Big Brother 18 spoilers for Week 2 Roadkill nomination reveal it’s Tiffany Rousso on the block despite Victor’s initial plans, as Roadkill comp winner, to nominate James. Victor has been played hard by the 8-Pack with no clue he’s the real target for eviction.
Some of the Live Feed highlights show that Victor has told most people that he’s the Roadkill comp winner so the anonymity of his nomination is out the window while a segment of the house is still unaware that Frank won Week 1 Roadkill.
Victor came to consult with Paulie and Frank after the Week 2 Roadkill comp about whom he should put on the block and said he wanted to put James up – just to scare him – not to send him home. He thinks they’re targeting a girl this week.
Going into the PoV comp, that means, Tiffany, Bronte and Paul are on the block and will play in PoV along with Paulie – plus others we don’t know yet.
PoV plotting begins
Frank told James he might be nommed and that he’d have to lose the PoV so that they could either send Paul home (worst case) or, use the PoV to backdoor Victor. James doesn’t like it and they wonder if they can get Victor to nominate Tiffany.
What’s interesting about that is that Tiffany actually has a target on her back in BB18 since James played with Vanessa (and Frank watched BB17) and they know that she’s her sister incarnate. They’ve already talked about how Vanessa threw crying fits, got her way, then screwed people over.
Tiffany is already showing signs that she’s a behavioral doppelganger of her sister Vanessa. Victor already said that if he nommed James and he got the PoV to get off the block, then he’d put up Tiffany as a replacement nominee.
Victor nudged to nominate Tiffany
So it was a short nudge to get Victor to go ahead and just make her his nominee instead. But then Paulie screwed up. He told Tiffany that her name had come up as a possible Roadkill nominee. His rationale was that if she didn’t know ahead of time, she’d freak and blow up the 8-Pack’s game.
Nicole is also in favor of Tiffany going up to keep vets off the block. Victor then tells Frank that he thinks Tiffany is a good choice because he’s got the votes to send her home. Victor seems to feel good about his choice and makes it official in the Diary Room.
Things get worse for the 8-Pack, though, because Frank didn’t know that HoH Paulie blabbed to Tiffany about her possible nom and he told her he thinks it’s James. In Rousso style, Tiffany goes ferreting around to find out what Frank knows and Paulie says Victor told Frank that he was nominating her.
Cue meltdown!
Tiffany starts to go off about Frank knowing and lying to her and Paulie tries to calm her down. This was what everyone was trying to avoid. Zakiyah and Da’Vonne pledged to try and keep her calm at the Week 2 Roadkill nomination ceremony.
Big Brother 18 spoilers from the Live Feeds reveal that Tiffany decides this is all an elaborate plot and people are out to get her. Literally most of the house is trying to chill her out. Nicole and Michelle tell her to calm down as does Paulie.
Paulie’s worried because he knows he screwed up in a big way by talking to her but he can’t take it back. James tries to calm her and says he was expecting the nomination. She promises not to pull a Rousso freakout but it’s already happening.
Mass effort to calm down Tiffany ensues
Bronte and Natalie also try to chill her out – they are doing their best to distance themselves from Victor and Paul because they see them as a sinking shop (they’re correct there). After she’s officially on the chopping block, Frank goes to Tiffany and talks it out.
He tells her he lied to keep her calm and he helps her strategize and says if Victor plays the PoV, she has to try and beat him but if Victor isn’t drawn for the comp, she needs to throw it and trust the alliance. In the end, though, if she keeps it up, Frank might push for her to go home. We’ll see.
What do you think BB18 fans? Is it the best or worst thing to have another Rousso playing BB18? Hope they stocked up on tissues – those girls are criers. Share your comments below on the Week 2 Roadkill nomination and all the drama surrounding it.
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