Big Brother 18 Spoilers: Week 2 Roadkill Comp Winner Is Victor – James at Risk as Third Nominee for Eviction

Big Brother 18 spoilers reveal that the Week 2 Roadkill comp has taken place and Victor is the big winner. Now the talk will turn to who Victor should nominate and it looks like he’s fallen under the spell of the 8-Pack alliance without even knowing it.

There’s no info on the comp itself, but the Live Feeds were down for hours – much longer than the Week 1 Roadkill comp where they had to take off clothes while holding down buttons. This was another time-sensitive challenge that took place in the Roadkill RV.

Paulie, Frank and Tiffany talk about what to do since Victor obviously wants to put James up on the chopping block. They also discuss that whoever goes up as Victor’s person shouldn’t win the PoV. Paul and Bronte are already on the chopping block as Paulie’s nominees.

Big Brother 18 spoilers from Live Feeds reveal that when Victor comes into Paulie’s HoH room, the conversation changes immediately. They discuss that this Roadkill was faster than week 1 Roadkill and about how tired they all are.

Looks like the Houseguests will have to cope with their fatigue, though, because they have to stay up until the Roadkill nomination is made. We’ll keep an eye on the Live Feeds to find out who ends up nominated, but as of now, it looks like James.

Also of interest is that Victor is clueless that he’s being manipulated. Victor has turned to Paulie and Frank to ask who he should put up. They try to gently encourage him away from James but then remind him that it’s anonymous so no one should know.

Victor is still blissfully unaware that he’s talking to the Roadkill Week 1 winner Frank. Victor has a moment of gut instinct when he tells Frank and Paulie, “I hope you’re not playing me for a fool.” That’s exactly what they’re doing!

But then Frank says “Don’t be paranoid bro” and Victor calms right down. Frank leaves Victor in Paulie’s hands – probably so he can go laugh his guts out – and Paulie reassures Victor that his pal Paul is not the real target – it’s Bronte.

Of course, BB18 fans now that it’s Victor himself who’s the target and he’s talking to the guy who wants to send him out the door. Paulie tells Victor the girls will also go against Bronte and he can put up Natalie as a replacement nomination.

Victor decides that Tiffany (who is showering in the HoH shower and can’t hear them) is his replacement Roadkill nom if James wins PoV and takes himself off the chopping block. Victor says he doesn’t want James to go home but wants to make him sweat.

Victor has some qualms and tells Paulie he’s worried that it will be obvious that it was him that nominated James. We’ll see how it goes but as of now, Victor seems set on putting James up as the Roadkill nominee.

What do you think BB18 fans? Are you shocked at how bad the newbies gameplay continues to be? Do you think James will find himself as the Roadkill nom? We’ll see soon enough.

Check back with CDL often for all the latest Big Brother 18 spoiler and news.

Stormy Elizabeth:
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