frank at all costs. She went out far too early in BB17 and is a strong and clever player who could make it to the end if she can stay focused. She needs to keep her eye on the prize rather than focusing on thwarting Frank.

Big Brother 18 spoilers from Live Feeds reveal that with Tiffany on the chopping block alongside Natalie and Corey as the Roadkill nom but also the PoV winner and so likely coming off the block, the Week 4 eviction is all-important.

What do you think BB18 fans? Which alliance do you think can stick it out, if any? Do you think the alliances of two are the only solid alliances this season that can last? Share your comments below and check back with CDL for LIVE recaps of all the latest BB18 episodes plus Big Brother 18 spoilers and news.

Stormy Elizabeth:
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