‘Big Brother 18’ Spoilers: Week 9 Nominations – Victor and Paul on Chopping Block From Co-HoHs Natalie and Michelle

New Big Brother 18 spoilers reveal that the Week 9 nominations have been made and Victor and Paul are on the BB18 Chopping Block. According to action on the Live Feeds, the nomination ceremony featured Natalie making a speech calling Paul out as a liar.

As the Nomination Ceremony wrapped, the Live Feeds picked up and Paul was going ballistic on Natalie not so much for his nomination but more so for what she said in her speech. Michelle nominated Paul while Natalie nominated Victor.

Initially, Meech wanted to put up Nicole and Corey but Natalie was able to convince her to shake things up and go after the bro-alliance. Michelle agreed but only if she didn’t have to be the one to put up Victor. They worked it out and presented as a united front.

Victor remained silent after the nominations but, then again, we saw on the Live Feeds that he had a major heads up. Natalie and Michelle called Victor aside to warn him he was going on the Chopping Block next to Paul.

Victor lobbied for them to target Corey since evicting him would whittle down those eligible for the America’s Care Package to him and Paul and they could use the advantage to oust Nicole. The girls didn’t bite when he offered the alternate strategy and he landed on the block.

Since Victor knew it was coming – but also knows that Paul, and not him, is the girl’s target – he was pretty chill about it. No doubt we’ll see Victor playing for that PoV like a beast and he’s proven that he can smash comps when he wants to.

If Victor can win it, he’ll pull himself off the block and we’d likely see Nicole or Corey up as a “pawn” since the threesome of James, Natalie and Michelle seems pretty tight right now. We’ll know more once the PoV comp takes place tomorrow.

Paul threw a “mini Paulie” fit after the nomination and then chilled out and went upstairs to make peace with the co-HoH ladies and James. Even though Paul calmed down, it may get ugly again later.

Share your comments below on the BB18 Week 9 nominations of Paul and Victor. Be sure to check back with CDL often for the latest Big Brother 18 spoilers including the PoV winner and other Live Feed reveals.

Stormy Elizabeth:
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