Big Brother 18 Spoilers: Tiffany and Her Tears Set for Early Eviction – Playing Too Much Like Vanessa?

Big Brother 18 spoilers reveal that BB18’s Tiffany Rousso, sister of tantrum enthusiast Vanessa Rousso from BB17 could see herself booted out of the house because she is behaving just like her sister and trying to manipulate the houseguests with tears and histrionics.

When James played with Vanessa in BB17, he saw first-hand that she would throw crying jags and generate hysteria to get her way. And the shocking thing was, it worked again and again. Vanessa cried her way to masterminding most of the evictions in BB17.

When Tiffany did her initial Big Brother 18 interview, she promised that she wouldn’t be “emotional” like her sister, but they might as well be twins. Not only do they look startlingly alike but they also have the same timbre of voice, mannerisms, posture and more.

In fact, if you didn’t know better, you might tune into BB18 and think you were seeing a re-run of BB17 based on Tiffany. Luckily, James is not ready to tolerate another go-round of Rousso mania and he and Frank are targeting Tiffany.

We’re wondering is the issue whether Tiffany can’t control her behavior or is she deliberately channeling Vanessa because she went far in the game? The problem with Vanessa’s approach to the game is that it’s a one-trick pony.

Once people see it, they won’t fall for it again. Plus, because they have seen it before, everyone knows she’s a tear-stained loose cannon who can blow up their game at any time. Frank studied BB17 as well and is siding with James in his anti-Tiffany sentiment.

The 8-Pack alliance is already savvy to Vanessa 2.0 and Big Brother 18 spoilers tease that many of the members of the vet-driven group are ready to cut her loose and let Paulie step in to take her place. What’s more, Tiffany’s second alliance is also ready to ditch her.

Remember, Tiffany is part of the Fatal Five alliance of Nicole, Da’Vonne, Zakiyah, Michelle and Sniffle Pants Rousso. But her recent tantrums have the other four women discussing that they can’t allow her to blow up their games and have to secretly cut her out.

At this point, everyone in the BB18 house seems to have fingers crossed that Tiffany doesn’t end up in the HoH chair. Tiffany is with the Freakazoids team along with Corey and Nicole and that means, as long as the HoH comps are team-driven, those two could blow the comps and block Tiffany from having any power.

The only other power position she could obtain is if she wins Roadkill and the problem is, everyone gets to play it and throwing it, or another maneuver, isn’t available with RK. Big Brother 18 spoilers from Live Feeds reveal that Paulie uses his PoV to pull Paul off the block.

At the veto ceremony, Paulie then replaced Paul with his real target – Victor. That leaves Tiffany, Victor and Bronte on the chopping block and, unfortunately, Victor has to take priority for eviction since he’s a competition beast.

What’s interesting is that Victor has been sold a bill of goods that he’s not the real target, it’s Tiffany. Despite the rancor that Tiffany is stirring among key houseguests, she should be safe for this week at least.

But after Victor, Tiffany seems like a wise choice for ousting since she’s a wild card and could blow up at any moment, reveal alliances, and manipulate houseguests that aren’t wise to her teary tactics. We’ll see how it goes as BB18 progresses.

What do you think Big Brother fans? Would the BB18 houseguests be wise to target Tiffany for eviction in Week 3? Is she too unpredictable to keep around? And is she deliberately throwing fits as a strategy or is she just incapable of keeping it together?

Share your comments below on how long you think Tiffany will last in the BB18 house and be sure to check back with CDL often for all the latest Big Brother 18 spoilers plus LIVE recaps all season long.

Stormy Elizabeth:
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