Fresh Big Brother 18 spoilers from the Live Feeds tease that Victor seems a lock to be the Week 9 evicted from the BB18 house and he’s hoping there might be a chance for him to come back – but he’s also working on a last-minute scheme to stay! What’s funny is that James is clueless on the Battle Back (and Victor’s plan) and it may cost him.
Michelle told James that she thinks a Juror Buyback is happening based on the count of people in the house and number of weeks left in the game (just a month left in BB18!). James won’t listen and maybe he should because who they evict will factor into who could come back in the house.
With Da’Vonne, Zakiyah, Bridgette, and Paulie in the Jury House, either Victor or Corey would be a strong competitor to play in the second Battle Back. With Victor certain to be evicted (as of Wednesday evening Live Feeds), it seems certain that the BB18 houseguests would prefer to have Victor back again over Paulie.
Live Feeds today had watchers in shock as Paul repeated to Corey all the things Paulie told the house about getting busy with Zakiyah. Some other interesting things cropped up in the conversation about Paulie and Zakiyah. Paul shared again that Paulie told some HGs that he didn’t use protection.
Corey then piled on and said that Zakiyah said she wanted Paulie to be her baby daddy and that she wants kids with him. That led to Paul speculating that Paulie might find out at the Big Brother 18 jury house that Zakiyah is preggers.
Corey and Paul shared a laugh over that and questioned whether Paulie might find out he’s a father before the 99 days of summer fun are done. For those that don’t know, Paul revealed that Big Brother production provides a box of condoms just so this kind of thing doesn’t happen…
In other Live Feed action, Natalie made some remarks that sounded anti-Asian and James told her to stop because Julie Chen is also Asian. Perhaps Natalie failed to recognize that her showmance pal is also Asian. The BB18 forums melted down a little over her insensitive remarks.
Things have been quiet in the house for the most part since the Monday night PoV ceremony that saw Michelle putting Corey on the block as a replacement nom for Paul. There’s been lots of HoH talk including who might throw the comp and why.
James is considering throwing it and Victor is plotting a showdown scene with James before the eviction vote to tell him if James votes him out this week, he’ll lose his jury vote for sure. Michelle is also planning a confrontation – she wants to get in Paul’s grill, but only if he doesn’t win Week 10 HoH.
Other ridiculousness from Live Feeds includes a conversation about how Paul must be a master liar because he knows how to make really good French fries. Natalie and Michelle have gone a bit power mad during their co-HoH reign and don’t realize all their influence is already over.
Big Brother 18 spoilers from the Live Feeds tease that the HoH comp may be a big one because Victor remarked they have been on lock down inside the house a long time and there have been loud sounds of ongoing construction. Of course, that could be the Battle Back set for the juror comp.
It looks like the drama in the BB18 house is dialed down to a two right now because everyone knows that Victor will be evicted and it’s all over but the Diary Room vote. However, Victor is flirting things up heavily with Natalie to try and save his skin in the vote and it might be working.
Early on, before the Live Feeds started up, Natalie and Victor had flirted but then he shut it down. Now it seems like he might be trying to flirt his way into staying in the BB18 house. What’s more, Natalie just told James that they’re “best friends.” Whoa. Victor flirting and James in the friend zone could change things.
Once the Battle Back juror buyback twist hits them all after the LIVE eviction, things will really turn up in the BB18 house. What do you think BB18 fans? Assuming Victor is evicted in Week 9, who do you hope wins the Battle Back? Do you want to see Victor triumph again? Or one of the women? Or pitiful Paulie?
Share your comments below and watch the CDL LIVE recap tonight of the latest Big Brother episode and all the latest Big Brother 18 spoilers.