Big Brother 18 Spoilers: Week 1 PoV and Ceremony Results – Paul Wins Power of Veto – Bridgette is the Renom!

Big Brother 18 spoilers reveal that the new Roadkill competition really shook things up and left a third nominee on the chopping block. Paul played hard in the veto competition and used the PoV on himself. That throws it back for another nominee in his place.

Going into the first PoV comp of BB18, Paulie and Jozea were Nicole’s nominees on the block with Paulie as a pawn and Jozea the real target. Then when Frank won Roadkill, he put up Paul who was determined to get himself off the block.

Jozea remained confident that whoever won PoV would pull him off the block. The self-proclaimed “messiah” could not be more wrong. The Live Feeds were off for the veto competition and the veto ceremony, but we know that Paul won PoV as he vowed to do.

Unsurprisingly to all except Jozea (who must have never seen Big Brother before), Paul used the PoV to save his own life in the game. With Paul off the block, there had to be a re-nomination. Because Paul was Frank’s nom, it bounced back to Frank the Tank to make a replacement nom.

Big Brother 18 spoilers from live feeds show that Frank decided to put likable Bridgette on the block since the veteran houseguest and the 8 Pack alliance is targeting Jozea for a blindside. It doesn’t take a math genius like Bronte to crunch these numbers!

The final nominees for Week 1 eviction are Bridgette, Paulie and Jozea. With those three ineligible to vote, that leaves 11 votes since Nicole won’t vote except in case of a tie. The numbers should be there to score the Jozea eviction.

Voting to evict Jozea should be: Da’Vonne, Frank, James, Corey, Zakiyah, and Tiffany. And that’s at a minimum. So long as the six eligible to vote in the eight-strong alliance stick to their word, it looks like Jozea needs to pack his bags.

The newbies were left terrified after the re-nom since it’s three newbs on the block and one newbie for sure going home. What do you think BB18 fans? Is there any way that Jozea can save himself from eviction? Stay tuned to

Stay tuned to CDL for all the latest Big Brother 18 spoilers and news plus LIVE recaps all season long.

Stormy Elizabeth:
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