Big Brother 18 spoilers reveal that the Power of Veto competition we’ll see on the Wednesday, August 3 BB18 episode is a sprinting comp that Paulie won. Also, there was major drama on the Live Feeds overnight including Paulie and Zakiyah’s showmance on the rocks and more. Here’s a look.
We know that Paulie won PoV, but a new Big Brother 18 spoilers video shows it was the sprinting competition which we saw back in BB17 but in that season it was used for an HoH comp and now it’s back for BB18 as a veto comp.
In BB17, the competitors were left crouched at the starting line and they had to wait for the word “GO” to appear on a screen. When it flashed, they ran a short distance to a button they had to slap. Last season, the words were often fakeouts and the houseguests (HGs) were left crouching for long periods.
PoV on tonight’s episode – Da’Vonne investigates her nomination
This time, Paulie won the PoV and we’ll see on tonight’s episode that he pulls himself off the block. From there, Paul does what Paulie wants and puts Da’Vonne up as the backdoor target. Paul talked big about his HoH plans, but he’s pretty much handed his power over to Paulie for some reason.
Paul has assured Da’Vonne she’s just a pawn and for a few days, she seemed to buy that, but recent Live Feed highlights show that Day is finally waking up and seeing the truth that she’s the target and Bridgette is safe, despite all assurances from her allies that Bridgette would be evicted.
Da’Vonne found HGs up in the HoH room talking eviction plans and talk stopped when she walked into the room as the others promised to keep her eviction a secret. But when Day mentioned a double eviction to James, he said he’d nominate Bridgette – that was a huge hint for Day she’s going home.
Paulie and Zakiyah in a tearful battle then makeup
Big Brother 18 spoilers from the Live Feeds show that Paulie and Zakiyah had a tense and tearful talk in the Paris room last night. Paulie accused Zakiyah of lying to him and withholding information. She has been doing both since she’s got a secret Final 2 deal with Da’Vonne and has been talking to the girls.
But for BB18 Live Feed watchers, it also seemed like Paulie was making an excuse to break up his showmance with Zakiyah because he’s planning to get her onto the block and out of the house. Zakiyah freaked, played dumb, then tried to explain herself and finally broke down into tears and tried to sway Paulie.
Later, Paulie laughed with the guys over her crying jag and made plans to take out the girls one by one. Zakiyah then went boo-hooing to Nicole, Michelle and Day in turn. Z and Michelle discussed making sure that Paulie doesn’t win BB18 and agreed that the guys are targeting them. But is it too late to stop it?
Paulie wises up
After driving a major wedge into his showmance and then laughing with the Bro alliance, Paulie made another move. The guys dubbed their alliance “The Executives” and are sure they will run the house from here on it. They may be able to if the women don’t snap out of their showmance complacency.
Later, Zakiyah and Paulie made up and she promised that she would vote exactly as he wants her to. That means ousting her BFF Da’Vonne. Meanwhile James promised Day he try and convince Paul to evict Bridgette in case of a tie which surprises Day since she was told she’s safe.
James also takes an ego hit from Natalie when he said he’s controlling things and she told him no, it’s Paulie. James said that if he wanted Da’Vonne to stay, she would but it’s better for his game to let her go. Will James push hard to keep her because of his ego or vote with the house? Likely the latter.
Will Da’Vonne or Bridgette go home on Thursday’s LIVE eviction?
As of now, it looks like Nicole, Corey, Paulie and Victor are dead set on voting to evict Da’Vonne. Michelle will definitely vote to oust Bridgette. Zakiyah will most likely betray Day and vote with Paulie. James will vote as the house votes and Natalie with him which, at this point, is against Day.
What was looking like a 5-3 vote to evict Da’Vonne could turn into a 7-1 vote with only Michelle left in the dark since she’s not getting any real info from the other HGs because they know how close she is with Da’Vonne. Wonder if Day is beginning to regret targeting Frank instead of aligning with him?
Of interest is that Michelle has made it clear she’s not there to win, but only wants to outlast certain players such as Bridgette and Nicole. Now that Frank has gone, Michelle has given up. She’s not wearing makeup, she’s focused on where she falls in the order of evictions, and is not even playing the game.
Come back to CDL for all your Big Brother 18 spoilers and for a LIVE recap of the Power of Veto competition episode tonight and then the LIVE eviction episode on Thursday.